Newby: Challenge 15 kg in 7 months starting today

Today is the beginning of a new life, I have started a diet!!! And I have just discovered this website.

I was wondering if there is anyone else
A) with a similar objective and
B) using the metric system :)

Taking a look around challenges need a plan:
I would propose 3 reasonable meals per day (around 1300 calories) and at least 30 minutes of light exercise every day.
We can post our weight every Sunday.

I can also start a group, so we can better log our performances!!

Anyone interested?



  • icecle
    icecle Posts: 47 Member
    Hi, anyone around?
  • Jodi_83
    Jodi_83 Posts: 44 Member
    Hi - I'm keen.

    Not too sure if it's possible for me with in that time frame.

    but looking at your profile you're a similar starting weight to me - and similar end goal. (my sister is getting married in January - so ideally want to be back to thin by then)

    - Oh also I've set myself a "short term goal" per my footer - so that I don't get too disillusioned - trying to get under 70 by September.
  • icecle
    icecle Posts: 47 Member
    Hi Jodi!,
    We can try :).

    My dietist said that i should loose 2 kg per month, so if my body would well behave i should reach my goal in 7/8 month. We will see :) . For the moment i am motivated (although i am always thinking at food).

    Anyway, to keep the promises here it's my Sunday weight: 74.2

  • im looking to get to 75kg by the end of the year. been on here for 5 weeks now. I started at 93.4kg and now at 88.7kg so i got 13kg to go for my goal. i haven't been working out apart from hockey games once a week and maybe a social game of badminton a week., but i have the gym starting on Friday so i hope that will help me loose some kg a bit fast, i hope my body get use to it because atm i gain like a kg after a hockey game for 3 days then i might loose 1.3kg between the remaining of the week
  • Jodi_83
    Jodi_83 Posts: 44 Member
    Ok - lets give this a go!!

    Today's weight 75.4.
    Really bad at logging on on the weekends - plus I agree I'm always hungry.

    During the week I've been really good/strict- I gym or exercise at least once most days - keep my calories under control. Then weekends, I tend to party / drink and eat badly when I'm hung over. Which is probably my main downfall - but this weekend, while I still went out Friday and Saturday night, my eating / calorie intake was not much outside my limit.
  • icecle
    icecle Posts: 47 Member
    Hi nzrocketman,
    I am afraid of loosing weight too fast, it all comes back in once afterwards

    Last year, I have tried this famous dukan diet, indeed it works really good, i have lost about 10 kg (in 4 months) but i was missing too much carbs and above all fruit, so i stopped and gained immediately 5 kg.

    That's why i have decided to be followed by a dietist, the doctor gave me an easy goal 2kg in a month and for the moment an easy diet to follow: basically cutting all the desserts i used to have before :) But on the up side, i can eat basically everything, so we will see if it works also in reeducating my eating style...
  • icecle
    icecle Posts: 47 Member
    Ok - lets give this a go!!

    Yahoo :)
    but this weekend, while I still went out Friday and Saturday night, my eating / calorie intake was not much outside my limit.

    I think, this is exactly the point! keeping the good habits (i.e. having fun) but stopping the overeating.

    I have the opposite problem, being celiac it is quite difficult to overeat when i go out (as the options for me are quite limited), on the contrary at home I have my bread, my sweets (that are usually much more caloric than the non-gluten free counterparts) and of course I love to eat, to cook, to enjoy good food :)
  • septynios
    septynios Posts: 20 Member

    I think, I'll join you :) I also use metric system, as I'm from Europe. My current weight is 70,5 kg and I want it to be at least 10 kg less.. A week ago I decided, that this is it. I want to change! So I started doing exercises and eating a bit healthier :)
  • icecle
    icecle Posts: 47 Member
    Welcome septynios!!!

    Yuppie, the group is increasing :)
  • icecle
    icecle Posts: 47 Member
    New late update!!
    Sunday weight: 72.8

    On the down side, my mom has been visiting me for a couple of days and i haven't been as rigorous as i should, and next week i have a wedding too....
  • icecle
    icecle Posts: 47 Member
    New update: 72.9 :(((
    The marriage had some bad effect