Prednisone and weight loss



  • jwilllose
    jwilllose Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks Jwilllose, awesome weight loss by the way!
    Yes RA and sarcoidosis are both pretty craptastic :smile:

    It is a pity that prednisone has such nasty side effects because it does seem to be the most effective treatment.

    The most frustrating thing for me is that I was on such a low dose that I had ZERO side effects. I could lose weight and keep it off easily- when I went off, the pain came back and I (PERSONALLY) got lazy and ate too much because "Woe is me- my wrist hurts". I'm an emotional eater so I'm paying careful attention to my hunger level and only eating to satisfy physical needs (or if I'm out and something homemade is offered to me- I make exceptions for that). But I know Prednisone is not meant to be lifelong so I needed to essentially force myself off it. I don't have much pain compared to those with active RA so I'm not complaining (too much) ;)

    I sincerely wish your wife a reduction in pain and for all those who have taken it for pain- I hope one day we find we never need it again!
  • Cant0na
    Cant0na Posts: 34
    Thank you all for the helpful advice and good wishes.

    The low carb suggestion is very interesting, we have been reducing carbs over the past three weeks so we will see if in the long term this reduces the buildup of fats from the prednisone.

    Thanks again and the best of luck on your respective Journeys.:smile:
  • jenkidney
    jenkidney Posts: 149 Member
    Ironically enough, my doctor put me on this today for a short term issue. Knowing I was working on losing weight, his advice was to stay as far away from sugar as possible because the meds would make the body latch on to them "like a squirrel gathering nuts in October".


    Hopefully your short term use won't be too nasty for you.

    Thanks! I hope so too. It's this or surgery so I'm hoping this does the trick and I can be done with it all. Best of luck to you guys as well!
  • hilde45
    hilde45 Posts: 8 Member
    I have been diagnosed with Non Hodgkins Lymphoma in 04. And had to do radiation , and surgery.
    Then I lost 22 lbs with that.
    Then in 09 it came back and had to take prednisone and chemo. gained weigh back. I t seems hard to take those 40 lbs off.
    I have been in remission since December of 09.
    I wish everyone the best.
  • ndbex
    ndbex Posts: 61 Member
    I've been on prednisone since I was pregnant last spring. I had to go off all my RA meds and that was the only one I could be on. I haven't been able to control the pain ever since, even though I started my RA shots back up. Right now I'm only on 5 mg a day but I can't lose a pound and although I only gained 30 lbs while pregnant, I wasn't really hungry during the pregnancy. But NOW I feel hungry all the time and the few lbs I did lose recently are back. I hope to hell I can get off this drug soon!!
  • preciouskinks
    preciouskinks Posts: 7 Member
    I have RA also and I just started a round of prednisone. So the couple of pounds I lost I know I will be gaining it back. My Dr, just started me on this new med called Arava. So i hope this can help me. Does anyone know of a way that you can lose while taking this med.
  • jacmon
    During the past year I have lost 43lbs and last week my doctor put me on 8omg of prednisone a day for autoimmune disease. I have fought the side effects of this medication for years. I am 63 and have been off and on prednisone for about 40 years. Last year I found a product that has really helped combat the cravings. It is called Plexus Slim. I researched and so did my doctor before trying this product. My doctor told me it probably wouldn't help me but that it wouldn't hurt me. After about two months I signed up to get it wholesale and started taking the products. I can't begin to tell you the difference it has made in my life. Even my doctor has admitted that it has helped and is now telling other patients about it. I do sell the products because it helps me afford to stay on them. When you sign up to get the products wholesale, the company gives you a website. If you would like to try Plexus Slim, you can check it out on my You can order a 3 day trial pack first as I did. I knew the very first day that it was helping y cravings. :smile:
  • theresabarratt9
    Hi ive been on prednisone for the past 7yrs, had all the side effects as well, weight gain sleep disorder the itching, i had it all, i put nearly 2stone on to start with, its only been this last 5months that i have started to lose weight, so it does come of eventually x