23 year old New Mom

Hey everyone my name is Chantal, I'm 23 and I live in Windsor Ontario Canada. I just recently had my baby boy about 6 weeks ago and I'm on Maternity leave until the end of next September. One of my friends told me about her success on this site so I thought I would check it out and see if it works for me. I can't believe what I eat this site is amazing. My first day on here I just ate what I usually do and to my surprise I ate over 2500 calories. I was so disgusted I can't even tell you. I will tell you this tho, that first day is definitely my motivation. Today is my second day and I'm already feeling better about myself. I gained about 25 pounds when I was pregnant which was great and I dropped seventeen pounds all in that week but over the course of a month I gained back 10 pounds and it feels horrible. I have 20 pounds left to lose and I will work my *kitten* off with the help of this site to get back to what makes me happy and that a size 11 and I'm damn proud of it.


  • MommyNegray
    Hi! I am 26 with a 6 month old and a 4 year old. I am new too...we can do this!!! Congrats on your little one :)
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Congrats on your beautiful little miracle! I have one myself, roaring right toward 17 months old now. MFP is such a tremendous tool.
    If you're a stay at home mom, we have a support group:

    Be proud of every pound you drop, because you've earned it, and that's a great achievement!
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    Hi. I'm 26 with a 6 year old son and 1 year old daughter. I too struggle with the post baby weight coupled with being a SAHM. Too much access to food, and too much fatigue to work out like I should. I had a health scare (my BP went up so high my dr. said I was in danger of a stroke), and I immediately began looking for ways to lose weight... I've lost 15 lbs. since I had my baby a year ago, 7 of which were in the last month since my diagnosis. I still have about 20 to go, and will probably set a new goal after that. I found a great meal planner on dietbites.com that has helped me to drop the weight. But I wanted to eat a variety of foods so I found this site. I'm glad to find so many in the same boat, and hope we can all work together toward our goal.