Splenda and weight gain???



  • tanyaleighcummings
    I read a study that was done in Europe and wasn't attempting to sell other products. It makes sense that bleaching sugar is not going to make it good for you. That said, I have chosen to remain using Splenda. I have tried all the really natural alternatives that interested me and I don't like them. Some of them were even still processed in harmful ways - I think Truvia was, but not certain. If I can find the article on Splenda I will post it...no longer have it bookmarked.
  • Maximumresults
    by no means should splena alone prevent you from losing weight....either your intake is too high for your activity level or you have a medical condition...90% of the time is that something is wrong with your eating/exercise plan...also, its not just about the scale, take measurements, you could be making progress, though muscle gain masking it..the scale is a measuring stick but not the only way to measure progress
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    From what I understand, there is no problem concerning weight loss and artificial sweeteners preventing it.

    I personally have a problem with aspartame, my high consumption of diet dr. pepper (aspartame) as well as sweet 'n low packets in everything gave me bladder pains and such. I cut it out when I finally noticed that a spike in intake meant a spike in problems and they disappeared!

    Now, I only use splenda or stevia and consume it daily. I didn't have a problem with weight loss while having problems with aspartame, so I can only preach what I know and in my case I have an intolerance to aspartame and haven't had any problems with splenda.

    If you are worried or believe it might help, switch to stevia and see what happens ;)
  • lciupa
    lciupa Posts: 48
    It's not f*cking sorcery, seriously.

    High GI foods are known to to spike insulin. This does not simply make you fat, it does not make you magically store calories out of thin air. If you need to eat 1500 calories a day to maintain and you eat 1000 calories of white rice covered in splenda along with five oranges day in and day out and you will still lose weight.

    Feel like *kitten*, but lose weight.

    *kitten* liquid, but lose weight.

    The reason why people get their jimmies all rustled over high GI foods is because insulin spikes can make you want to eat. This is why these tend to be linked towards obesity, but the reality is that it is not the splenda that makes you fat; it's the crap food you ate and washed down with a diet coke to convince yourself it was okay to binge that makes you fat.

    Seriously, splenda is one of the tamest artificial sweeteners out there, and one or two packets a day isn't going to impact your diet one bit. Your actions and what you put in your mouth will.

    So keep eating splenda, or if you want to feel better try stevia; you can grow it in your herb garden.

    Whatever blows your hair back.

    Thanks for the chuckle- well said!
  • tanyaleighcummings
    I read a study that was done in Europe and wasn't attempting to sell other products. It makes sense that bleaching sugar is not going to make it good for you. That said, I have chosen to remain using Splenda. I have tried all the really natural alternatives that interested me and I don't like them. Some of them were even still processed in harmful ways - I think Truvia was, but not certain. If I can find the article on Splenda I will post it...no longer have it bookmarked.
    I can't find that study but do want to say that I have been losing weight on Splenda. Is it good for me? Safe or healthy? I don't believe it is but choose to consume it anyway. As another poster said, whatever blows our hair back.

    Plenty to read if you want to find it online. Switch it out for another option and see what happens if you like.

    Personally when I am craving carbs I eat 1-2 raw almonds, or after I indulge in sweets to curb the urge for more.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    I read a study that was done in Europe and wasn't attempting to sell other products. It makes sense that bleaching sugar is not going to make it good for you. That said, I have chosen to remain using Splenda. I have tried all the really natural alternatives that interested me and I don't like them. Some of them were even still processed in harmful ways - I think Truvia was, but not certain. If I can find the article on Splenda I will post it...no longer have it bookmarked.

    They bleach stevia juice too. It is naturally brownish.
  • tanyaleighcummings
    I read a study that was done in Europe and wasn't attempting to sell other products. It makes sense that bleaching sugar is not going to make it good for you. That said, I have chosen to remain using Splenda. I have tried all the really natural alternatives that interested me and I don't like them. Some of them were even still processed in harmful ways - I think Truvia was, but not certain. If I can find the article on Splenda I will post it...no longer have it bookmarked.

    They bleach stevia juice too. It is naturally brownish.
    I think I found a kind that wasn't bleached...like 'in the raw' wasn't but truvia was? Not certain, but I was pretty surprised to find the 'healthy alternative' wasn't much (if at all) different. If I could stand the taste I'd grow my own but it tastes bitter to me.
  • kirstenmaria
    kirstenmaria Posts: 112 Member
    Yes, try changing it and see what happens. I'm trying to not use so much artificial sweeteners. After finding out Monsanto
    created some of them. Scary! It's really hard to get away from all of it but a little at a time. I switched to butter instead of chemicals in margarine. Sweet cream, salt.....feels safer.

    I had a nutritionist once who told me to do the same. She also used peanut butter and butter as an example, saying that if you look at what is actually IN those foods, you're better off having a little less of the real stuff and forgetting about all the reduced things because of the additives. This morning I used 2 tsp of brown sugar in my oatmeal, and it was delicious (and not nearly as many calories as I anticipated!)
  • treadingpurple
    I read in the book "Prescription for Nutritional Healing" that most artifical sweetners can trick your brain into thinking you are either still hungry, or they trick your body into thinking its starving, so it stores fat.

    I use that Stevia sweetner, because its all natural and doesn't cause this to happen. Stevia In The Raw is a good type to use if you want individual packets.
  • SD_Kerry
    SD_Kerry Posts: 5 Member
    Splenda makes me crave sugar even more than sugar does!! Which might explain why it's tough for you to lose weight. Try Stevia. It's all natural. The French Vanilla -which you can find at Whole Foods- is yummy!!
  • ezBrizy
    ezBrizy Posts: 131 Member
    I've read similar articles about artificial sweeteners and the gist I'm getting is that it's not the actual sweetener itself but your body's response to it. Here's one from Scientific American:

    "Typically, they say, the taste buds, sensing something sweet, signal the brain to prep the digestive system to gear up for a caloric onslaught; when the expected sugar jolt (extra calories) fails to materialize, the body gets rattled and has trouble bouncing back and regulating appetite when other food is available. As a result, rats eat more or expend less energy than they would have had they had the real thing."

  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    I have a bare minimum of 6 packets a day (morning coffee is a requirement for me! LOL) and it hasn't hurt my weight loss at all! But everyone is different. =)
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I use Equal in my coffee every morning, every day of the year. I''ve lost 20 lbs since April. I'm burning more calories than I take in. Turns out that's the only way we can lose. Best of luck!

    Calorie deficit = weight loss

    (a healthy deficit of course)
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    I'm not quoting a scientific study - but my own personal experience. When I use / consume artificial sweeteners in any large quantity - I have horrid carb cravings. When I cut the consumption of them down...cravings are less. I started drinking Diet Coke again (oh, caffeine bliss) and I have been noticing horrible cravings again. It's even worse around TOM..so for me perhaps it's also hormonal.

    It seems I have read somewhere that b/c artificial sweeteners are *SO* sweet they can trick the body - but whether that is truly physiological or psychological - I don't know.

    Personally I like Truvia / Stevia in the Raw better...the less processed, the better. I say if you think it's causing you issues - eliminate it and see what happens.

    Diet coke -- doesn't that mean you are taking in lots of aspartame, not sucrolose? I don't touch the stuff, but I thought that was the sweetener in it and there is actual scientific evidence that aspartame is bad for you -- plus I can't stand the taste of it.
  • SharonW1959
    I use to Truvia. What is the difference between Truvia and Stevia?
  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    After finding out Monsanto created some of them. Scary!
    I’m sorry, but this cracked me up. They were still created in a lab, does it really matter which lab it was? Just eat real food and you don’t’ have to worry about it.
    insulin spikes can make you want to eat. This is why these tend to be linked towards obesity, but the reality is that it is not the splenda that makes you fat; it's the crap food you ate and washed down with a diet coke to convince yourself it was okay to binge that makes you fat.
    You convinced yourself it was okay to binge because your insulin was spiked, so it seems a good idea to avoid that, right?
    if you want to feel better try stevia; you can grow it in your herb garden
    I actually had a stevia plant once. I put some leaves in my tea out of curiosity but I’d rather have mint.