anyone out there on Ideal Protein

Me and a lot of my friends/family are on Ideal Protein we are having great success it is a lot of work at first but it gets much easier once your used to what you can and can't have.:happy:


  • amywandy
    amywandy Posts: 1
    I did Ideal Protein, and lost 30 pounds rather quickly. As long as you follow the plan exactly, you will lose weight. Stick with your consultant, and check in regularly. They really stand behind their product and are highly reputable. I gained 40 pounds when I went off the plan, and have been unable to shed it, which is why I'm here. It became too expensive to maintain, and eating high protein all the time also proved to be too much of a challenge for the way my life works. But if you stick with it, and can maintain, the plan absolutely works. It just wasn't a good fit for my life.
  • Nancisw
    Nancisw Posts: 1 Member
    I started Idea Protein on January 23 2012. By Memorial Day I had lost 35 lbs. I am currently on phase 3 and am finding that I am not gaining any weight. I do follow the plan almost perfectly and I do exercise but not a lot. On the 27th I will transition to phase 4. The way I look at it is: It was expensive and I am not going to undo all that I have worked for to become the size I am. I am sort of hooked on recording everything I eat and reading labels. Staying fit is my new hobby. (It doesn't hurt that my daughter is getting married in August either :happy: )
  • My mom and I are on Ideal Protein together. I have only been on it for a week and I have lost about 9 lbs. It is such a tough diet and I hate all the restrictions, but I can't deny that it works. I am just worried that after I lose a lot of weight I will gain it back. Any suggestions?
  • fmattheu
    fmattheu Posts: 1
    Congratulations! I've been on the diet for 8 weeks and have lost 47 pounds. I love it. It takes some discipline to overcome old habits. For me, it's a whole new way of thinking about food. I too, sometimes wonder about gaining it back. I know that if I don't change my way of eating permanently, I will gain it back. For now, I'm just sticking to the diet, knowing that each day I'm learning how to eat responsibly. My weakness...PIZZA!

    There are many healthy substitutions for our favorite foods. Maybe not exact, but close enough when you know you're treating your body with respect. I feel so much better about myself for taking action for better health. Peace and Love.