new mom!! post baby baby :-(

*post baby body. Oops

Looking for mommy support system! Had my son 6 weeks ago and am ready to start shedding some pounds I've gained from both before and during pregnancy. Currently weigh 204!! Yikes!! Goal 150.


  • Jewels09
    Jewels09 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm right there with you. I hit 6 weeks this Thursday, hoping for my green light to work out (c-section). Current weight, 183 lbs, goal is 140lbs. So far to go.
  • shoniej
    shoniej Posts: 227 Member
    I lost the baby weight then gained back stress weight.. LOL Work, school and a newborn! Fun stuff :) Now here to lose it all for good!!! Feel free to add me :)
  • I had my son 9 weeks ago. Back to work full time and looking for buddies to help me keep motivated. 200lbs goal 130lbs.
  • SandraKay79
    SandraKay79 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 4wks out, I was pretty good about watching things while pregnant so I'm down all the pregnancy weight but now, I've got the baby weight from my other 3 pregnancies to lose. I'm at 204.8 right now, I'd like to get to at lready 175.
  • mjmcruz
    mjmcruz Posts: 26 Member
    don't worry ladies, we're on the same boat, but i already lost 35 lbs after giving birth in APR 2012. we all start from scratch so keep moving! take it slow and you'll see results :D
  • tiger12gal
    tiger12gal Posts: 68 Member
    My youngest is 6 months old and Im just now being able to start losing weight,. I gained alot of stress weight when I went back to work(money for daycare for four kids, the daycare not doing what they should, my job, newborn, etc.) I am 5'6'' and my goal weight is 170. Right now I am at 233. :cry:

    Dieting is hard bc I mainly work with skinny girls and they are always eating out and then it is hard to not eat what I cook for my kids.

    It may not be easy but we can all do what we set our mind too!
  • leahkathleen13
    leahkathleen13 Posts: 272 Member
    Hi there ladies! I am pregnant now and trying not to gain too much too fast. I have already put on 10 lbs at 15 weeks, yikes! Hopefully joining here will help me keep in within reasonable parameters this time. This is my third baby, and I gained over 100 lbs with the first 2. I did lose it, so I know it can be accomplished!
  • cookjl124
    cookjl124 Posts: 14
    I have a 4month old and am ready to loss some serious weight, feel free to add me
  • ali_b83
    ali_b83 Posts: 324 Member
    Just had my baby 3 months ago. I only gained 8lbs, but I'm trying to lose what I gained before that. Anyone feel free to add me, mom support would be great!
  • KLHorn1
    KLHorn1 Posts: 1
    1st baby, 3 weeks postpartum have lost 25 of the 43lbs I gained. Am having a huge issue with all the weight I gained and this flabby belly I'm left with. Am trying to pump so I still need to keep up the extra calories. Any thoughts or suggestions or on average how long does it take to get somewhat back to normal?
  • alikonner
    alikonner Posts: 67
    HI! I am 8months post baby and I am trying to finally get serious now! GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE! Gained about 50.. lost just over 30.. still want to loose about 15.... give or take. I was at my skinniest when I got pregnant because it was 4 months after my wedding and I had just lost some weight for that. I am being realistic with my goal now.. but I'm trying to be serious!!

    I started the 30 day shred level 1 tonight.. ouch.
  • alikonner
    alikonner Posts: 67
    I had a c-section too.. was definitely hard to get moving. CONGRATS on all the babies!
  • darsea03
    darsea03 Posts: 1 Member
    I just went to my 6 week post check up today and got my green light, and just came back from a 34 min walk/jog and burned almost 300 calories. It's my second baby and last baby so I am ready to get this body back in shape and STAY you can add me to you list!
  • Tashmayes
    Tashmayes Posts: 244 Member
    Hey! I'm 5 months pp and just got to pre-baby weight! 15 more to go! Feel free to add me ladies!
  • hjgrams
    hjgrams Posts: 10
    Hey Feel free to add me as well. I just had my first son in aug 2011. I lost the weight but got on the depo shot and between that and stress I reached up to 204. I'm down to 186.5 ultimate goal to be around 140-150.
  • brittmallasch
    brittmallasch Posts: 1 Member
    I'm pregnant, 19 weeks with my second baby. I never lost the weight from the first, so I'm struggling this time and feeling anxious about gaining too much. I have gestational diabetes which I've been able to control this time with diet, but it's still SO hard! I've heard so many negative comments from people that should just not talk to pregnant women like that, but oh well! I must try and keep healthy. Which is why I'm on here. :) So any tips are great, and feel free to add me.
  • shilvi1
    shilvi1 Posts: 2
    Hi everyone! I just had a baby in early April. It is my 2nd in less than 2 years and didn't feel like I had lost the weight of my 1st before I was pregnant again! Before I got pregnant the first time, I was 133 lbs. I gained 65lbs!!! I was able to lose 55 lbs before I got pregnant again. It took me 8 months. Then I gained 40 lbs and now am 18 lbs from my goal weight. Would love to connect with other mommy's who are trying to get their old bodies back. Thanks!
  • a92882
    a92882 Posts: 10 Member
    2 months PP. never appreciated my pre pregnancy body until now I wish I had it now. It takes a lot of hard work that I just don't want to do again, But none of my clothes fit.
    Current weight: 168
    goal: 135