Lost my running mojo???

Crikeyc Posts: 21 Member
I took about a week off from running (but not exercise, I did swimming, elliptical and spinning) - and jumped back on the treadmill ready to rock yesterday. It was such a struggle that I could barely get to 2 minutes without having to stop. (I am a run/walker, usually at a 4/1 ratio). Any ideas on what I can do to get back into the swing? I have never had this happen to me after taking a break from running! Thanks.


  • falsecho
    falsecho Posts: 81 Member
    Take some more time off from running or get off the treadmill and do your running outside and get some fresh air.

    Personally I would get bored just running on a belt and not getting anywhere.
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    Ah, the dreadmill. You could run outside or just don't run at all. The key is to not get so bored that you quit all together. If you are tired of running and like the swimming stick with that for now. Just keep working out, that's the key. My recommendation though is if and when you do get back into running, leave the dust on the treadmill and kick up some road or trail dust of your own.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Download a really good (sexy? suspenseful?) book to your iPod. If you are going to run outside, keep the volume low. :-)
  • Crikeyc
    Crikeyc Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I failed to mention that I live in Florida, so running outside right now is pretty much not possible. I will see what the temps are when I wake up tomorrow and give it a try if it's not too warm. The thing is - I want to run - I just feel so tired and out of breath! Didn't think a week off would do that to me!