Help Please - read my diary!

DinahKyle Posts: 186 Member
Can I get some opinions on my diary so far today? I have logged everything but snacks - and I've only eaten my breakfast...anything else can be changed. Looking for any suggestions or opnions. Thanks!!!


  • orishp
    orishp Posts: 214 Member
    is not open
  • DinahKyle
    DinahKyle Posts: 186 Member
    sorry - it should be open now!
  • DinahKyle
    DinahKyle Posts: 186 Member
    BUMP - Please help :(
  • Krazy_Kat
    Krazy_Kat Posts: 212
    Is there any issues?

    You don't seem to be eating much or enough protein.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    I would ditch the margarine and add more green veggies. Also eat more protein. Good job staying in calories!
  • DinahKyle
    DinahKyle Posts: 186 Member
    I would ditch the margarine and add more green veggies. Also eat more protein. Good job staying in calories!

    The margarine is a once and a while thing lately - but I agree it's not really necessary. By green veggies do you mean cooked or raw? I find that I go through them so fast when I have them in the house. Any reccommendations for some to try though?
  • DinahKyle
    DinahKyle Posts: 186 Member
    I am noticing a trend - a lot of people are telling me my protein is low. The problem with that is that I usually only eat meat on the weekends. Any other reccomendations for good sources of protein?

  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    You don't eat enough, and u don't get enough protein!
  • DinahKyle
    DinahKyle Posts: 186 Member
    You don't eat enough, and u don't get enough protein!

    As I stated - I have not added any snacks as of yet - open to suggestions. I normally have snacks after workouts - but I haven't done them yet.
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    I really hope your planning on quite a few snacks because your calories are really low.... And more veggies is always a good thing.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    You're eating half of what you're supposed to. Even if you add your snacks, your calories are still too low.
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    Is there any issues?

    You don't seem to be eating much or enough protein.

    ^^ This. You've got a lot of fruit in there, which isn't bad. I would say sub out about half of your fruit for vegetables like broccoli, kale, spinach, green beans. If you want to take it to the next level, try soy beans, carrots, bell peppers, snap peas, or tomatoes to get in something *sweet* without overdoing the sugar that you are getting from fruit. More oats, less yogurt. Yogurt is good, but it should be more of a treat than a staple in your diet. If you're doing it for digestive reasons, try adding a probiotic or digestive enzymes to your diet. Overall, though, you're eating healthy. Keep up the good work!!!

    ETA: I just went back and looked at your calorie intake. Fewer than 1200 calories is not a healthy goal. You'll notice that you'll drop weight really fast at first, but then you'll completely stop losing weight from such a low intake. Start at at least 1200 and up your exercise. If you're exercising at least 3 times a week, 1200 should be more than sufficient to allow you to lose weight.
  • Fred4point0
    Fred4point0 Posts: 160 Member
    First, you should increase you calorie intake to a minimum of 1200 which is the safe zone for women. As far as foods with protein try chickpeas. You can make soups and many other dishes with them.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    sources of protein

    Greek yogurt

    I agree with eating more veggies...not just greens. I have heard that you should eat a rainbow of veggies ( yellow, orange, green, red.... you get the picture) to get a variety of nutrients.
  • Montanarush
    In my opinion, you have way to high of a carb count and not enough protein. Fat is also good for you, there are good fats, if you don't believe me check it out. But sugar is NOT your friend. If interested I can tell you all the good benefits of a fat, protein diet with only complex carbs, I eat nothing "white".
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    I am noticing a trend - a lot of people are telling me my protein is low. The problem with that is that I usually only eat meat on the weekends. Any other reccomendations for good sources of protein?


    Yes, you can eat fish (fresh or canned), eggs or egg substitute, protein powders, ezekiel bread (a protein based bread). There are lots of non-meat options. Chicken is a very good source of protein since it's lean. If you're going for more vegetable sources, the only problem lies in not being able to eat enough of them to get an appropriate amount of protein. They're just not packed with it like animal based sources are. Soy protein powder is a vegetable based protein supplement that can help you reach your protein goals if taken once or twice daily.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    You don't eat enough, and u don't get enough protein!

    As I stated - I have not added any snacks as of yet - open to suggestions. I normally have snacks after workouts - but I haven't done them yet.

    I don't just mean today, u do loads of exercise but don't eat back any of your exercise cals so you are netting only a couple of hundred calories which is not healthy when u only have a small amount of weight to lose.
  • kat5556
    kat5556 Posts: 164 Member
    I am noticing a trend - a lot of people are telling me my protein is low. The problem with that is that I usually only eat meat on the weekends. Any other reccomendations for good sources of protein?


    Do eat fish? Canned Salmon or Tuna for lunch is great
    Other baked fish for dinner
    Cottage cheese
    Low fat cheese sticks (like string cheese)
    Farmers cheese (I like this because it's low in calories and sodium)
    Peanut or Almond Butter
    Oatmeal - the real kind, not instant
    Eggs or egg whites if you have any cholesterol issues. I put 2 egg whites in my oatmeal every morning to boost the protein.

    Feel free to look over my diary if you'd like for some ideas. I try to get at least 90+ grams of protein each day
  • DataBased
    DataBased Posts: 513 Member
    Personally, I would double my chicken portion (at least, maybe triple it to a full chicken breast) and start adding PB2, protein shakes, nuts, and other sources of protein.

    Other than that, you're really doing well on the fruits - don't forget your veggies,and you'll be fine!

  • flgrl1974
    flgrl1974 Posts: 3 Member
    I really like the GNC Total Lean Shakes. It has 25 grams of protien and can be used as a meal replacement or a snack. It has helped me in the protein area as well. I wasn't getting enough either.