Any BASEBALL fanatics out there?



  • AmyBecky74
    AmyBecky74 Posts: 437 Member
    As part of my bucket list, I am going to 4 baseball stadiums next month!!

    Which ones?
  • Sid422
    Sid422 Posts: 77 Member
    (But a great double play with 1 out and a man on 3rd is still a great double-play no matter what the uniform....get my meaning?)

    Love baseball and we even plan a vacation around Spring Training in Arizona. Great way to spend the baseball. Most excellent. :-)
  • christyd4
    christyd4 Posts: 191
    I am a big fan of live baseball I love the whole ball game atmosphere...we have a minor league team where I live and some of my fondest memories are going to the games with my dad. I love college baseball especially my Hogs I can listen/watch be there live at any time. I am biased but I believe we have one of the best college announcers for baseball :) I like MLB as I grew up a cardinals fan but have a hard time watching a complete game on TV though my son will sit and watch baseball for hours
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    HUGE Phillies fan!
  • justgin1
    justgin1 Posts: 31 Member
    This is where I spent Wednesday afternoon, does that answer the question?


    And I'm heading out shortly to watch my 15 year old play at 6pm, then my 12 year old at 8pm. Nothing better than drinking a cold beer and watching a baseball game.
  • F__7
    F__7 Posts: 371 Member
    I LOVE BASEBALL... I love playing it still everytime there is a chance.. I refuse to play softball yet.. not that is not fun, just not the same as fast ball, it does not matter what level I am playing with.. as long as there is adrenaline fielding and everything that comes with the game..
  • Jewel1201
    Jewel1201 Posts: 68
    I love Baseball. I am a die hard Yankees fan. I also love that my 10 yr old son loves it too. He has been playing since he was 4. I think I am the loudest mom out there. LOL
  • ptak1sm
    ptak1sm Posts: 172
    Detroit Tigers all the way! I cried when they released Brandon Inge's contract, but he's doing well with the A's. Moneyball gives me chills because of the perspective it takes on the sport...such romance :P
  • Springer007
    Springer007 Posts: 84 Member
    Love it. Love the Royals!!!!!
    !And we will have the ALL-STAR game here in KC in a couple weeks.
  • NewChristina
    NewChristina Posts: 250 Member
    Love baseball! Recently switched to satellite and I lost my local channel. Uugh! But I still check out the scores of the MLB- AL Central division every night.
  • zippo32
    zippo32 Posts: 1,419 Member
    I'm a fan.........
  • _Ivian
    _Ivian Posts: 198
    Huge baseball fan (Yankees). But I can watch little league or even play in an all day round robin tournament and have a blast! When we lived in Dallas we would go the Rangers games and I would be the 1st car in the parking lot. We would sit through batting practice and talk to players. And stay until the fireworks were done. On my bucket list is going to a Yankees game at home. I drove to Detroit a few weeks ago to catch 2 Yankees games. Needless to say my Jeter jersey almost got drenched with beer after we won the Sunday afternoon game!!!

    Seeing your favorite team at home is incredible! I've spent so much money on flights and tickets going up to NY from Miami to see them play, it's ridiculous! I scratched off two things off my bucket list in 2009 when I went to go see them at home AND during the World Series. I went to games 1 and 2 in the Bronx. My dad bought me tickets for my birthday (Oct. 25th) as long as I agreed to pay for the flight and hotel. I can't even begin to describe how amazing it was to be in there (even though they lost the first game!)

    I'm a die-hard Yankee fan and a HUGE fan of the sport itself. My dad never had any boys (I'm the baby out of 5 girls) so I kind of became the son he never had when I showed an interest in playing when I was little. He use to play little league all the way up through high school and ALMOST got scouted. He was a left-handed pitcher. You could barely play catch with the man. He even had a no hitter at the age of 12 :smile: It was scary catching for him but it was his persistence and coaching that made me a pretty badass catcher! I played all through high school and some college. Now, I'm thinking about joining a local co-ed softball team in my neighborhood. I can't stay away from it too long!
  • ser0630
    ser0630 Posts: 223
    I love baseball! I went to the Twins-Royals game at Target Field on Saturday night for my birthday (even
    though it was hot and ridiculously humid). Hey, I even saw Joe Mauer hit a rare home run at Target Field!

    I grew up playing softball and was around baseball a lot. I have a cousin who played in the Texas Rangers organization (and made some pitching appearances for the Rangers in 1991 and 1992). He was also the pitching coach for the Florida Marlins when they won the World Series back in 2003.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Astros fan. I love going to baseball games. I love everything about the atmosphere from "Dome Dogs" (for my fellow Houstonians) to the beer, peanuts, and 7th inning stretch. We bet on where each ball will be hit.

    My son served Andy Pettitte at Fuddruckers last night and had no idea who he was. Disappointed baseball mom.
  • ser0630
    ser0630 Posts: 223
    Astros fan. I love going to baseball games. I love everything about the atmosphere from "Dome Dogs" (for my fellow Houstonians) to the beer, peanuts, and 7th inning stretch. We bet on where each ball will be hit.

    My son served Andy Pettitte at Fuddruckers last night and had no idea who he was. Disappointed baseball mom.

    I've heard of "Dome Dogs" when the Twins used to play in the Metrodome.

    Bummer on not recognizing Andy Pettitte, though!
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,556 Member
    I adore baseball. Nothing like sitting at the ballpark and watching a game. The smells, sights and sounds can't be beat!!!!!
  • CandeesLand
    CandeesLand Posts: 200
    I love baseball, it is one of my passions! I'm a Brewer for life! :) But I do appreciate the game, and great players/plays that we not done by the Crew.

    BrewCrew Fan! I loved being able to go to some of the play off games last year (even though they lost)!
  • Daz49ers
    Daz49ers Posts: 125 Member
    Yes love baseball, though the DODGERS drive me to drink, always break my heart
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,198 Member
    I love baseball...I hate the fact that the closest MLB teams to Reno are the A's & Giants. I miss my Phillies...the last game I went to was at the Vet, for cryin' out loud! :cry:
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    It's so hard not to adore,love and cherish baseball. despite the money, it remains truly american to the core. An afternoon at wrigley, or even better, and evening at a Minor league game is what the REAL america is that very few people get to see, despite the advent of the McChicken sandwich arena type's tradition makes it a national institution.