Jillian Michaels Body Revolution questions



  • KimmyJ30
    KimmyJ30 Posts: 23 Member
    I am on week 5/6 and i love it!!! noticing some awesome changes in my body...most noticeably my arms:) I will add you as well:) I am not doing her diet as with my schedule and family life it would be too hard, but i do eat clean all day everyday so that's not a problem. I didn't do the 7 day kickstart either. My only thing i don't commit to is doing the cardio in the afternoon/evenings, but i did do cardio 2 tonight and it felt great!! Can't wait to see how you like it!
  • KimmyJ30
    KimmyJ30 Posts: 23 Member
    I didn't mind doing the workouts for the month, I actually found it went by fast. It's nice because you switch the workouts up so one day it's day 1 then day 2. I didn't do the cardio as she had scheduled i just kinda did it on my own time when i had the time to commit to it, but the workouts are fantastic and i love every second of it lol. Feel free to friend me!!
  • KimmyJ30
    KimmyJ30 Posts: 23 Member
    I just started this morning! I was cursing her for 32 minutes, but now I feel good and I want to see what the next workout looks like. I'm trying the kickstart plan because I need a serious kick in the *kitten*, but I'll probably not stick to her foods completely because it's just not appealing. That's what MFP tracking is for. Has anyone who's done this for awhile gotten tired of doing the same workouts for a month? Or is it good because you see progress?
  • sb1023
    sb1023 Posts: 148 Member
    so this is kind of a silly question, but i plan on starting on monday, with the kick start plan....my concern is that i usually work out in the evening if i'm going to work out at home, because i have to leave for work earlier than most people do and am afraid all the jumping around will wake my husband and the neighbors (we live in row home, and the room that's big enough to work out in has hard wood floors). i have been trying not to watch the videos before i start, so i was just curious- since we are supposed to do one in the morning and one in the evening- are any of the workouts in week one low-impact enough as to not cause this problem? like maybe if i did the strength training video in the morning it would be quieter? I figure people living in apartments go through the same thing. just curious. thanks:)
  • amymimi12
    amymimi12 Posts: 51 Member
    so this is kind of a silly question, but i plan on starting on monday, with the kick start plan....my concern is that i usually work out in the evening if i'm going to work out at home, because i have to leave for work earlier than most people do and am afraid all the jumping around will wake my husband and the neighbors (we live in row home, and the room that's big enough to work out in has hard wood floors). i have been trying not to watch the videos before i start, so i was just curious- since we are supposed to do one in the morning and one in the evening- are any of the workouts in week one low-impact enough as to not cause this problem? like maybe if i did the strength training video in the morning it would be quieter? I figure people living in apartments go through the same thing. just curious. thanks:)

    I live in a apartment and have found that the lower impact strength training workouts don't make too much noise. I'm only on week 2, so I'm sure it'll change as the workouts get harder, but for now it's not really a problem. I'm planning to buy a rug for my floor before the plyo stuff starts! :)
  • yjdekle
    yjdekle Posts: 12
    I also had a gain at the scale (by two pounds) this past week after a doctor's appointment on Friday afternoon and weighing in on Sunday morning. Surprisingly the number was the exact same (from a PM weigh-in to an AM weigh-in - probably didn't help that I partied on Saturday night). I'm in phase two, second week of workouts 5 & 6 and I have been using some of her recipes here and there. I eat clean throughout the week, I track my food daily and I give myself a day or two to go off track. Perhaps that's my problem because truth be known, I love my wine and I love my cheese. I won't deprive myself, but I don't drink a whole bottle or eat an entire thing of Drunken Goat in one sitting either. I do my best to do things in moderation and I usually mix up my BR workouts with extra cardio, especially on Saturdays when I run, hike or swim. I just did the Devil Dash and I never thought I could do that. So why the gain? I don't know. I guess what I'm saying is, I'm in the same boat. However, I will say that people are telling me I'm looking good. My arms are starting to take shape in terms of muscle definition (those damn wings are going to take some more time, but I'm willing to put in the effort). My upper abs are starting form into a mini six pack and I feel really good. I may not have the results I want at the scale as of this moment, but my clothes feel looser and I've got a lot more energy throughout the day because I get up and work it out. Our success can't just be measured at the scale. We need to keep on keeping on and really take a good look at ourselves inside and outside to see those results. It's there and I'm determined to see more change with each and every workout I do every single day. You will too!
  • bworrel
    bworrel Posts: 3
    My wife and I just started on Monday (5/21/12) and so far it is going pretty well. We have a friend that turned us on to it that started in March and just hit his 50lbs lost mark and he is looking great. He has also called me everyday to check in and keep me motivatied. My wife only has about 20lbs to lose and has never had to watch what she eats as she has always been thin. On the otherhand, I have about 90-100lbs I need to lose. We are almost done with day 3 of the kickstart and the meal plan is very restrictive. I have had the worst headache everyday. I am assuming that is from giving up the caffine and probably other chemicals in the foods I was eating. I have started adding a sqeeze of fresh lemon to my water so that help. I appreciate the positive comments on this board and wish all of you the best. Lets keep each other motivated....by they way, I really hate the "Running Man" on Cardio 1, I am terrible at it, but just about got it in this mornings workout ;o)
  • sb1023
    sb1023 Posts: 148 Member
    My wife and I just started on Monday (5/21/12) and so far it is going pretty well. We have a friend that turned us on to it that started in March and just hit his 50lbs lost mark and he is looking great. He has also called me everyday to check in and keep me motivatied. My wife only has about 20lbs to lose and has never had to watch what she eats as she has always been thin. On the otherhand, I have about 90-100lbs I need to lose. We are almost done with day 3 of the kickstart and the meal plan is very restrictive. I have had the worst headache everyday. I am assuming that is from giving up the caffine and probably other chemicals in the foods I was eating. I have started adding a sqeeze of fresh lemon to my water so that help. I appreciate the positive comments on this board and wish all of you the best. Lets keep each other motivated....by they way, I really hate the "Running Man" on Cardio 1, I am terrible at it, but just about got it in this mornings workout ;o)

    how nice that you and your wife are doing this together! i think this would be easier if my husband was doing it with me (especially the diet part). but he's trying to be supportive. how are you all liking the kickstart week? i started the same day you did. it's almost over, thank goodness!
  • lindshendley
    lindshendley Posts: 1 Member
    I did and it is a little frustrating although I have noticed that my waist is toning up already. Any updates on the weight loss?
  • bworrel
    bworrel Posts: 3
    how nice that you and your wife are doing this together! i think this would be easier if my husband was doing it with me (especially the diet part). but he's trying to be supportive. how are you all liking the kickstart week? i started the same day you did. it's almost over, thank goodness!

    SB, the kickstart was tough, but we pushed each other and made it through with flying colors. I lost 13lbs, and my wife lost 2lb. We can tell a difference. Going into to Week 1 of the plan now (we could skip to Wk2, but, we want to do Wk1.), we are continuing the work outs, but are changing up the food plan to be more consistent with a South Beach Phase II meal plan. The food is much better and easier to prepare with more variety. My wife has never had to watch what she eats until recently and it is much easier when we are both on the same plan. We keep each other honest. Good luck to you, how much did you lose during the kickstart? Also, feel free to friend me and my wife (hworrel), and we can keep each other movitivated.
  • twelker878
    twelker878 Posts: 146 Member
    Jillian kicks my butt. I have been using the video for about 3 times a week for 2 weeks and still caant get thru the whole thing. Willing to help each other
  • cygriff_42
    cygriff_42 Posts: 3
    I just started it yesterday. I loved it. I am a huge fan of her workouts anyway. This is her best work by far. =) I have never added any friends on here so feel free to add me. :smile:
  • Hi all! This is my first time posting and I have a question about the Jillian Michaels body revolution program. I noticed everybody focuses on weight loss. I don't need to lose weight, I just want to lose inches, burn fat and get into kick *kitten* shape. So I was just wondering what you ladies think about this workout in my situation, and if anybody else is in the same boat as I am. I also get bored with workouts fairly quickly and I read that this program you don't get bored so that appeals to me. I have been working out since February and I keep switching up what I'm doing because either I get bored with it or I don't see the results I want. I'm hoping this workout is the answer for me and I want to get other opinions on it. Thank you in advance :happy:
  • galena79
    galena79 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Meltallica (and all!) - I just started on body revolution yesterday. I have about 15 pounds to lose and I'm hoping this will get me there! I loved the first workout though - it's tough and quick. But then I love anything Jillian...
  • twelker878
    twelker878 Posts: 146 Member
    Have been following Jillian for 3 weeks off and on, I habe 30 day shred, body revolution, and the arms and abs workouts. I love them. They totally kick my *kitten* and I still cant make it through them without stopping. But being on this site makes me do them every day. friend me,.
  • I'm doing Jillian's 30 day shred and just bought Ripped in 30. I 've been hearing about Jillian's body revolution: could someone tell me what's it like? How many dvds? What's the diet plan like? how much do you work out a day.

    Is it similar to p90x? That's a fitness level I'm not at yet though.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    How does this compare to her other DVDS?
  • Soli1984
    Soli1984 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everybody. I want to begin Jillian Michaels Body Revolution: 7 Day Kick start. the problem is i do not have time to work out 2 times per day( i am PhD student) and i want to lose about 8kg (i gained 4kg in last 4 months). is it ok to do the kick start diet plan for 2 weeks with 1 time exercise per day?
  • Maryt1961
    Maryt1961 Posts: 280 Member
    Hi everyone....currently I'm doing kettleworx daily and 30dsy shred. Imalso wondering about revolution before I invest in it...one of the most difficult parts for me with p90x is that it is 90 day program....I know revolution is too, what I hope will make 30 ds easier is that from a purely brain standpoint, its easier to wrap around 30 days than 90. I also find I like that the 30 ds workout itself is only about 25 minutes total start to finish....I like the p90x and Tony horton, but an hour can be hard to come up with when I have to leave home by 6a to get to work and not home til after 7p. I know that sounds like whining, yet at 8p the last thing I want to do is workout for an hour....25 minutes, maybe I coulD push myself to compete. So after this long winded explanation, I'd love to hear how the revolution is set up
  • KristiLaei
    KristiLaei Posts: 1 Member
    Just wondering how everyone has done with this.... I start a week ago, did the kickstart program, lost 9pounds the first week, only 5 more to my goal weight. I am trying to do her meal plan as close as can (without braking the bank), just taking out things I can stand to eat, I am at about 1000 cals for the day. Not sure if that super bad or not but so far I'm loving it...Well I curse at Jillian while doing but lol but ya know! :flowerforyou: