Which Protein Supplement?

Hello, I'm Mark,

I am almost at my goal weight of 190 with the help of MFP. My current routine consists of sticking to 1500 calories a day, walking 5 times a week for about 30-50mins, playing bball once or twice a week, and doing Jillian's 30 Day Shred. I want to start P90x but I'm not sure which protein supplement I should buy at GNC. Also, how many calories should I be eating daily? I would like to stay around 185-190lbs. Btw 6'2". Any advice is much appreciated.


  • chase7512
    chase7512 Posts: 76 Member
    I just go with Bodyfortress whey protein - Low fat/carbs and 60grams of protein. Not bad taste and cheaper than the high name brands.

    Most popular though are ISO Flex, Dymatize, and Gold Platinum if your a label shopper.

    As for calories it would depend if your looking to cut/tone or build muscle?

    With building you need to eat 300+ your maintenance to make some serious gains (3000 calories to maintain weight plus an additional 300)
  • wielandm
    wielandm Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks for the advice!