cheat days

Vodkha Posts: 352 Member
How do you all feel about cheat meals/cheat days. I have been dieting strictly for the last almost 2 weeks and I think I am going crazy! I even had a dream about food! Do any of you let yourselves have one day a week where you eat what you want (obviously within reason) or do you just push through the cravings? I know I will feel stronger if I just continue on dieting, but I feel I will have a huge binge if I don't let myself have a little cheat. That being said, this is a lifestyle change and I need to reteach myself that it is ok to eat something 'bad' now and then, I just can't let that become a free for all. Thoughts?


  • ErinMarable
    ErinMarable Posts: 2 Member
    I feel the same way, I went to the grocery store the other day and bought skinny cow icecream and I felt like I was eating something horrible but I really wasnt. That helped me out a lot becuase I am a HUGE chocolate lover and that is killing me the most.
  • Martina_Who
    Martina_Who Posts: 172 Member
    I've been on here for a few weeks, today is the start of my week 4 and my cheat days are at the weekend!
    I save up food/exercise calories during the week so I can enjoy my weekends without worrying!
    It's working for me :-)
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    It doesn't matter how I feel about them because they happen anyway.
  • Big_Port
    Big_Port Posts: 23 Member
    For me, it was a life style change......I used to dream about cupcakes!! :) It does get easier in I have reached goals I do let myself have little indulgences, but not like I used to. If you think it's going to cause you to stumble on your journey, then by all means, don't do it. If you think you can use restraint and a little with help you through, give it a shot. Just remember, those cravings are all in your head, once you master your have truly made the Lifestyle change...until then your just on a diet!
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    How extensive a cheat day are you talking about?

    One suggestion that works for me, is to cut off some calories every day and then dump them all into your 'cheat day'. You're still counting calories but you have a lot more room.

    Lets say you're doing 1500 calories per day. Instead do 1300 from Sunday through Friday, and on Saturday enjoy 2700 calories.

    Having a cheat day doesn't take away the need to have a caloric deficit on average to lose weight. Call it what you will, whether you count the calories that day or not (many people are very successful with not counting calories on cheat days), those calories still go somewhere and can inhibit weight loss if they fully offset your deficit from the other days.
  • Valeriehj
    Valeriehj Posts: 1
    I'm also new here but right off the bat decided that Sundays would be my "cheat day." However, This "cheating" is in moderation. For instance, yesterday I had one serving of Edy's chocolate ice cream. I do this because I love sweets and chocolate. :smile:
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    It doesn't matter how I feel about them because they happen anyway.

    So freaking true!! LOL
  • SteveCabral94
    SteveCabral94 Posts: 73 Member
    My routine was when I started was for the first month I gave myself a cheat day each week uasually Friday.
    Then second month it was every two weeks, you get the picture. Now for a while you do not need any cheat day.
    When you start dieting if there is something you want just get but DO NOT OVER DO IT. This way it does not throw you off of your goal. This is just me.
  • sheila569
    sheila569 Posts: 269 Member
    Honestly, I've been on MFP 6 months today and have never had a "cheat day". If its someone's BD, I'm at a BBQ, etc. I log the cake, potato salad, whatever...BUT I have a bite, a spoonful etc. I went to Atlantic City over the weekend and my girlfriend made mini white russian cupcakes for the trip... I had one... and logged it in. Who am I cheating by having a cheat day? ME! That's just my spin on it. Good luck in your journey =)
  • Why have a day you call a "cheat day"? So, if my cheat day is Saturday, does that mean that I can't have someone's birthday cake on Tuesday? What if there are a few get togethers in 1 week and I want to have something? Does that mean I can't?

    I don't do "cheat" days. I eat what I feel like having on the day I feel like having it. I just have smaller amounts and work it in with my daily calories. I have something sweet nearly every day. That's just how it is and that's how it will remain. Life still happens even though I'm losing weight. People still have parties or call to go out for a meal. Limiting myself to 1 day a week doesn't teach me portion control. Allowing myself to have a cookie on Wednesday and a half cup of ice cream on Thursday, etc. does teach me portion control and it also keeps me from craving foods like crazy and helps me stay successful. I've lost about 30 pounds with this philosophy and I think I'm doing well.

    Spp don't limit yourself so much. Just have a small amount of what you want when you want it and work it into your daily calories.
  • sheila569
    sheila569 Posts: 269 Member
    Why have a day you call a "cheat day"? So, if my cheat day is Saturday, does that mean that I can't have someone's birthday cake on Tuesday? What if there are a few get togethers in 1 week and I want to have something? Does that mean I can't?

    I don't do "cheat" days. I eat what I feel like having on the day I feel like having it. I just have smaller amounts and work it in with my daily calories. I have something sweet nearly every day. That's just how it is and that's how it will remain. Life still happens even though I'm losing weight. People still have parties or call to go out for a meal. Limiting myself to 1 day a week doesn't teach me portion control. Allowing myself to have a cookie on Wednesday and a half cup of ice cream on Thursday, etc. does teach me portion control and it also keeps me from craving foods like crazy and helps me stay successful. I've lost about 30 pounds with this philosophy and I think I'm doing well.

    Spp don't limit yourself so much. Just have a small amount of what you want when you want it and work it into your daily calories.

  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I eat what Im hungry for, in moderation, within my calorie budget - instead of depriving myself until I lose control and eat 4 of said thing. Im not a puppy in training, I dont reward myself with food.

    Rewarding yourself with food is like getting to the last mile of a half marathon and rewarding myself by turning around and running away from the finish line.
  • alicia0416
    alicia0416 Posts: 274 Member
    I try my hardest not to have a cheat day but the weekends kick my butt..... Monday I always feel HORRIBLE about myself and what I ate the previous days.... I am working hard on making myself ok with eating a little extra every once in a while... but I think I am gonna drive myself crazy before then.... Its sad... I actually get depressed..... I don't like the cheat days but THEY ALWAYS happen...
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I don't really do cheat days. If I am going to want something an outside observer might view as a cheat I work it into my calorie goal but either eating less calorie dense food all day or going to the gym and building my exercise calories. (and when you are dieting they are everywhere giving unsolicited advice and attempting to call you on anything THEY view as not "diet friendly")

    I finish just about everyday with a Kashi cookie and a glass of milk, if I exercise for too many calories I get two :happy:

    Friday night I went on a pub-crawl with a few friends:drinker: To make sure I wouldn't be cheating, I went to the gym and ran a 10k.

    I also discovered that losing 56 pounds REALLY lowers your Alcohol tolerance. Despite the fact that I logged every calorie and ounce of booze, I left quite a bit of it splattered all over the sidewalk :sick:
  • MonaMel01
    MonaMel01 Posts: 18
    I think cheat days on occasion help you stay on track, but keep them to a minimum. It's very easy to back-slide.
  • JoanKB54
    JoanKB54 Posts: 24 Member
    I agree with Sheila 569. I log everything and it counts in my calorie allotment. I've been on my diet since Jan. 23 and have lost 58 pounds. I also weigh myself everyday so I'm not as likely to cheat.
  • ggcat
    ggcat Posts: 313 Member
    don't think of them as cheat days. if you have a craving, make it work in your daily cals by either exercising more or adjusting the rest of your daily meals. the more you deprive yourself, the more likely you are to binge.

    I couldn't agree more. Work it in! Allowing yourself to cheat is doing more harm than good. It's a discipline that is hard to learn, but it does get easier with time. I feel stronger when I don't give in, and I feel better the next day knowing I control this, not my cravings! You can do it!!! Try sugar free pudding (boston cream pie is to die for). Sure, it's not the real thing, but after awhile your body and mind register it as a really awesome treat, and that's what helps me through those cravings. Good Luck!!!!
  • MonicaT1972
    MonicaT1972 Posts: 512
    I can't allow myself because a cheat meal turns into a cheat day which turns into a cheat month which turns into a total metldown.

    Plus when I get on the refined carbs again I have to go through withdrawl all over agian and it sets me back huge.

    So no no cheats for this girl, it's a permanent lifestyle change I'm after not temporary.
  • bggrlzdntcry
    bggrlzdntcry Posts: 16 Member
    I have allowed myself cheat meals here and there. If I think think I've cheated too much, I increase my exercise for that day or tighten up the next day so that I don't get carried away.
  • Casey45
    Casey45 Posts: 160 Member
    No such thing. Eating, exercising. It's all part of life, it's how I live. How can I approach any one day, one meal, one food as a cheat?