i'm afraid to eat the things i love again.
ppl always say "once in a while wont hurt"
but if i eat it again im afraid im going to gain
:noway: :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: :huh:



  • bikinibrooke123
    hi,i started dieting and eating healthy around july of this year,ive lost weight by just eating fruits,veggies,lean meats,whole grain bread,whole grain noodles,ect.

    this might sound dumb but i never kept track of how much ive lost and ive lost about maybe 20 im guessing.

    well,my mom,grandmother,grandfather,& sister tell me i can eat this or that and i wont gain weight,just watch your portion size and dont eat it everyday.

    i havent had any kind of my enjoyable foods since i started dieting and i feel so scared to eat it ever again.

    my mom always tells me that i have to be eating that food everyday and all the time to gain all that weight again.

    i really dont know my next time im goiong to have that food again.
    Thanksgiving is coming up and my grandma is going to make the meal,but im just scared to eat that again
  • jenners22
    If you start putting things into the "Do Not Eat" will eventually crave it all the time. You can eat anything you want...just keep it to the suggested serving size. In order for weight loss to be steady you have to learn to incorporate the food you love. otherwise, it really is just a diet...not a lifestyle change.
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    I guess the first question is are you still trying to lose or are you now trying to maintain the loss you've had?

    If you are using the mfp tools to decide daily calorie allowances, find how many calories are in these favorite foods and see if they can fit into your diet. (& that should include exercise which will boost allowed daily intake.)

    I know some of my favorites will not fit while i am still dieting. (I may get to eat one or two bites, but not a serving) However, once i reach my goal and am maintaining, I will be able to work in all the extra calories. Unfortunately for me, I have a great deal to lose and it will probably be a year before I can add back things i have forsaken.

    But... as jenners pointed out, sometimes allowing a taste (1 or 2 bites) will help keep you from binge eating. Can you stop at 2 bites?

    Most folks have pretty traditional meals for thanksgiving (almost always the same items year to year) you could start calculating the calories in the most common items your family eats, and have a game plan for the meal. If there are just too many things you can only have one or two bites of, ask if you can bring a green salad for everyone. Then you can fill half your plate with greens and add small 2 bite servings of all your grandma's delicious food.

    You can do it. You can participate in the holiday. taste and compliment the cook and not blow all the great gains you've made thus far. (Don't forget to add a good walk to work off some of the feast, maybe you can talk some of the family into joining you, it can be fun in community!) -k

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    hi,i started dieting and eating healthy around july of this year,ive lost weight by just eating fruits,veggies,lean meats,whole grain bread,whole grain noodles,ect.

    this might sound dumb but i never kept track of how much ive lost and ive lost about maybe 20 im guessing.

    well,my mom,grandmother,grandfather,& sister tell me i can eat this or that and i wont gain weight,just watch your portion size and dont eat it everyday.

    i havent had any kind of my enjoyable foods since i started dieting and i feel so scared to eat it ever again.

    my mom always tells me that i have to be eating that food everyday and all the time to gain all that weight again.

    i really dont know my next time im goiong to have that food again.
    Thanksgiving is coming up and my grandma is going to make the meal,but im just scared to eat that again

    The main reason that I've managed to lose the weight that I wanted to is that I HAVE been able to eat "real/good" food. (Not Slim Fast or other easy, quick, fad "wacko" diets!) Through MFP I learned that I just needed to "work for it", through exercise, and watching my numbers (MOST of the time.)
    Before coming here, I tried just about EVERYTHING out there, including hypnosis, (TWICE) but nothing really worked. I always felt deprived of all the "good stuff" out there, and therefore, could only last just so long, and then I'd cave and be right back to eating all the "goodies" I wanted.
    But then I came here, and started my new "lifestyle change", and as long as I "work with my numbers", I CAN occasionally have stuff like Chinese food, a double cheeseburger, pizza, and even homemade icecream! :love:
  • bikinibrooke123
    my mom got chinese food for her and my sister last night,and she said she felt bad eating it in front of me b/c i LOVE chicken taryaki,sweet'n'sour chicken,and crab ragoon.
    so i made asparagus,spegetti(wheat pasta),and a sweet potato.
    i wanted chinese soo bad though,i was just to afraid to eat that though.:noway:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    we all have to find our own way.
    Do you plan on never, ever eating these foods again?
    Are you living happily eating what you are now?
    Do you work through the cravings and end up enjoying your meal?

    It has taken awhile for me to find an happy medium. I am at goal weight and using maint. cals for each day. I found I can eat 1 cup of my favorite Thai food.........but canNOT stop at a small sliver of bread. For that reason I either do not eat the bread............or a exercise for the 'right' to eat the amount, within reason, that I want.

    I can live without pizza, but spaghetti is a staple. So I eat 1 cup of pasta and load up on my tomato sauce with 7% lean meatballs.

    If you feel you will go over the deep end, and end up not losing the last 20-30 to goal....then stick to your guns!!

    Last Thanksgiving I had white meat turkey, my own gravy, mashed potatoes, corn, a roll, and a slice of pumpkin pie along with crackers and cheese for my favorite snack. I did my 2 miles wog and lifted weights for 600 extra cals and STILL had cals left over at the end of the day.

    It can be done and I wish you all the luck in the world!


  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    we all have to find our own way.
    Do you plan on never, ever eating these foods again?
    Are you living happily eating what you are now?
    Do you work through the cravings and end up enjoying your meal?

    It has taken awhile for me to find an happy medium. I am at goal weight and using maint. cals for each day. I found I can eat 1 cup of my favorite Thai food.........but canNOT stop at a small sliver of bread. For that reason I either do not eat the bread............or a exercise for the 'right' to eat the amount, within reason, that I want.

    I can live without pizza, but spaghetti is a staple. So I eat 1 cup of pasta and load up on my tomato sauce with 7% lean meatballs.

    If you feel you will go over the deep end, and end up not losing the last 20-30 to goal....then stick to your guns!!

    Last Thanksgiving I had white meat turkey, my own gravy, mashed potatoes, corn, a roll, and a slice of pumpkin pie along with crackers and cheese for my favorite snack. I did my 2 miles wog and lifted weights for 600 extra cals and STILL had cals left over at the end of the day.

    It can be done and I wish you all the luck in the world!



    Wish I could be more like you Jeannie! Me, I already know I will ROYALLY PIG OUT on Thanksgiving! :laugh: But, thanks to MFP, I HAVE managed to at least learn that I should work out a lot BEFORE, and then AFTER a "pig out" meal! :laugh:
  • jess1304
    Yes you can eat the foods you love once in awhile, just in moderation.
  • bikinibrooke123
    when you guys say moderation,when i have my treat should that be once every 3 weeks or what?
  • briblue72
    briblue72 Posts: 672 Member
    Personally, I eat basically the same as I did *before* just with more of the good stuff and less of the bad. "Moderation" to me means like, 200 calories of something "bad" instead of 600 calories of it. One slice of pizza instead of 4. 1 or 2 cookies instead of 6. It's worked for me!
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    When I first started my journey I wouldn't eat anything "bad." The more time that has gone on, the more I realize that I can eat what I want and still lose. Mind you, my idea of "what I want" has changed, but I would say I eat at least one "bad" meal every few days.

    I think it's just about not going overboard when you do indulge. Take my brunch this morning for example: I had waffles, maple syrup, scrambled egg, and 2 pieces of bacon. Sounds horrible, right? Well, the waffles were low-fat, syrup was just a drizzle, 1 whole scrambled egg for protein, 2 pieces of bacon with the fat blotted off. That all equals less than 500 calories, and it was exactly what I wanted and would def. consider that a treat meal. Just change the way you think about your treats and you can still have what you want. Don't put that extra mayo on your cheeseburger, and don't drown your salads in dressing. You can cut back in many surprising ways so that you can eat everything you want.

    Of course, there are some things that I avoid and limit myself to eating once a month, and those are things that I cannot control like take-out/drive-thru, pizza. I can't make those things lower cal/fat because I don't make them. If you are savvy enough to cook those things at home, then go for it and you can truly eat what you want :bigsmile:
  • webe
    webe Posts: 11
    If you eliminate completely some favorite food, you will find yourself wanting it so much that it overpowers you. Allow yourself a treat maybe once or twice a week. Especially if you have been good and have the 'extra' points to spend. I do know, that for myself, if I say "I'll have that piece of pie later" in stead of "never" then later can be stretched out quite a while. Sometimes as long as it takes for that piece of pie to go bad!