Is my mindset wrong? I want my life back.



  • RazorTazor
    RazorTazor Posts: 32
    I just don't know what to do or who to talk family wouldn't really understand. Trust me my brother is 300+lbs and my mom is the closest one to be healthy but she still eats to a point where she is considered overweight
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    Dude, you eat around 1000 calories, exercise vigorously, are obsessed with calories and starvation/restriction, and you're a self diagnosed bulimic. GET HELP. From a professional. What you've described, as well as your diary, is not normal.
  • RazorTazor
    RazorTazor Posts: 32
    i never eat under 1000 cals. At the begining I did..but now I eat well over 1500
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I just ate ice-cream and pizza.
  • RazorTazor
    RazorTazor Posts: 32
    thanks for the input
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    I think it would be helpful to go talk to someone who specializes in this type of issue for men. Even if you don't officially have an ED, you can still benefit from just talking through this stuff, since you've made a change so quickly. It sounds like your success is also provoking anxiety of some sort. And, you're comparing your struggles to maybe what is a cheat day(s) for other people. And, even if other people eat like there's no tomorrow, you have your own goals and your own life to live.

    Congratulations on your is the hard part, enjoying it. Not always easy.
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    i started my journey a year or so ago and felt the exact same way. a couple weeks ago, i started therapy for EDNOS. best decision i've ever made.
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    Sorry, I just read about the money/insurance issue. If you think you can talk to someone, Searchgoogle a university near you...sometimes you can find free/sliding scale counseling there.
  • tbetts23
    tbetts23 Posts: 303 Member
    Everyone on here has issues. I struggled as to order pizza or not! It was amazing by the way! There has to be some give and take! If you can't find that-and you have done great by the way, maybe you do need proffessional help. Maybe talk to a dietician ?
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    I went through the same thing losing 145 pounds in a year and a half. I posted this SAME question a year ago. I was diagnosed with bulimia about a year ago too. (I'm not going to sit here and tell you my life story though unless you ask.) This is all about you, sweetie. :) I'll add you, and if you need anything, let me know. It's a very slippery slope when you go through extreme weight loss... So easy to become obsessed. I've met with several doctors who have told me that the majority of people who lose over 50 pounds develop some form of an eating disorder.
  • Lkoblara
    Lkoblara Posts: 137 Member
    There isn't any free help or anything they could offer for free. Welcome to the world..where Doctors only concern is money and not helping those who are in need :( I just want my life back. I want to keep looking like I do now, and not have to worry every second of every day....its wearing me out..

    Are you in the US? Every state has mental health programs that do not require payment or insurance. You just need to do the research and find out what the groups are you need to contact in your area.

    Your diet is supposed to fuel you, not drain you. Sad fact is that some people just have to work harder to look a certain way, but I think you're taking it to an unhealthy obsessive level.
  • notdorothy
    notdorothy Posts: 7 Member
    I noticed that you're in college. Go to the counseling center or health folks there. There's help for your issues and they should have someone available to you or be able to help you find a program.
  • There are low income mental health centers almost everywhere. That's how I got my first help. Try it.
  • Twomirrors
    Twomirrors Posts: 47 Member
    Hey Razor,

    First off, know that we're all here for you, even if your friends and family don't get it. We get it.

    Second, I'm in the same boat. Some of us just can't eat as many calories as other people can. Those people who can eat ice cream/pizza/candy/soda/etc every day are freaks. When the bird flu comes, those skinny *kitten* will be the first to go: no reserves. =)

    Joking aside, I too am totally terrified of gaining back weight, and I freak out about what I'm putting in my mouth too. You're not alone.

    I agree with the people who suggest you talk to a professional. Give your local public health department a call and ask them for a reference. Public health departments are awesome and professional, and the people who work there, in my experience, are more compassionate than the people at a regular doctor's office. Plus, you don't need insurance. They'll help you out. But that's not a "right now" answer. Here are a couple of thoughts:

    As for the food side of things, it's possible you've driven your body into starvation mode, and it's being super efficient with the food you're giving it. Try kicking your calories up to maintenance level for a couple of weeks, and maybe upping your exercise too, so you can eat even more. Also, the guy who said to look at weekly calories rather than daily was right on. Eat 1600 one day. Eat 2500 another day. Mix it up. That way you get to have treats some days and be hungry other days. You too can walk around eating pizza and ice cream and looking smug in your new svelte body. =)

    I hope that helps. You sound like you're going through a rough patch. Been there. Understand. I hope things get better soon, and know that we're all here for you. Hang in there. You've done an awesome job losing a ton of weight, and you will be able to keep it off. And maybe, just maybe, you'll inspire your family to join you!
  • chlorisaann
    chlorisaann Posts: 366 Member
    There isn't any free help or anything they could offer for free. Welcome to the world..where Doctors only concern is money and not helping those who are in need :( I just want my life back. I want to keep looking like I do now, and not have to worry every second of every day....its wearing me out..

    I looked at your profile and it says you are in college?? Most universities have counselors you can talk to that might can help you find affordable help if they feel they are unqualified, or they may be able to help. Might be a good place to start....
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Hi there,
    I'm really sorry you're struggling with this. It seems like you could benefit from talking to a professional.
    There isn't any free help or anything they could offer for free.
    There are many places were you can get counselling for free, starting at your university, probably. If they have a counselling center, they'll offer services for free. If not, a quick google search gave me this result . They have a hotline you can call for free and ask about professionals in your area.

    I wish you the best of luck. You seem like an incredibly determined person (you lost 70lbs!), so you can get through this! You don't need to suffer :flowerforyou:
  • RazorTazor
    RazorTazor Posts: 32
    It is summer I am away from college.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Find a way, kiddo. You're obsessing, and you know it isn't right.
  • LaundryJo
    LaundryJo Posts: 47
    Hi there! Just wanted to let you know, you CAN eat normal food! Just don't eat tons of it and all the time! Eat cake and icecream, and have a burger every now and then. In a perfect world, we'd be able to withstand eating solely healthy foods, but it's not meant for all of us all of the time. You'll see over and over again where people tell you to take a day out of your week as a "cheat day." Yeah, maybe going to McDonald's and getting a Big Mac, isn't the best idea, but grill up a lean burger at home and maybe use some whole grain breads and low fat cheeses. It'll still be damn tasty! It doesn't seem fair that some people seem to be able to eat whatever they want and not gain any weight, but it can't happen that way for all of us. These bulky guys eating loads of fried and processes foods may seem healthy on the outside, but eating foods like that can only do harm. No matter how much you work out, you can't beat your diet. It just doesn't work that way. Stick with what you've been doing, but allow yourself to indulge every now and then. There are a lot of great sites that teach you how to get your sweet/salt fix without going overboard.

    And as for the bulimia, please please seek help! The fact that you can admit it here means that you acknowledge that there is a problem and I would strongly advise that you see someone about it. I hope this helps, and good luck!

    Agree with above, I hope you will be ok. Also, you never know someone's story, those pizza eating guys could be going through the same things as you, you never know. Wish I could help! I hope you can find some help. Keep us all informed of how it's going. x
  • RazorTazor
    RazorTazor Posts: 32
    Trust me I know it's not right...I just don't know what is....I don't know how much I should be eating...what level you would consider my exercise. IF i am burning the calories that I think I am.....