scale issues - not sure whats accurate

My bathroom scales are being read on a flat surface - and read 97 which has been going doing steadily since i started trying to loose the weight again.
i was also comparing it to my wii fit which is being measure on carpet which says just over 100kg

im not sure which would be the one to take the numbers from since recently my wii has been showing very little in the way of weight loss.


  • Mummy2EliandAda
    Mummy2EliandAda Posts: 13 Member
    sorry the units are in KG just to clarify
  • teagirlmedium
    teagirlmedium Posts: 679 Member
    I'd go with the one on a flat surface, unless the scale is old then that could cause the scale to give you the wrong weight. I don't trust scales when they are on carpet, there is too much chance for my weight to be unbalanced when I am standing on a scale on it.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Put something on the scales that you know the weight of and see which is more accurate :smile:
  • ScubyUK
    ScubyUK Posts: 271 Member
    Do you have a freeweight at home? a dumbell or kettlebell for example?

    Place those on the scale and WiiFit and see what they say.
  • hyper24
    hyper24 Posts: 27
    Go with the hard surface. Never measure your weight on a carpet. Also, make sure whenever you weigh in it is around the same time. If you weigh once in the morning and the next time during the evening or at night, the readings may differ.
  • Bobskiframps
    Bobskiframps Posts: 39 Member
    go with your bathroom scales. I found in the past the wii fit isn't very accurate. It used to say i was 6lbs or so over what i was, but i dont know if thats because i cant stand completely still.
  • dhakiyya
    dhakiyya Posts: 481 Member
    Track inches and/or body fat percentage, not just weight loss. If you don't have a lot of fat to lose, you can lose fat while your weight stays the same as with exercise your muscles can get stronger, the amount of muscle glycogen you have increases, your bones get stronger and denser, and this means you're losing fat while gaining lean body mass, your weight stays the same but it's actually excellent progress. Also if this is happening your clothes will feel looser, but you won't see much change on the scale. This is actually better for your health than simply dropping weight without these other changes.

    Regards the best place for the scale - rather than worrying about whether the actual number is 100% accurate, you need to be consistent, i.e. weigh yourself on the same scales, on the same surface, in the same circumstances (e.g. first thing in the morning after using the bathroom before eating) because you can get a lot of weight fluctuations during the day due to changes in the amount of food/water in your system. That way you know that any losses you see are real losses and not because the scale's on a different surface or because of how much you've eaten or how often you've gone to the bathroom, etc.
  • htmlgirl
    htmlgirl Posts: 314 Member
    The important thing really is to maintain consistency when weighing. Weigh yourself with the same scale, amount of clothing/lack of clothing, same time of day, same foods/drinks consumed beforehand, etc. Even if the scale is off, you can still monitor your progress.