
I've been SLOWLY doing the C25K. I am on week 4, day 3. I am finding that my legs are refusing to cooperate! Not to mention my lungs!
I don't "run"...I jog, and slow at that! Sometimes I can only do 1 lap around the track before I have to slow down to a power walk.
I feel like I'm kinda cheating...but then I remember that I haven't been a "runner" in SEVERAL years, and I'm going to be proud of myself for just trying!
Anybody else trying to do the C25K? Let's keep each other motivated!
Friend me...we can help each other!


  • seasicksquid
    seasicksquid Posts: 73 Member
    I'm starting tomorrow morning with W1D1. I have NEVER been a runner. I was on the track team in middle school, but as a thrower. The running warm up always killed me.

    Now, I'm determined. I have some friends who run and always seem to have a blast doing it. I want to be one of those people!

    Let's do it!
  • gwild0r
    gwild0r Posts: 135 Member
    I finished it! Keep it up! Totally worth it.. Speed comes with time, just keep pushing..
  • nolakris
    nolakris Posts: 98 Member
    Another graduate of C25K! It's totally worth pushing through and if you need to repeat a week, do it. I repeated a few weeks throughout the program because I just wasn't ready to push to the next level. I now have 6 5k races under my belt and am about to start training for a 10K.
    Good luck!
  • rainsrabble
    Just getting out there is Amazing. I too have not been a runner for several years. And its exhausting and painful when u arent conditioned for.it. I'm always finding excuses not to go. I live in Iowa so I'm always blaming the weather. Keep us posted, when u start to feel fantastic everyday you will motivate us to get out there too.
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    I am on week 2 right now, and even just the 8 minutes of running makes me feel so proud. I used to have to run a mile in high school (but that was 20+ years ago) and I haven't ran since.
    I was always of the opinion, "Why run unless somone is chasing me" then one day my best friends teenage son pointed out, that if that was the only time I ran the person wouldn't have any problem catching me :grumble: (just want to smack kids and their honesty sometimes, lol). I am loving the program. I can't wait until week 8 :happy:
  • rchambers2072
    rchambers2072 Posts: 227 Member
    I am starting w1d1 this evening. Have to wait till its not above 90 with a "feels like" of above 100. I am definitely not a "runner" either. More of a "wogger" lol! But I want to be. So I am gonna try. Anyone else struggling to push through and do this, friend me, the the more the merrier!
  • dnfeather
    dnfeather Posts: 5
    I have NEVER considered myself a runner but, last summer, I was a "runner". I started with a 5K program and just kept going. It was so motivating to see my body changing with everyday that I ran. My fiance and I completed two 10K mud runs last summer and they were so much fun. My best advice would be to sign up for a race, this way you'll have a goal in the not too distant future to keep you motivated. I find that always works best for me. This summer I'm not allowed to be a runner as I recently developed arthritis in my knee. I'm trying to fix that as I really want to sign up for a sprint triathlon. Good luck with your training!! You can do it! Friend me to keep me updated on your running and if you want some motivation!
  • jbug5j
    jbug5j Posts: 277 Member
    :bigsmile: i just started it yesterday :) i agree with you, my run isnt really a run, its more of a jog as well. im using my treadmill i bought two months ago and my run is 4mph lol :) but its better than nothing.
  • amyrenroman
    I know exactly how you feel! I'm doing week 2 over again because I by the end of each of the 90 seconds of what I call jogging I'm out of breath and feel like I'm going to die LOL But, I know that before this I couldn't have dreamed of jogging for 90 seconds, let alone 6 intervals of it! Keep it up. Speed will and endurance will come in time. For both of us :)
  • Devona14
    Devona14 Posts: 171
    Last week I finished W6D3, but with the heat wave of days of 100 degree plus weather, I haven't been able to run since last Tuesday. I'm so afraid that I'll have to start over. But, at least I'll still be moving! We can do this!
  • spinqueen72
    spinqueen72 Posts: 406 Member
    Hey everybody!
    Thanks for all the awesomeness you provided for me to read!!!
    I love motivating people!
    I sometimes get lazy, and just don't want to do anything...but it's awesome people like you who give me the swift kick that I need!!]

    So...thanks! :)
  • mgraue82
    mgraue82 Posts: 168 Member
    I'm starting tomorrow morning with W1D1. I have NEVER been a runner. I was on the track team in middle school, but as a thrower. The running warm up always killed me.

    Now, I'm determined. I have some friends who run and always seem to have a blast doing it. I want to be one of those people!

    Let's do it!

    Same here and after starting C25K I've found that it's addicting! You will love it!!!
  • mgraue82
    mgraue82 Posts: 168 Member
    Another graduate of C25K! It's totally worth pushing through and if you need to repeat a week, do it. I repeated a few weeks throughout the program because I just wasn't ready to push to the next level. I now have 6 5k races under my belt and am about to start training for a 10K.
    Good luck!

    LOVE THIS! ^^^ I find when life gets in the way I have to repeat and always felt bad but knowing that I'm not the only one makes me feel A LOT better about this! Thanks :)
  • spinqueen72
    spinqueen72 Posts: 406 Member
    It's funny how I can manage a spin bike for over an hour....walk all day long (power-walk)...but jogging KILLS me..lol
  • the1to1
    the1to1 Posts: 49
    I started W1D1 this morning. I've graduated before but haven't jogged in a long time. I was so red faced and sweaty when I finished but it really felt good.
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    I got through week 2 so far, but am having trouble sticking right now. Too freakin hot to run later and I can't seem to drag myself up early. But I did week 2 for several weeks. With this break I'll probably have to go back to W2. Also, I can jog, not run :)
  • nkyjennifer
    nkyjennifer Posts: 135 Member
    I've been stuck at week 2 forever (3 weeks *sigh*), but I just keep plugging away. lol
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    C25Ker here :smile: I'm on week 7. Signed up for my first 5K which is August 25th. I can't wait!! Add me if you like, or anybody else thats looking for running buddies. Remember, don't try. Just do.
  • lucky48
    lucky48 Posts: 65 Member
    I used to be a runner and was in the military so running was never an issue for me. However, it has been almost a decade since I did any of that and getting back into it has been tough when I've gotten lazy over the years. I started doing the C25K program but then found that I was much more motivated to do what my body tells me I can do rather than try to stick with the C25K program and get discouraged when I have to keep repeating weeks over again.

    I started with the C25K program and have modified it so that I am up to a 5 min walking warm-up, then run 5 walk 3 for 29 minutes, following by a 5 min cool-down walk. As I get more endurance, I'm decreasing the walking interval between runs until I feel comfortable running straight through. I also run with a Heart monitor so if I'm pushing myself too hard, I back off until I'm in my target zone. If you don't have one, invest in one when you're starting running because it helps immensely.

    You shouldn't be training so hard that your heart rate is peaking above your maximum - it's not good for you. That being said, congrats on starting a running program! You'll all get there and when you do, you can look back at that person that used to huff and puff just running a mile and say, wow, look at how far I've come!
  • Coyotemama
    Coyotemama Posts: 206 Member
    I'm in week 2 of C25K. I managed to get up to week 4 before I found out that I was pregnant and I've just started back on it once I got the all clear from my doctor to start exercise again. I never thought I would enjoy running before I started the program and I'm really looking forward to going through it again. It's been tough going, especially with the heat, but I'm sure it will be worth it in the end.