A quick way to burn 530 cals?



  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member

    seriously, at karate, there is nothing that takes out of me more than rolling on the ground fighting for a dominant position.

    that will probably be the quickest way to burn. its cardio and strength all in one.
  • Ilovejacks
    Ilovejacks Posts: 153 Member
    Treadmill for 50 minutes,incline 12 @ 3.5 mph. I do it everyday!!!!!:wink:
  • Sarahsbattle
    Sarahsbattle Posts: 18 Member
    Do you have Insanity? If you do and work at the level required, you'll easily burn that with one 40 minute workout. With my HRM, I burn up to 700 cals per workout most times.
  • halliedoll
    halliedoll Posts: 171
    If you have a treadmill, you can set the incline as high as it can go (mine goes up to 15) and climb at a steady pace of anywhere between 2.2 and 3.5 for about 30-45 minutes, you can also mix it up with one minute running up hill and the other minute walking slowly :]
    Thats the fastest way i can think of for you.
  • NWCyclingBeast
    NWCyclingBeast Posts: 157 Member
    Elliptical Trainer.
  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    Running! If I take the hilly route where I live, I can burn 500 calories in 40 minutes. I just hope you don't live somewhere where it is like 100+ degrees.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Take an hour fast walk or swim or bike or dancing......anything. Just get moving for an hour.

    an hour walk for me is about 275-300 calories max...but I am fairly close to goal weight so maybe if you are huffing you could burn 530 in an hour...I would say 90 minutes at a good pace
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    i burned about that much doing back to back cardio and workouts from body revolution. or you can take the easy route and go have yourself some crazy sex with the S/O lol burns about the same.
  • lynnmarie60
    lynnmarie60 Posts: 325
    Run, Elliptical, Zumba, kickboxing....
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    Go outside.


    For an hour.

    Don't walk.


    I dont like you very much right now... :)

    because she answered your question?
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I do hill sprints. Find a hill and run up as fast as you can and walk down with 1 - 2 min breathers in between. I can do that 6 times and burn 700 calories according to my heart rate monitor.

    I did this today. Run up the hill, walk or jog down the hill, repeat (with no breaks). I burned about 300 calories in 30 minutes. Can't imagine doing that for an hour. Good lord.
  • i burned about that much doing back to back cardio and workouts from body revolution. or you can take the easy route and go have yourself some crazy sex with the S/O lol burns about the same.

    Must be some crazy crazy sex... I mean I've never paid attention to how much I burn but work up a sweat... but 530 calories seems a little much!
  • DataBased
    DataBased Posts: 513 Member
    I do hill sprints. Find a hill and run up as fast as you can and walk down with 1 - 2 min breathers in between. I can do that 6 times and burn 700 calories according to my heart rate monitor.
    Love this idea, and I have a hill nearby - thank you for this KMoore02!
  • jessicak0614
    jessicak0614 Posts: 42 Member
    Response to sexforjaffaca, I read it as a sarcastic response because the OP was apparently hoping of an easier way to burn that amount of calories. Not sure why it didn't quote you're post.
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    i burned about that much doing back to back cardio and workouts from body revolution. or you can take the easy route and go have yourself some crazy sex with the S/O lol burns about the same.

    Must be some crazy crazy sex... I mean I've never paid attention to how much I burn but work up a sweat... but 530 calories seems a little much!

    lol depending on your dimensions and what you're doing its very possible lol.
  • you can burn calories on and elliptical trainer pretty quick...
  • keenslk
    keenslk Posts: 126
    quickest way that I could do it would be running - would prob take at least 40 mins at quite a fast pace or 60 mins of jogging... :D
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Response to sexforjaffaca, I read it as a sarcastic response because the OP was apparently hoping of an easier way to burn that amount of calories. Not sure why it didn't quote you're post.

    me too
  • SandraD89
    SandraD89 Posts: 809
    Go outside.


    For an hour.

    Don't walk.


    I dont like you very much right now... :)

    Yeah, I get that a lot.

    I love you suggestion, but i also love running. :)