Healthy grocery list HELP

Hey everyone I was trying to compile a grocery list that's not only healthy but nutrition rich for my husband and myself you see he isn't to savvy on the dieting idea. I'm hoping to find some 'manly' foods that are healthy and good for him so that he'll see dieting isn't tasteless.

We're not vegetarian or vegan and neither of us have diabetes he's just so picky >.<


  • BlackLabel1803
    BlackLabel1803 Posts: 21 Member
    Spinach! And STEAK!
  • AngieRAEx
    AngieRAEx Posts: 3
    That sounds like a good start because I don't think anyone can complain with that lol!
  • GoJo65
    GoJo65 Posts: 52 Member
  • BeautifulAmazonGoddess
    this is all you guys need (minus bottled water--toss the plastic and get brita):
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    fish (salmon, haddock, tillapia)
    sweet Potatos
    cheese sticks
    wild rice
  • BeantownSooner
    Check out Team Beachbody's Michi's Ladder of nutrition (Makers of P90X and other fitness programs). They say if you eat from the top 2 layers you'll have near perfect nutrition. I try to stay to the top 3 as much as possible. Print of the pdf and there's your grocery list!

    Also, if you cook with good fats such as olive, sesame and coconut oil they add a great amount of flavor to foods and they're good for you. One other item you can find in health food stores or your grocery stores health food section is a product called Braggs Liquid Aminos. It's essentially an organic soy sauce that's loaded with, well, Amino Acids. All natural and the kicker is it's 0 calorie, 0 fat and mg worth of carbs and protein. I use this liberally!
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    Jamie Eason is a female body builder and she has a wonderful list of foods on her site. Go to, click onto the lifestyle tab and then to: Want To Learn How To Eat Right? Her grocery list is found there. Good Luck!!!!!
  • LinaBo
    LinaBo Posts: 342 Member
    I think the grocery list is fairly obvious: fruit and veggies from all colours of the rainbow (try to keep something from each colour in you fridge at one time), lean meats, whole grains, nuts and seeds, and low-fat dairy. Only you know which foods in those groups you and he will eat. Encourage him to at least keep an open mind, and remember: sometimes it's how a food is cooked, and not the ingredient as a whole, that makes it taste good or bad. Second and third chances may need to be given.

    This is more prep advice, but here's what I do to ensure that my very beige-centric, meat/potatoes/bacon fat/eggs/salad dressing drowning/mountain-o'-cheese eatin' father eats his veggies: concentrate on stir fries, stews, soups, and sauces. Anything that has the ingredients all mixed or mashed together. One thing (and I also think that it tastes better), is that instead of doing just a rather flat spaghetti sauce with tomato sauce and extra lean hamburger, I also small dice some carrot, celery, onion and mushroom and sautee them first in a bit of olive oil, remove it from the pan to then sautee the meat, and then add it and the tomato sauce back, once the meat is cooked. You get added veggies in a more robust sauce.