what I am ding wrong?????

OK so I have been working out about 5 days a week and a lot of walking on most weekends. I eat any where from 1500 to 1800 a day and burn 500 to 1000 a day depending on what work out I do that day and on some weekend I will burn more then that. My work outs are walking every day for about 1 hour this is a half hour too and from work and on my lunch brake I will jog for about 40 min and then it can be anything from a Jillian Michael to a P90X when I get home depending on how much time I have and how much energy I have. For the most part I eat pretty healthy I think...
Breakfast can be any thing from oatmeal and a banana to a 2 fried eggs with salsa. Lunch I always have something with a salad, like a hard boiled egg, tuna, beans or it could be lots of veggies with rice and beans. Dinners are salad, veggies, My home made or store bought veggie patties. ( I don't eat meat) If you did not see the pattern : ). Also sweet potatoes, sometimes pasta. I do always stay with in my calories and snacks I will have any where for 2 to 3 and it is most of the time a fruit, yogurt with strawberries and or granola. Protein shack with ether peanut butter or fruit. On the week ends I do tend to be a little bit bad. I will eat out and have ice cream and a few drinks but most weekends I still stay with in my calories and I will walk anywhere from 3 to 5 mils on a weekend.
But I have not lost a pound. I have seen some small changes in my body shape but not enough to really make a difference and its been 6 months. So what do I need to do. I have tried eating less for a week and working out more and nothing. I have tried eating more and working out more and nothing. Any suggestions? Need some help.


  • soehlerking
    soehlerking Posts: 589 Member

    That has a lot of interesting articles with suggestions about weight-loss stalls. I hope this helps!
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    Do you log your food carefully and daily? Could you be underestimating something you eat all the time? If it's really been that long then it is usually that you're eating at what you expend. I don't know your size. I'm guessing with your activity you expend at least 1900. Have you had your thyroid checked? Have you been doing that much exercise this whole time or is it new? Do you have weight to lose or are you well into healthy BMI range already?
  • lemondrop75
    lemondrop75 Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you! A lot of good information
  • lemondrop75
    lemondrop75 Posts: 14 Member
    My BMI should be 25 but its 28 not to much over. I am 163 at 5-4 but would like to be 150 and yes I have been working out the whole time maybe not as much as I am now but still have been active. I am going to try to pay more attention to my workout time and my calorie intake and if nothing changes I will have to take a trip to the doctors. Thank you for the help.