Running on a treadmill vs outside



  • fthoodbaby
    fthoodbaby Posts: 52 Member
    I do both. When I run in the mornings before work it's at like 430-500 am so I run inside instead of out on the dark unlit streets (maybe if I lived in town I'd run outside but now out here in the country where I couldn't see a snake in the road! lol). Sometimes I run on the treadmill after work. But my weekends are outside -- usually I get up and run before my hubby and daughters are up so it works out great.

    My very first outside run was actually a 5K and I won 1st place in my age division so treadmill running does work -- if you do plan to take it to the racing level I would encourage you to get outside occassionally though.
  • My favorite is absolutely outside. Vitamin D, the birds singing, no distractions. Sometimes i use music, sometimes i work through a problem in my mind, look at the houses, sometimes i just enjoy. I have 3 dogs and they love it. I have a route measured out and try to improve my time. On a treadmill i just watch the clock.
  • 80Ben
    80Ben Posts: 119 Member
    If I can add my 2 cents I'd say it depends on what you want to do... if you want to run a marathon or bring your running to a high level, then it's better to run outside as it is harder. The treadmill will allow you to do a longer distance and run faster with less energy than you would use outside. Also, there's a certain vibe that comes with running outside early in the morning or late at night than only runners will understand.

    I use the treadmill when it's too hot or too cold for me to run outside. I live in Canada, so the weather can get pretty extreme. It is easier on the joints and articulations, so if you just plan on exercising to burn calories then the treadmill will do the job with less risks of injuries.

    Any exercise is better than no exercise...
  • fthoodbaby
    fthoodbaby Posts: 52 Member
    I find I slow more when running outside, too, but when I look at the programs on my Iphone I realize that it is probably because I am 1) dealing w/the weather issues outside and 2) becuase I run faster outside than I do on the treadmill. Honestly a 10 min mile on the treadmill makes me feel like I'm dying. A 10 min mile outdoors doesn't seem nearly as hard. Weird, I know.
  • mnstrpc
    mnstrpc Posts: 109
    Can't stand running on a treadmill. Makes me feel like a hamster on a wheel, plus oddly enough, it's actually harder on my knees. Too bouncy I think.
  • half_moon
    half_moon Posts: 807 Member
    Elliptical is the best! [/troll]
  • Gemini570
    Gemini570 Posts: 8
    I have bad seasonal allergies, so I am running in the gym on the treadmill right now. Once the worst of my allergy triggers are out of season, I plan on hitting the streets.
    Then I'll know which I prefer. :)
  • I first started running on a treadmill, and at the time I thought I would *NEVER* enjoy running outdoors. I used to think that outdoor runners were crazy. Indoors has AIR CONDITIONING and you don't get WET...and well, in the don't get COLD. It's also completely SAFE!

    Then I tried running outdoors (I started running races)....and I ran outdoors some more....

    Although indoor running still has all those perks I mentioned is also B-O-R-I-N-G. It doesn't matter if I watch TV, listen to music, try to read something...or play imaginary games in my head. I get bored. And it is much easier to hop off on the sides of my treadmill for a quick breather than to make myself slow down on a regular run. Outside I will tell myself "you can make it to that mail box over there...." And push myself a lot.

    Now I hate the "dreadmill". Which stinks, b/c I think I have to go pound on it today. It is extremely hot today (105).
  • LastMinuteMama
    LastMinuteMama Posts: 590 Member
    Personally, I would rather poke my eyes out than run on a treadmill. I have one downstairs collecting dust.:mad:

    I started with C25k last year outside and never went back to treadmill.

    My thoughts exactly! I call it the Dreadmill and I also have one sitting downstairs. We use ours to hang jump ropes & bands and the free weights are neatly stacked on the base, so it's still is involved with our fitness routine, LOL

    I started out doing most of my running on the treadmill at the gym, but since I made the move outside I am far more likely to do that... neither rain, nor snow nor sun has kept me from a run:smile:
  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    I prefer outside because once I've gone I have to come back. On a treadmill it's too easy to give up and get off.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    oddly enough, it's actually harder on my knees. Too bouncy I think.
    That is odd. I prefer the slight give of the treadmill, it provides a cushion. I think running on hard pavement would hammer my knees.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    I ran on a treadmill for the first time a couple of months ago. I was staying in a hotel I don't normally use and couldn't find a place to run nearby. I decided on a "3 mile run". It was probably the longest run of my lIfe. 9 miles outside flies by in comparison. I kept lookin at the time on the treadmill thinking "holy crap I'm not done yet". It was mind numbing. The time goes by so much faster when I'm running outside. I guess it's better than no running at all but good god it was boring.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I"m faster outside, its easier for me, I feel less fatigued, and am overall happier. I think it's because I like the visual stimulation of movement when outside my stride is better. I also run on a treadmill in doors, and air quality is lower and the room temp is higher. I try to only do my speed work/intervals on the treadmill - but last winter when race training to PR my half, I ran 2x per week for my intervals and tempo runs on the treadmill, I had to do a few of my long runs on the treadmill but 15 miles was just way too much of a struggle.
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
  • I definitely prefer free running outside to a treadmill. I find the treadmill so boring!
  • Smrhoads
    Smrhoads Posts: 31
    I prefer the treadmill. It is hot as hell here! At 9am when I can run it is already close to 90 degrees. I also need my music. I am not comfortable wearing headphones outside because I cannot hear what is going on around me. Everyone runs stop signs around here, not to mention people up to no good. It's just not safe out there anymore.
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,640 Member
    I definitly prefer running outside over running on a treadmill. I have one but it rarely gets used. I like the fresh air and the variety of the terrain. And the quiet. Treadmills make a lot of noise.
  • LatinaGordita
    LatinaGordita Posts: 377 Member
    I have only walked on a treadmill, I have always been scared to run on a treadmill. I am on week 5 of C25K and I can not imagine doing it indoors. I love running outdoors, my route is never the same, my scenery is never the same. I was stuck at home due to tropical storm debby, but at no point did I have a desire to go on a treadmill. Sunday the weather cleared up and I hit the pavement!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    For me, running outside (even with hills) is far easier than running on treadmill. I think it's because the treadmill maintains a set speed, while running independently on trails your body naturally makes adjustments to pace as needed. Emotionally, it's more of a challenge on treadmill as well. Fighting the boredom, mostly. I do my short runs during the week on the treadmill and long weekend runs on trails. I don't run on pavement because it kills my joints. Pavement is the hardest for me to run on.
  • dberrien
    dberrien Posts: 7
    I just started running as well and have discovered the treadmill is a good work-out AND is easier on my joints. And even though I do an adequate warm-up, pounding outdoor pavements bothers my knees.

    Do what you feel is comfortable. Both indoor & outdoor running produce results and that's what counts! Good luck to you!!!