


  • sally7896
    sally7896 Posts: 1 Member
    Sounds like my world. I just decided to say screw it. I am tired of hating my body and I am going to take control and do what I am going to do. So far, I have lost 60#, put 10 back on recently but am starting up again. Just hang in there. My plan is have one cheat meal on Saturday so I do not feel so left ou.
  • dianniejt
    dianniejt Posts: 175 Member
    Yeah, Im not trying to force my diet on my husband. I am in this for me. I cook his dinner and my dinner separate. Its just that he is so not supportive. He tries his best to make me miss my zumba classes or go to the gym period. I do any and everything he ask but I just ask let me have an hour a day for me. Is that too much to ask?

    Get up before he wakes up, even if you really don't want to. Its easier for me to go when no one is around to stop me. I always feel so much better about it.
  • hoppinfroggin22
    hoppinfroggin22 Posts: 165 Member
    Keep going dont stop!! Baby steps will get you there :)
  • tubbytutu
    tubbytutu Posts: 1
    Don't be discourage....losing weight is super hard and you're doing an amazing job! I bet deep down your hubby is absolutely proud of you and what you've accomplished thus far! I think he doesn't want to support you because he's scared of change. Your relationship will change, he's thinking you're going to get all skinny and have even more men hit on you and make you imagine other possibilites without him or make you realize that you made a mistake marrying him (not that it's a mistake,,,,,that just seems to be how some mens brains work lol) bottom line.....change is scary especially when it's your wife that is changing and not him! Talk to him and try to sort through the man/ego/scared crap. But don't give up!!!!
  • AmyS79
    AmyS79 Posts: 65
    You lost 41lbs!!! what part of that is give it up ? you have done somthing to lose41lbs so keep going. The weight may not be falling off as fast as you think it should but hard work will pay off. I think you may need to talk to your hubby about his support. Last fall I lost 20lbs an was doing great then life happend that caused a lot of stress and I was not able to focus on weightloss in general but I was able to maintain what I had lost for about 5 months.Im a stresss eater and I hate it. I have decided it was time to start and get out of my funk and I now have lost 30lbs and there is no way thats nothing I look different and I feel different. I want this more then I want the junk food my family brings in.
  • ladystrange1
    ladystrange1 Posts: 10 Member
    Husbands do this! As soon as I say the word "diet" he brings home Boston creme donuts ( notice the plural on that). Men are secure in the way things are, and are afraid of change. They think if you make yourself better- they may have to do something to make themselves better. I think my husband is is jealous of my will power and tries to break it down.

    Anyways He does seam to like it because I tend to get savvy in the kitchen trying new recipes/ spices and things. So I am always trying to think up things that he might like also and he has been very receptive- I hope to bring over from the dark side for his health ( but he is is own person so I do not force it). Ultimately he is a pizza/ burger man though. I try to make his favorites, for him weekly also, I just do not partake.

    Ultimately the spoil the diet thing has to do with his insecurity so I just try to stoke his ego a little more.