Newbie returning again for the last time!!!



  • Welcome back! This is my 2nd time on MFP, so I can relate :)
  • loreturn
    loreturn Posts: 3 Member
    Welcome, I can definitely relate to your whole story and I'm with you. Your so right there is no reason to stop one of my goals is for this to be the last year I am fighting this fight.
  • Jenni129
    Jenni129 Posts: 692 Member
    I've been here for quite awhile now and finally got more serious about it in the last few weeks than ever. It's kind of like when I quit smoking with my ups and downs. I "quit" several times before it stuck and finally it's been four years. :smile: Will my weight loss journey probably be the same? No idea but I'm here and it's working right now! :flowerforyou:
  • Karenannmo
    Karenannmo Posts: 118
    I feel the same....need to get it right this time. This is my first time on this site and have been on it for a little over a week and need all the support I can get so please feel free to add me to your list of friends.:smile:
  • LilD1esel
    LilD1esel Posts: 9
    Good for you. I know you'll make it. I'm going through the same type of thing and could use all of the extra support and motivation I can get. :smile:
  • arhoades
    arhoades Posts: 6
    This is my second time around too. Feel free to add me.
  • Karenannmo
    Karenannmo Posts: 118
    Hi there,
    My sister in law got me a FitBit and I've been wearing it for about a's a real opener on how many steps I've been taking. Please feel free to add me as a friend, I would love to hear your progress with using the FitBit scale. :happy:
  • Hey Guys,

    I have started this journey many many times now and at least two times on here on My Fitness Pal. Somehow I always seem to end up losing my way.

    Anyway this is not about excuses and this time I intend to make a life change for good. I have no reason to believe that this time will be any different from before other than this bizarre feeling I have inside of me to get fit and healthy.

    For the first time I am actually looking forward to the challenge ahead of me.

    I would be delighted to have as many like minded people join me on this journey and so if you are looking to add to your friends list I would be very happy to have you along for the ride. Who knows I may even find some of the people I was friends with on here before.
    I sure hope you really don't mean, "for the last time."

    It takes as many times as it takes.

    It does sound like you have new resolve. Consider that every day is a new day. Each day start the program again. Keep track of calories and stay inside your goal. You can do this. It's just a day at a time.

    We've all started and given up and stopped and fallen back into old habits. But so many have been able to stay on track.

    You and I can too.

    Glad you are back. Come back as often as you need to!

  • GodsGirl37
    GodsGirl37 Posts: 348
    I'm new again too as well my 4th time here. you are welcome to add me also. Good luck on your journey
  • atlmom
    atlmom Posts: 27 Member
    me2, i lost 27 lbs here back in 2010. i've tried a couple times again, but just have struggled. i WANT to loose 60lbs, but that seems so far away. i usually do well for about 3 months if i can really get started, then it fades. this time i'm really keeping to the program-almost at week 3. i'm keeping my goal in 5lb increments. so far so good. if and when i hit 30-i'm thinking of just trying to maintain.
  • Thanks atlmom I have sent you a friend request
  • bump
  • HeatherPH
    HeatherPH Posts: 125 Member
    It's great that you're back! The support on this site is amazing and I think that engaging in the online community is definitely the way to go. Everyone on here is so motivational, both with their words and their own eating/exercise practices.I'm sure you'll find it more successful this time around :)
  • Thank you for your kind words Heather
  • bump
  • bump
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  • nichojanes
    nichojanes Posts: 76 Member
    Good luck to you.
    I have tried several times to lose weight, with some success, but always find it piling back on and having to re-start.
    This is my 1st try of MFP and am liking it so far (only week 2)
    Feel free to add me.
  • thanks nichojanes friend request on it's way