Deadlifts and how you feel about them?



  • damorzacon
    damorzacon Posts: 124 Member
    My husband (who is a champion powerlifter) says that athletes train movements (deads, squats, and benchpress) while bodybuilders train muscles (think of the guy standing in front of the mirror at the gym doing 50 sets of curls every time he works out) I'd way rather have the useful strength that comes from the full body lifts! So, yes, I'm with you all the way.

    you are wrong on so many levels

    guess the ignorant will stay ignorant

    Would like to provide evidence to support this claim?
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    Personally I love them and would say they're my favourite barbell lift by far. I tend to do them at the end of my workout as I like to go heavy and to stall/failure.

    I had heard a lot of bad feedback about deadlifts, about how dangerous they can be when not done right so before I even contemplated attempting one I spent ages watching tutorials on YouTube that outlined proper posture, positioning, technique etc. I have had back injuries in the past (nothing too severe) so I wanted to minimize the risk of injury with these lifts. When I was ready to give it a go for the first time I made sure I didn't load too much weight, and had an experienced lifter show me first, and then watch me to ensure that technique was correct.

    Since then I've been doing them usually twice a week and actually look forward to them, haha.
  • mandasimba
    mandasimba Posts: 782 Member
    I strut my red shins like a badge of honor after a good DL session.
  • DaveRCF
    DaveRCF Posts: 266
    Love them, but worry about this happening!

    I'm not an expert, but is that some pretty bad form, even before the he headbutted the floor?

    Right for sure. Poor guy goes down in infamy for head butting the dumbbell rack and he has bad form to boot. Rounded back, knees buckle in, stance too wide, doesn't control the weight on the way down...etc.
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    Love them, but worry about this happening!

    I'm not an expert, but is that some pretty bad form, even before the he headbutted the floor?

    Right for sure. Poor guy goes down in infamy for head butting the dumbbell rack and he has bad form to boot. Rounded back, knees buckle in, stance too wide, doesn't control the weight on the way down...etc.

    Poor guy. Sorta.
  • mikem45
    mikem45 Posts: 35
    Can't beat those compound lifts!

    Are you doing bent-over rows as well?
    Deads and bent over rows is my off season back workout. The best I have ever had was last winter was 6 reps of 300kg for 2 sets with lifting straps. Unfortunately I picked up an injury and couldn't do them again before my season started so I cant wait to get back to them this winter
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I like them a lot, but they are a bit oversold on this site. I tend to do them for about 6 weeks 2x a year. They take so much energy that I can't improve my squats while doing them, and I tend to bump off a few other exercises from the program when deads are on the menu.

    That said, they really are a tremendous all around strength building and great foundation exercise for someone starting out. I'd rather see a person new to working out do several sets of deadlifts and go home than spend an hour on ridiculous machines and cable flyes and the like.
  • zela
    zela Posts: 92 Member
    My husband (who is a champion powerlifter) says that athletes train movements (deads, squats, and benchpress) while bodybuilders train muscles (think of the guy standing in front of the mirror at the gym doing 50 sets of curls every time he works out) I'd way rather have the useful strength that comes from the full body lifts! So, yes, I'm with you all the way.

    sounds like your husband sold you on that champion powerlifter idea
    there is not a single pro bodybuilder that doesn't squat, deadlift, overhead press and benchpress
  • isis2triple0
    isis2triple0 Posts: 106 Member
    I love them love, love love them and the difference in my butt and thighs are great since starting them!!
  • basschick
    basschick Posts: 3,502 Member
    Yes, I love deadlifts too! My husband/trainer says I'm built for them -- long arms, short torso, and good upper back strength. I've gotten to where I can deadlift my body weight and my goal is to be able to lift twice that. Once I get to that point, I think I'll compete in that event in power lifting meets.
  • I use my husband's kettlebells and love them. It's an all around great exercise.
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    I don't like them. Lol. But that's because I am not very good at them. I started out doing stiff legged deadlifts and I liked those but then I moved on to regular ones and for some reason I feel odd and awkward doing them. I think it's just because I'm so tall but I don't know.

    Squats, however, I love.

    You might want to try a sumo stance. Nia Shanks (of Girls Gone Strong) is tall, with long legs, but she loves deadlifts, and prefers sumo stance:

    scroll down to the first video.
  • Tashia_HH
    Tashia_HH Posts: 99 Member
    Love 'em!
  • uglyhobo
    uglyhobo Posts: 108 Member
    I freakin love them. My back is so much stronger now. I also used to have kyphosis and lordosis, but stretching and deadlifts improved my posture by so much and I'd have to say my posture is perfect now.
    Deadlifts and low bar squats to parallel have also gotten rid of my knee and back pain. I had very weak hamstrings and strong quads, and now my hamstrings are much stronger and my knee pain is gone. I used to have back pain when I sat down in a chair and my back would always be rounded, now it is straight and my back pain is gone.

    They also can be extremely dangerous and you can cripple yourself if they are done wrong.
    Use proper form, keep your chest up, don't round or hyperextend your back, and you should be fine.
    I recommend anyone who doesn't squat, deadlift, bench, or OHP and wants to begin lifting to read the starting strength book and buy the dvd if you can. Watch these videos too:
  • TheAshpie
    TheAshpie Posts: 62 Member
    Usually after a set of deadlifts or even attempting a new PR, I put that weight down and immediately am filled with the urge to ***** slap someone, wrestle a bear to death and then *kitten* my girlfriend atop my new bearskin rug and sire a new breed of Christophers.

    I love deadlifts.

    She is a lucky, lucky girl.

    Why, yes I am.
  • iluvprettyshoes
    iluvprettyshoes Posts: 605 Member
    I love them! They make me feel strong :)
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    LOVE em! My fave leg exercise. I have to focus on keeping the tailbone up and back flat so I'm REALLY engaging my hammies!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    Usually after a set of deadlifts or even attempting a new PR, I put that weight down and immediately am filled with the urge to ***** slap someone, wrestle a bear to death and then *kitten* my girlfriend atop my new bearskin rug and sire a new breed of Christophers.

    I love deadlifts.

    She is a lucky, lucky girl.

    Why, yes I am.

  • magneticreikipaul
    magneticreikipaul Posts: 61 Member
    I myself have only been doing deadlifts in my routine for about 7 weeks. So far I love these exercises. I'm not that strong with them yet, but I love how exhausted and how I feel while doing them and afterwards. The exercise just feels like more than just a push and pull motion. Along with squats, it's the only other lift that gets me a bit light headed and my heart rate pumped so high.

    I love this damn exercise!

    anyone else feel the same as me or hates the exercise all together?

    yeah love heavy DEADLIFTS
    am trying for 90kg within 2 weeks