Public exercise fear!

I really want to start running but Im very self conscious (I go purple when I exercise - its quite impressive and Im embarassed about my appearance). Its been a dream of mine to be able to run and one of my private goals is to complete a 10k event in Feb/March next year. The only thing is I hate running on a treadmill as I find it disorientating and uncomfortable so Im going to have to go out into the world.
Has anyone felt the same? And do you have any tips on getting going and overcoming this?


  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    If you run outside no one will know that you're purple, they will only be looking at you because they're driving their cars and don't want to hit you. If you pass someone on the street walking just take a sip of your water or something and ignore them.

    One time in school I wore two different sneakers by accident, and I thought everyone would notice and make fun of me, but no one did. People aren't as criticizing of you, as you are of yourself.
  • camiah
    camiah Posts: 146
    People aren't as criticizing of you, as you are of yourself.


    I understand where you're coming from. I've tried couch-to-5K programs in the past and felt like a giant lumbering hulk that everybody must be staring at and horrified by as they drive past. And then I finally decided not to care. Other people probably don't, and those that do, are morons with nothing better in their lives than to care about some stranger who is exercising. That is really more pathetic than lumbering along or turning purple, if you ask me. You can't control how others respond, so let it go. Focus on making your goals and dreams happen instead.
  • People aren't as criticizing of you, as you are of yourself.
    I'd also agree with this. Nevertheless, are there not any quiet residential areas near where you live?
  • litatura
    litatura Posts: 569 Member
    That's why I love the treadmill - it's just me and my iPod. LOL! I attend the occasional Zumba class out in public, but I mostly stick to my house for exercise. My issues stem with the fact that I don't like people to see me sweat (nor do I particularly like other sweaty people either!) and I have asthma so my breathing makes me self-conscious. However, I plan on running a 5km race in September, so I'm going to have to suck it up because I'll be both sweating and huffing and puffing!
  • third_time_lucky
    third_time_lucky Posts: 103 Member
    i want to start running, have for a while! but a tredmill is not really an option at the minute with space or money....running in the real world is free after all
    i feel i have too many wibbly bits to run in public and use the "ill be able to do it once ive lost weight excuse! catch 22 eh :)

    i figure ill give it a go im ALMOST certain its just my own insecurities and they will pass with time
    good luck
  • vsecret921
    vsecret921 Posts: 100 Member
    I felt the same way too. I just started running again and I cringed every time a car went by. But then a car passed me with a few very heavy ppl in it eating ice cream and I thought "I'm doing something about my weight and not riding in a car eating!" Ever since then I didn't care.

    And i know I was being judgmental, but I needed that to kick me into "im doing this for me" attitude
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    The only people who cares about what a random runner next to the road looks like and will comment on it, are the rare breed of idiots with no life of their own.....
    Nobody will look at you, and if they do - they probably won't neither should you....Wear a baseball cap to keep the sun out of your eyes and think why you are doing this - for your own health or to amuse strangers? (only in your head anyways....)

    Go for it - I started running at 227lbs, and never heard or seen a single weird look/comment - (might have been cause I was to busy trying to breath and stay upright, but that's OK!:laugh:
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I run in places where there are none around: irrigation ditches, early early AM, long lonely roads. I don't make eye contact and when anyone mentions to me that they saw me running - I just respond with "Did I look fast" - or "Hey at least I'm color coordinated". It's still very embarrassing to me and I avoid local races like the plague, I'll drive long and far to avoid seeing anyone I know.
  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    I stick to the back alleys because i find I come across less people there. And to the person concerned about jiggly bits - whenever i see someone bigger than me running I think "Good for them" and "if they can do it, so can I!"

    Go for it!
  • jcmartin0313
    jcmartin0313 Posts: 574 Member
    Look at my profile does not get much worse than that lol. I used to be very self conscious but what I found is that other people simply do not care and for the very small number who might, they are shunned by those who are supportive.
  • I started running 2 months ago outside and I weighed 267 pounds. I decided to not think about it and just do it. I've since lost 35 pounds, gained a healthy respect for myself and found out that the runners I have met are some of the nicest people I have ever met. In fact during my run today some woman passed me on my route (she was running the other way) and she high fived me! I don't get that at the gym! :-)
  • Linbo93
    Linbo93 Posts: 229 Member
    Somebody posted a link to this blog about a month ago and it went as viral as anything can go on this website. It really hits home for these types of insecurities!

    Give it a read. It is VERY worth it!!!
  • Ke22yB
    Ke22yB Posts: 969 Member
    look out world here I come I started walking outside and slowly jogging over 300 pounds and was just happy to get home and not collapse mostly people ignored me now I am all over town and people honk wave and say hello
    When people start looking at you honking etc you know that means you have gotten hot and the hounds are barking so appreciate the attention when it comes

    Get out there and enjoy yourself
  • Thanks everyone for your comments, they've really helped. I think Im going to have to give it a go, Ive downloaded the NHS podcasts for the c25k thingy so Ill let you know how I go on.
    I like the baseball cap comment "to keep the sun out of my eyes" am considering adapting this into some type of full body suit/balaclava disguise.
    I do have the added bonus that if anyone who knows me sees me they wont believe its me! No-one but everyone on here knows Im doing this whole life change diet and fitness thingy.
  • Somebody posted a link to this blog about a month ago and it went as viral as anything can go on this website. It really hits home for these types of insecurities!

    Give it a read. It is VERY worth it!!!

    Thank-you for posting this. I may sellotape it onto my trainers for when I finally get out there as my head will most definitely be down!!
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    If you love something you will overcome anything to continue doing it.

    Keep running.:flowerforyou:

  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member
    Glad you feel better about it! Be careful not to smother yourself in your head wrap, should you decide to go that route ... :-) BTW, I say you can't let strangers who might judge you keep you from doing what you want to do for yourself -- who cares about what strangers think, anyway?? The people who love you will love knowing you're getting healthy, regardless of whether or not you're purple -- they're the ones who matter.
  • While Im at it and feeling the love can I also say how inspiring you all are and if that isnt a kick up the backside then I dont know what is.
    Got a chest infection (and I have asthma) at the mo so will try and start in a day or two. Its easy to be this positive about cracking on with this running lark when its midnight! I shall be praying for rain as I figure thatll give me some cover and fewer people will be about!!
  • direwolfprincess
    direwolfprincess Posts: 261 Member
    Somebody posted a link to this blog about a month ago and it went as viral as anything can go on this website. It really hits home for these types of insecurities!

    Give it a read. It is VERY worth it!!!

    I did not expect to have such an emotional reaction to that! Bravo, beautiful, YES!
  • sunnykb
    sunnykb Posts: 27 Member
    My face turns red by the time I'm done with my 2 mile run. There is nothing I can do to prevent my face from turning red, its just something I have to accept. I was embarassed by it at first but I have learned to overcome the embarassment.

    After all, they say if you still look cute after your workout, you probably didn't work out hard enough ;) and I sure don't look cute by the end of it! :D