Yoga/ Bikram Yoga

I really want to try yoga, Bikram Yoga looks really interesting and obviously burns a lot of calories!

Does anyone do yoga?

Can anyone suggest a youtube video or online video that I can watch and learn from?

Thankyou! :)


  • nicoledallal
    Yoga is incredible, for a million reasons, not just weight! I do yoga about 3x a week for an hour. MFP has calories burned set as 237. I don't know if that's true... how can you tell?
    I do Iyengar yoga, that's using props like blocks, straps and bolsters. It's a lot of stretching and holding poses. This isn't to say it's easy- if you do the poses right even lying on your stomach in crocodile pose is hard! You absolutely sweat. The effect on your body is amazing. You'll find you can do so many things you couldn't before, for me I can now squat for a long time(!), tie my shoes(!), bend over without my back shrieking in pain, lay my hands flat on the floor, etc etc. The effect on your mind is great as well. If your life is stressful, prepare for at least one good hour of PEACE.
    Anyhow, back to your question, when we started, we did it at home using a DVD "Rodney Yee Yoga for Beginners". This is a pretty good video for learning different poses. The only problem is doing it at home makes it far too easy to blow it off. Eh, I'm tired, I'll do it tomorrow. Also, it's really easy to hurt yourself. Trust me. So now we take classes. It's much better with an instructor to adjust you, you'll get it much faster, and see how it's supposed to look. I found the YouTube stuff and DVDs went too fast, they didn't give you time to set yourself up.
    Does that help?
  • LlostInSpace
    I've heard it was good for stress and relaxation, what I need! :)


    Anyone else doing yoga?