Any experiences with dizzy spells?

Okay looking for some advise. I've been doing low carb dieting and lost 10 lbs. in general I feel great. Basically I'm doing a gluten free diet or Paleo if you want to call it that. Last night I had a bottle of Blue Moon, today I woke up so dizzy. To the point I thought I was going to fall down, I sat down put my head down and the room was in a full spin. Its getting better now its been 1/2 hour. Any input by anyone?


  • hazelovesfood
    hazelovesfood Posts: 454 Member
    What is blue moon, booze?????? If so it could just be the booze, did it make you drunk. Sometimes ivae had wine and went to bed feeling ok, and then got up in the middle of the night to go pee and ive been bouncing, couldnt walk straight at all, and was still dodgey the moring after, it was like being drunk but with total cohearence.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    You are under eating. This is very common when you change you diet. Combine the fact that you barely eat 1200 and you are doing low carb, its the reason you are getting dizzy.
  • I just wen to the doctor because of dizzy spells, it turned out to be a problem with my sinuses.
  • cibilbee
    cibilbee Posts: 47 Member
    I was having dizzy spells and after the advice I got on here I bumped up to 1400 calories a day and only had one dizzy spell last week (which was after a workout). I feel so much better that I'm going to bump up to 1600 calorie because my BRM is 1613 calories. I know when your losing weight it's scary to eat more but you have to listen to what your body is telling you especially if you are working out. When you workout your body needs fuel. I spent almost a month nearly passing out every time I stood up and in the 2 weeks since I bumped to 1400 calories I've felt great.
  • It would be worth looking at sugar in take, If your Blood Sugar is not balanced it could account for dizziness. The other thing would be Blood Pressure, check it a couple of times. If this continues seek medical advice. When you lose weight your body changes will trigger metabolism changes and blood sugar. keep it noted on your food page, just a suggestion. Just saying
  • I'd suggest going to your doctor, you might not be getting enough iron?
  • yes! I am actually having one right now. I find it is because i havent ate since early last night so i need to eat something. My body is used to eating every 2-3 hours so it lets me know when its hungry!
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Switching to low carb reduces sodium retention and the usual advice is to increase salt intake to compensate, otherwise various symptoms may appear including feeling feint when standing up etc.
  • claudia778
    claudia778 Posts: 12
    Ya a beer I RARELY drink like maybe 1 beer every 3-4 months, I did get buzzed but nothing out of the ordinary.
  • claudia778
    claudia778 Posts: 12
    This makes sense.. I've reduced sodium and sugar to barely nothing
  • claudia778
    claudia778 Posts: 12
    The dizziness subsides after I've had morning coffee. It is the only sugar and caffeine I have all day. Except for very small portions of honey or Agave
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I know it's not "paleo" but consider adding some beans to your diet. That often helps with dizziness.

    Edit: I just looked at your diary YOU'RE NOT EATING ENOUGH.
  • hipsgalore
    hipsgalore Posts: 204 Member
    I did a low carb diet back in Feb/Mar- I too was dizzy after the first week. It is a side effect of low carb. I looked online and found that vitamin B-12 could help. I started taking this and the dizziness went away. Maybe this could help. Your body is adjusting to the low carb diet, thus the dizzy spells.
  • Eat more food, drink more water, don't have alcohol on a virtually empty stomach, don't go so long between meals!
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    You are way, way under eating.
  • FitBunnyEm
    FitBunnyEm Posts: 320
    You are under eating. This is very common when you change you diet. Combine the fact that you barely eat 1200 and you are doing low carb, its the reason you are getting dizzy.
    ^^ this....if your not used to it, i did this, lost about twelve pounds, kept it off, eat alot more now cause i lose more weight if i eat more foods and exersize...low carb all time doesnt always work...hope u feel better xx
  • ktsurly
    ktsurly Posts: 7
    Do you have allergies? I get vertigo in the summer sometimes because I have fluid build up in my inner ear. Usually a few days of Sudafed does the trick for me, but if it keeps happening, I'd definitely check with your doctor.
  • invisibubble
    invisibubble Posts: 662 Member
    Dizziness can be attributed to dozens of things. With me, it's usually anxiety or overexertion. But that's ME. Ignore what it could be and go to the doctor. You've more hope of finding out what it really could be than a bunch of strangers on the net giving you their experiences.
  • debbiestine
    debbiestine Posts: 265 Member
    wow, you are really undereating- less than 900 calories on a few days?! Up your calories and just keep carbs 50-100 but you have to up your protein to 100 also. You will be full and lose weight... do it for a week and get back to me!
  • lesita75
    lesita75 Posts: 379 Member
    As others I looked at your diary and you aren't eating enough and your meals aren't well balanced. I had a bad dizzy spell last night. For two hours everything was spinning. The Culprit?? I didn't have an appetite at all so I didn't eat much just nibbled here and there. I realize that eating more during weight loss sounds crazy; after all for most of us eating more is what landed us here, but if we do not get all of the nutrients that we need on a daily basis it ALWAYS catches up to us. Keep in mind that when you entered your macros MFP has already set you up with a calorie deficit. Best of luck to you!