Losing weight, but my waist isn't shrinking!:(

I have been losing weight consistently since I joined in January and can proudly say I am a mere 30 pounds now to my original goal. With that being said, my waist isn't getting any smaller! I'm losing inches everywhere except in my middle. Boo!!! Any ideas that does not require me taking a $100 an hour class or buying expensive equipment to help whittle away my middle?? Thanks in advance:D


  • ilovegreg05
    ilovegreg05 Posts: 96 Member
    Congrats on your current progress. I would ensure you are losing the correct "weight", something looking at weight loss isn't enough. Overall you should want to lose fat not just weight.

    Some small, possibly useful tips would be taking a look at your current protein intake - are you getting enough to maintain and/or build lean body mass?

    Another item would be strength training. What type of anaerobic exercise are you currently doing?
  • scrang37
    scrang37 Posts: 21 Member
    I do eat quite a bit of protein, especially chicken. I usually go over my MFP protein goal every day. as far as exercise I had been doing 30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of strength training 3-4 times a week. To be honest though, I haven't made it to the gym in the last 5 weeks:( With that being said I did start Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred today and I am hoping for some results:)
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    are you an apple shape? if so then unfortunately this means that your midsection is going to be last place you'll lose from.

    the general rule of thumb is first place you notice weight gain = last place you lose from. are you keeping measurements? if you cant really see differences, tape measure will tell a different story. especially since it's hard to eyeball the loss of an inch
  • ilovegreg05
    ilovegreg05 Posts: 96 Member
    I don't think anything the above poster said is exactly the case.

    Get back into the gym, do something consistent and keep your diet consistent and make adjustments as needed.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    I don't think anything the above poster said is exactly the case.

    Get back into the gym, do something consistent and keep your diet consistent and make adjustments as needed.

    you may not think so but you'd be wrong.

    different body shapes lose fat different based on their genes. for instance someone who's apple shaped isn't going to lose fat in the same spots in the same rate as someone who's pear shaped. and the pear shape isnt going to lose the same rates in the same spots as a ruler..

    yeah you have to be consistent, but you also have to manage your expectations of what to expect and when.
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    I can relate. I'm very linear in shape (like a ruler) and it took forever and a day to whittle my waist away. It's been very frustrating to say the least. Just keep at it and eventually your waist size will shrink. I feel your pain, lol.
  • ksumme
    ksumme Posts: 283
    The body shape does make a difference. You will lose fat there, but it might be slower, and the last place it burns from.

    I also read another post a while back about how sometimes our measurements in our waist area aren't so accurate.
    They showed diagrams that made it quite clear how 'they' were doing it wrong and others might be too.

    When you measure your waist, don't just find the 'smallest' area and compare each month, but measure at your belly button. That way you know it is the same body position each time. (Essentially our smallest area can move as we lose.)

    If the scale is moving, keep doing what you are doing, and don't get discouraged. Keep your measurements, and if the scale stops moving, then see how those have dropped.

    Good LUCK!!
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    The body shape does make a difference. You will lose fat there, but it might be slower, and the last place it burns from.

    I also read another post a while back about how sometimes our measurements in our waist area aren't so accurate.
    They showed diagrams that made it quite clear how 'they' were doing it wrong and others might be too.

    When you measure your waist, don't just find the 'smallest' area and compare each month, but measure at your belly button. That way you know it is the same body position each time. (Essentially our smallest area can move as we lose.)

    If the scale is moving, keep doing what you are doing, and don't get discouraged. Keep your measurements, and if the scale stops moving, then see how those have dropped.

    Good LUCK!!

    this ^^^ I read that your *waist* can move as you lose weight, so I started measuring around both the smallest point AND my belly button. I also measure my left thigh--I have a scar ( cat scratch) toward the top, so I know I am measuring the same spot every time.
  • ilovegreg05
    ilovegreg05 Posts: 96 Member
    I don't think anything the above poster said is exactly the case.

    Get back into the gym, do something consistent and keep your diet consistent and make adjustments as needed.

    you may not think so but you'd be wrong.

    different body shapes lose fat different based on their genes. for instance someone who's apple shaped isn't going to lose fat in the same spots in the same rate as someone who's pear shaped. and the pear shape isnt going to lose the same rates in the same spots as a ruler..

    yeah you have to be consistent, but you also have to manage your expectations of what to expect and when.

    That's very bold of you to say I'm wrong. I simply stated that what you said isn't always the case.

    Some people do have certain shapes, but with the right macro-nutrient breakdown and strength training you can change your body composition. That's a scientific fact. What you said isn't.
  • scrang37
    scrang37 Posts: 21 Member
    Thx for all the suggestions. I actually do keep measurements. I didn't initially, but once I hit a plateau I decided to keep measurements to see if I was still making progress. I do measure from my belly button. The scale is still showing results so i'm not giving up. Today was day 2 of the 30 Day Shred for me and i'm hoping after a month I will see some results:D If not I guess there's always liposuction! LOL. JK guys
  • scrang37
    scrang37 Posts: 21 Member
    2 weeks later and FINALLY I have lost 2 inches from my waist! I guess determination and possibly starting the 30Day Shred have helped:)
  • trapperanne
    trapperanne Posts: 76 Member
    Raspberry Ketone. Doc Oz recommends it. I have lost inches off my waiste. I can see my belly button now. It feels good. They are hard to get because everyone is buying them. Try Puritan Pride. Cheap too. 1 with each meal.
  • MrsBully4
    MrsBully4 Posts: 304 Member
    Raspberry ketones are magic beans, don't waste your money on fad diet pills.
  • SairahRose
    SairahRose Posts: 412 Member
    I totally hear what you're saying. I was doing Ripped in 30, and wondering why I was losing so much weight and not inches off my waist (when I'm usually an hourglass shape).
    I switched to 30 Day Shred, and I've lost half an inch already.
    I think either I was overdoing it with the ab exercises so the muscles were just pushing the fat out more, or not watching the macros enough.
  • Deedsie
    Deedsie Posts: 348 Member
    2 weeks later and FINALLY I have lost 2 inches from my waist! I guess determination and possibly starting the 30Day Shred have helped:)

    I finished the 30 DS about a week ago. I posted my results here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/630459-before-and-afters-pics-and-measurements?page=1#posts-9472935

    I lost 3 inches around my belly in 30 days and I was only using 2 lbs weights. I started round 2 yesterday with 5 lbs weights. I really like the video.
  • bethmillerwilson
    bethmillerwilson Posts: 43 Member


    I don't think anything the above poster said is exactly the case.

    Get back into the gym, do something consistent and keep your diet consistent and make adjustments as needed.

    you may not think so but you'd be wrong.

    different body shapes lose fat different based on their genes. for instance someone who's apple shaped isn't going to lose fat in the same spots in the same rate as someone who's pear shaped. and the pear shape isnt going to lose the same rates in the same spots as a ruler..

    yeah you have to be consistent, but you also have to manage your expectations of what to expect and when.

    That's very bold of you to say I'm wrong. I simply stated that what you said isn't always the case.

    Some people do have certain shapes, but with the right macro-nutrient breakdown and strength training you can change your body composition. That's a scientific fact. What you said isn't.


    Actually, what both of you said "is scientific fact". Everyone loses fat deposits in patterns. Some people lose from outer limb to inner core, some lose from head to toe and really extremely lucky people may lose from the middle first, though I've yet to run into one of those people.

    Yes, eating the correct nutrients can help you change your body composition more efficiently, but, to my knowledge, it will not actually change your body's pattern of which fat deposit it chooses to use first.

    Sorry to burst in, just wanted to let you guys know there is nothing to argue over, you're both right.
  • LetsDoThis103
    Hi. I don't know of any magic methods or pills or, but: this exact same thing was happening to me. I was working out regularly (running, weights) and sticking with my diet, but going over a few calories a few days per week. I wasn't losing inches ANYWHERE. I would measure myself to check and then feel disappointed and confused that nothing was happening. Then, something kicked in, and about a month ago, I tried to really go hard core. I didn't go over my calories EVER, and made sure I was consistent in my workouts. I didn't really measure myself at all, then today I measured myself and I finally lost some inches- although proportionately less in my waist. I think you just have to stick with it, and one day, your body will surprise you. The rest of me is shrinking, and my waist is still bigger than I'd like, I just have to hope that it will eventually come off there, too.
  • LaundryJo
    LaundryJo Posts: 47
    are you an apple shape? if so then unfortunately this means that your midsection is going to be last place you'll lose from.

    the general rule of thumb is first place you notice weight gain = last place you lose from. are you keeping measurements? if you cant really see differences, tape measure will tell a different story. especially since it's hard to eyeball the loss of an inch

    I'm an apple shape and lost 25lbs, but the muffin top is the last to go - and I still have one, which keeps me on track to be honest, as when I see that wobbling away, it keeps me focused to keep exercising and not eat cheese. You will get there though, my Mum was huge around her middle, genetics, tut! I measure once a week, I'm trying not to be a slave to the scale!
  • dbashby
    dbashby Posts: 44 Member
    The science says..... in the reverse order of how you put it on. So last on first off, first on last off. If its been a long time and you don't really remember the order the above statements help will help give you a rough idea. Unfortunately for most of us this isn't where we get the most positive reinforcement but that us putting a human value to it. Sadly, the body doesn't care about that.