My Second Time Here....Need some friends.

Hey people,
This is my second time trying to lose weight on here. I was showing great progress and was looking and feeling great, however I went through a lot of stress last spring with graduating college and some other family issues, so needless to say I gained most of it back. I am here again now that I am in a good place to start again and I need some support!!

I am 4'11 and currently 158lbs. My first final goal as of now is 130. I want to see how I feel at that weight and see if I want to keep going. I may end up making my ultimate goal 120lbs but we will see! Any advice or support would be appreciated!! :)


  • goldengirl111
    goldengirl111 Posts: 684 Member

    I'll be here to motivate you!!!

    What are your specific goals?
  • CML1414
    CML1414 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi shan,

    I will support you. I need some encouragement also. I don't post on the community much but I need to start as I need
    some friends. I think it helps to have others for support. I read the posts and get ideas but that has been as far as I have gone.
    I am 5' 1", 146. My goal is 130 also.
  • barbaracoffing
    barbaracoffing Posts: 117 Member
    Welcome back, you made a good decision being back here! Everyone is so supportive and the site is wonderful and will help you track all your food and exercise! 28lbs you can do, I have 58! We'll do it together:) You can add me!
  • mara0318
    mara0318 Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you for starting this topic - I fall in the same catagory. I lost a lot weight and stress/distraction added most of it back on. I have 65 pounds to lose to get back to a healthy weight. I is good to find support from those that are going through similar circumstances.