A quick way to burn 530 cals?

I went over today and i am looking for a fast way to burn 530 (or there about) calories.

and how long it would take me to reach at each activity.

Thanks a bunch


  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    Go outside.


    For an hour.

    Don't walk.

  • dward2011
    dward2011 Posts: 416 Member
    Run for about an hour, or bike (at least 10-12 mph) for about 2 hours. I am not aware of any activity that will burn that much in less than an hour...
  • Nos150
    Nos150 Posts: 150
    Go outside.


    For an hour.

    Don't walk.


    I dont like you very much right now... :)
  • Jeliwood
    Jeliwood Posts: 61
    30 to 40 minutes depending on your size on the eliptical will do it. Or an hour on a bike. Or 30 minutes or so mowing the lawn. 2 hours of cleaning. Like I said it all depends on your size.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    if you are exercising and sweating from the effort (not the heat) then you are probably burning about 9-10 calories a minute. subtract your normal calorie burn per minute of about 1.5 calories so say 7 per minute. 530 divided by 7 equals 75 minutes of exercise at a pretty hard pace. better get busy!
  • SandraD89
    SandraD89 Posts: 809
    Zumba for an hour. :)
  • stufie
    stufie Posts: 142 Member
    One hour of zumba usually does it for me.
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    Go outside.


    For an hour.

    Don't walk.


    I dont like you very much right now... :)

    Yeah, I get that a lot.

  • catpow2
    catpow2 Posts: 206 Member
    Go outside.


    For an hour.

    Don't walk.


    Yep. Or go to hour-long kickboxing class.
  • SharitaWray
    SharitaWray Posts: 25 Member
    Run up stairs for 30 minutes - will burn about 500 calories.

    Or . . .

    45 minutes of Tae Bo to burn about 460 calories.

    (Running up stairs is my personal favorite)
  • kmoore02
    kmoore02 Posts: 167 Member
    I do hill sprints. Find a hill and run up as fast as you can and walk down with 1 - 2 min breathers in between. I can do that 6 times and burn 700 calories according to my heart rate monitor.
  • Kittenopolis
    Kittenopolis Posts: 26 Member
    It really just depends on your weight. I can walk very briskly (3.5 miles) for an hour and burn a little over 400 so that might help if running for a solid hour sounds like too much for you (it does to me!).
  • kimberleybabe
  • madisonsteelex
    It's gonna take you about an hour to burn that much, which really isn't a long workout. Run 5-6 miles, do an insanity workout, go on the elliptical, anything to get your heart rate up!
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    30 to 40 minutes depending on your size on the eliptical will do it. Or an hour on a bike. Or 30 minutes or so mowing the lawn. 2 hours of cleaning. Like I said it all depends on your size.

    from my experience these numbers are all higher than what will really be burned
  • abnerner
    abnerner Posts: 452 Member
    walking at an incline on a treadmill.

    but remember, if you are just starting out or not conditioned for heavy exercise, you want to be careful of what you do. don't push yourself TO HARD just to get your number. 530 is a lot to burn quickly.
  • Shelgirl001
    Shelgirl001 Posts: 478 Member
    I rode my bike to the pool and swam for about an hour or so then rode home and it was around 700 calories burned. The pool is about a mile bicycle ride each way. It is a cool and nice way to burn calories.
  • madisonsteelex
    30 to 40 minutes depending on your size on the eliptical will do it. Or an hour on a bike. Or 30 minutes or so mowing the lawn. 2 hours of cleaning. Like I said it all depends on your size.

    30 or 40 minutes on the elliptical depending on your size will burn max maybe 400 calories. Don't go by what the machine says.
  • lyndall5311
    lyndall5311 Posts: 146 Member
    If you're a member of a gym, try a spin class - I can burn between 450-550 in 45min-1hr.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Take an hour fast walk or swim or bike or dancing......anything. Just get moving for an hour.