Newbie Alert

Hi everyone!

I'm starting out on my weight-loss journey (why does it feel like I'm always starting a diet?) but I'm really excited this time. I have many positive reasons to get healthy and a lot of motivators (Sister's upcoming wedding -- and I'd like NOT to be THAT girl and not FAT girl).

I'm coming off a back injury --- slight disk bulge in L4-L5. It's KILLER cuz I have a desk job. I know my weight is the culprit no matter how much I'm told it could be congenital or just age (I'm 32 years YOUNG for crying out loud!)

Tips and tales are always welcome: I LOVE hearing your stories. RIght now I especially need feel-good stories of people who found relief from their back pain. So please add me.

(soon to be) That Girl


  • robynkep
    robynkep Posts: 11 Member
    You can do it... I also have started and quit so many diets!! MFP is my savior!! The support and determination you will get is overwhelming!! Lets do this together!!
  • farah979
    farah979 Posts: 3
    MFP is really nice. This is a lot like the WW sight, but without any $$ membership. We're really lucky to have found this. Soo easy to keep track of meals. I love that the food directory has EVERYTHING in it. I can find every thing on there!!!
  • saralady19
    Hi Farah!
    I have been signed up with MFP for a while, but just TODAY got commited to doing this. I'm soooo tired of this extra 20 pounds.
    You can TOTALLY do it!
    I am not sure how, but I will try to add you has a friend right now. =)
    - Sara
  • TrinaHillier
    TrinaHillier Posts: 54 Member
    You can do it!!! Add me if you want we can support each other. I have only been here about 40 days!!!
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    I'm 38, with bulging from L2through S1 (got hit by a semi driver who wasn't paying attention). Lost 25 lbs so far (15 since starting on this site), and my back DOES feel better, although it still hurts...but i've got a different injury than yours. Lots of low/no-impact cardio on the elliptical, physical therapy focusing on core-strengthening with the balance ball, and lots of yoga works well for me.
    I keep a ball in my office (I also have a desk job)... It helps if I set my outlook calendar to remind me to do my exercises.
  • carpediem4263
    carpediem4263 Posts: 167 Member
    Hi there.
    I feel ya on the injury. I have an ankle problem. Just remember to take one day at a time. It is okay if you can't push yourself as hard one day as you did the day before, because it helps you to push yourself that hard the next day. TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR! You can do this! Feel free to add me if you'd like.