
Went to the doc today for my weigh in and that frickin scale, (have yet to name the doc scale, my home scale is Glinda) only showed 4 lbs down. I know 4lbs is 4lbs but last week was my best week or cardio everyday at least 40 mins or more, never ate my workout cals, ate clean and was never over 1500 cals. The week before I lost 10lbs with only 3 days or cardio????????? I currently weigh 338 so pretty sure I should have seen more of a loss.......................Frustrating!


  • TheNewDodge
    TheNewDodge Posts: 607 Member
    You lost a grip of water weight in your -10LB week
  • atldrew
    atldrew Posts: 25 Member
    I feel your pain! I have been stuck at the same weight for 2 weeks now. I do notice that if I eat a lot of salt my weight will go up even though I am below my total calories.
  • Scribetoo
    Scribetoo Posts: 181 Member
    are you accounting for the replacement of fat with muscle? You may be losing fat but building muscle and you know how that works.. muscle is more dense and takes up less space.. blah blah..

    Take your measurements and track those too.. I bet you'd see a difference in those numbers with increased workouts..

    Keep your chin up!
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Four pounds is awesome! I know it's frustrating when you saw 10 lbs before, but unless you are on the Biggest Loser ranch, it's just not going to be realistic to expect 10 lb numbers. (Even the contestants sometimes get weeks of 0 or even weight gain.)
  • onyxcougar
    onyxcougar Posts: 22
    Exactly! I have lost 3 to 4 inches in my waist and hips, but only 4 pounds. Do the measurement thing. Honestly.
  • Brittany3914
    Brittany3914 Posts: 258 Member
    Four pounds down is better than four pounds up, right? Not every week is going to be a huge weight loss. You're still heading in the right direction, even if it's slower than you'd like :)
  • Steph13RN
    Steph13RN Posts: 92 Member
    Please, I hear ya loud and clear girlfriend!!

    I needed a new battery in my scale and it has weighed me in at 10 pounds HEAVIER!! Ugh ... I liked the old number better!
  • Erica27511
    Erica27511 Posts: 490 Member
    Four pounds down is better than four pounds up, right?

  • NYCDutchess
    NYCDutchess Posts: 622 Member
    Went to the doc today for my weigh in and that frickin scale, (have yet to name the doc scale, my home scale is Glinda) only showed 4 lbs down. I know 4lbs is 4lbs but last week was my best week or cardio everyday at least 40 mins or more, never ate my workout cals, ate clean and was never over 1500 cals. The week before I lost 10lbs with only 3 days or cardio????????? I currently weigh 338 so pretty sure I should have seen more of a loss.......................Frustrating!

    I've noticed that when I expect the scale to move...it doesn't then a few weeks later I see the movement I wanted..sometimes it's like it has to catch up...

    4 lbs is AWESOME!!!! And so far 20 lbs is amazing. Don't get mad...hit it even harder next week so you see what you want when the scale finally catches up!!!!
  • stephvaile
    stephvaile Posts: 298
    Went to the doc today for my weigh in and that frickin scale, (have yet to name the doc scale, my home scale is Glinda) only showed 4 lbs down. I know 4lbs is 4lbs but last week was my best week or cardio everyday at least 40 mins or more, never ate my workout cals, ate clean and was never over 1500 cals. The week before I lost 10lbs with only 3 days or cardio????????? I currently weigh 338 so pretty sure I should have seen more of a loss.......................Frustrating!
    you should be eating a bit more your exercise cals are there to be eaten :drinker:
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    Don't sweat it, your body retains water after alot or especially hard workouts so the muscles can repair themselves. I started doing bootcamp and gained four lbs. But I lost inches. Make sure you are measuring yourself and take front back and side pictures of progress. THE SCALE WILL LIE because it doesn't account for water retention which can make up 3-10lbs of fake weight. It takes over a month of consistent weight exercises to gain a pound of muscle so don't think you are changing muscle for fat it doesn't really work like that. Water weight is what you are probably dealing with. Also eat back your exercise calories, you don't want net too far below your calorie goals, fuel your body.
  • johnydolittle
    johnydolittle Posts: 34 Member
    Yes, I know 4lbs is good, I was just hoping for bigger numbers as I imagine we all are. You see 10 LBS the week before and work harder and see less it SUX!!!!!!!! But, I do need to start taking measurments because I think that with help as well. Thanks for all your comments and encouragement..... MFP ROCKS!
  • fitpilatesqueen
    Is this suppose to be a joke?
    Wow 10lbs in one week???
    It took me 6 weeks to lose 11lbs.
    You should be happy not pissed off.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Your initial week's loss is often a lot of water weight. You won't see those kinds of numbers once the water weight is down. Even at your weight, 4 pounds in a week is a lot of weight to lose. Quit complaining. I've been on a plateau for 12 straight months.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    Went to the doc today for my weigh in and that frickin scale, (have yet to name the doc scale, my home scale is Glinda) only showed 4 lbs down.

    And here I thought you were going to say you GAINED weight. Enjoy the loss...and congratulations!!!
  • Isarian
    Isarian Posts: 5 Member
    Remember, you're not just dieting to lose weight, you're establishing a new lifestyle. This is for the long haul, so as long as you're going down, you're doing well!
  • rebeccasedwards
    Down is good. Remember you didn't gain all the weight in one week. That's what my husband tells me. Just keep doing what you are doing.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    OMFG! 4 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    Dude...you're down. Enjoy EVERY WIN.
  • fervc60
    fervc60 Posts: 70
    Don't feel bad, I worked out all week, watched what I ate and gained a pound. What?
  • SpunkiMama
    SpunkiMama Posts: 70 Member
    Went to the doc today for my weigh in and that frickin scale, (have yet to name the doc scale, my home scale is Glinda) only showed 4 lbs down. I know 4lbs is 4lbs but last week was my best week or cardio everyday at least 40 mins or more, never ate my workout cals, ate clean and was never over 1500 cals. The week before I lost 10lbs with only 3 days or cardio????????? I currently weigh 338 so pretty sure I should have seen more of a loss.......................Frustrating!

    A loss is a loss, and after a while you will begin to level out and lose at a slower pace.... keep working out & keep doing what you are doing... and do a little more(All the time)... you're body is probably adjusting to this new level of activity/ calorie intake...

    Shake it up a bit :happy:

    Congratulations & Good Luck!