new, following slimming world & 30 day shred but struggling

hi there, i'm new here on my fitness pal & enjoying it so far & finding it rather useful... i follow slimming world as a general rule, have done on & off for years. I've lost 4st so far.... i enjoy it. i've been pretty sedentary most my life so around 2 months ago i began yoga, boxercise, wii games such as just dance & the wii fit plus exercise stuff & also been doing the 30 day shred. however i stopped losing weight & actually gained/maintained every week which really has been upsetting me since i still need to lose 25lbs!!! frustrated isn't the word!!! Anyhow, i would love to find some friends on here who are also slimming world members & are maybe having the same struggles as i have been for some support & tips :-) thanks xx


  • harpercutie
    harpercutie Posts: 118 Member
    I am currently doing 30 day shred and my weight has actually increased but I look toner. It goes to show that te scale is a liar!! What you should do is record your body fat % and take measurements. I'm not sure what "slimming world" is about but as long as you eat a lot of protein and few carbs( eat less than 100grams a day), and continue to workout you will lose weight. Dropping your carb intake in itself will make you lose but you coul also try not eating the extra calories you have burned. That's only if you are desperate to lose more weight. It's great if youre maintaining.
  • thank you! i have lost a few inches so far so that's one positive i guess! xx
  • One pound of fat and one pound of muscle are very different sizes. The more fat you burn and replace with muscle the slimmer you will look but you wont nesserarilly drop pounds.Check out this link (sorry its huge),r:0,s:0,i:72

    I'm doing slimming world and intensive cardio and although the scales don't change much I have lost inches and dropped a dress size in 2 weeks! Don't worry about the pounds as the more slim muscle you have the more calories your body will burn on its own.

    Well done on the weight loss so far.
  • Kathrynha77
    Kathrynha77 Posts: 103 Member
    I was doing Slimming world (like weight watchers, but slightly different plan for those non-brits that aint heard of it), but after a good 3 months I plateaued until I left and joined here last month, and my weight loss has major kicked off again.

    My problems with slimming world were firstly you could eat as much as you wanted of free and superfree foods as long as a third of your plate was superfree, but the amount I was eating was gradually increasing, so although following the plan, I was eating far too much.
    Secondly I sometimes go off track, and I found the 5 - 15 syns a day didn't allow me to control that, cos I so quickly went over the 15 syns, that I just thought sod that, and totally screwed up the diet.

    For me I need something more structured. Weighing and portion size need controls for me.
    Also I need to control any over eating. For example, this last weekend I've been away and eaten fish and chips, full fry up breakfast, doughnuts, ice cream, candy floss etc, and on Slimming world I would of screwed up big time, but with MFP I logged all the walking I did, which allowed my loads more calories, and logged my food, and I was actually under. This has resulted in me coming back from the weekend feeling positive about my diet and not as if I've ruined it all, and as a result I am continuing the week well.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    ^ This is so true.

    I have tried slimming world and weight watchers for years. Slimming world is brilliant for bever feeling hungry, but like you said teaches you nothing about portion control. Weight Watchers is brilliant for flexibility, but I felt hungry and found dinners hard to plan now there was no 'free food'.

    About 6 weeks ago I started trying again, and rather than follow a diet, I've just made sensible choices. I can honestly say it works so much better, I don't crave food like I used to because I'm not in that 'diet frame of mind', I've not felt hungry once, and MFP has pretty much taught me that I can eat what I like provided I work it off. Now I go for a long long walk every night and I have a decent dinner that I actually enjoy. It's still healthy, don't get me wrong, but I'm not counting and measuring and stressing about calories.

    15 pounds later and I'm still happy and sticking at it - seriously, I'd recommend making your own choices any day. The key is don't be too hard on yourself, if you have a bad day, you are just human. Start again as soon as.
  • thank you all so much for your replies :-)
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    If you're enjoying it and finding it useful then Slimming world is great, but I think often slimming groups focus too much on the number on the scale, and not inch loss and fitness. :)
  • I agree with Amy1620. It's not about the number on the scale. It's about you being healthy and feeling amazing. You can still be a size 12/14 and still look hot. Don't get stressed out by a number. And if you're maintaining and not loosing maybe you've hit a plateau and need to change up the routine a bit. Anyway, let me know if you need any new workout suggestions. i have a few I'd love to share with ya. Good luck and you are doing amazing. :)
  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,490 Member
    I think that 30 day shred is too demanding for anyone following slimming world..Calorie wise..

    Just my thoughts...
  • how do you mean jonski? do you think it burns too many calories? is that why people experience a period of maintaining/gaining when doing it? x
  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,490 Member
    Hi Toyah, they reckon a 30 day shred workout can burn up to 1000 cals...I`ve seen a few diaries of people who are doing slimming world...And in my honest opinion i don`t think they eat enough for the demands of 30 day shred..These are obviously just my thoughts..

    I`m not saying everybody doing both is undereating, but the majority of what i`ve seen do.
  • mousepaws22
    mousepaws22 Posts: 380 Member
    I've just started Slimming World, finding it quite hard to get my head round it!
  • it's great, i love it. easy once you get used to it :-) good luck & feel free to ask me anything about it! xx
  • Rosienoonan
    Rosienoonan Posts: 2 Member
    Hi , I have jus joing slimming world and lost 6.5 pounds so far. Not having problems so far. Keeping to the programme and using MFP as the food tracker. I have started to notice my weight loss.
    Keeping to the programme, and walking whenever I can. Try to leave the car home and walk to the train station. My husband has it handy as I doing all the cooking.
    Had been struggling to lose weight past 12 months, but Slimming world seems the most effective.
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    Where are the 30 day shred burn numbers coming from? The shred is 20min a workout and my hrm says anywhere from 230-300. I've only done 4 days so far so I guess it might get more but those numbers seem huge!
  • kazala
    kazala Posts: 115 Member
    Hi Toyah, they reckon a 30 day shred workout can burn up to 1000 cals...I`ve seen a few diaries of people who are doing slimming world...And in my honest opinion i don`t think they eat enough for the demands of 30 day shred..These are obviously just my thoughts..

    I`m not saying everybody doing both is undereating, but the majority of what i`ve seen do.

    I dont know where these numbers come from, I do 30 Ds regularly, with my heart rate monitor I burn an average of 200 kcals per workout.
    Also hoping to start slimming world next week , theres no groups near me so Im going to join while Im at my mums next week :)
  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,490 Member
    Hi Toyah, they reckon a 30 day shred workout can burn up to 1000 cals...I`ve seen a few diaries of people who are doing slimming world...And in my honest opinion i don`t think they eat enough for the demands of 30 day shred..These are obviously just my thoughts..

    I`m not saying everybody doing both is undereating, but the majority of what i`ve seen do.

    I dont know where these numbers come from, I do 30 Ds regularly, with my heart rate monitor I burn an average of 200 kcals per workout.
    Also hoping to start slimming world next week , theres no groups near me so Im going to join while Im at my mums next week :)

    It all depends on your fitness levels...I used to do an hour on the treadmill 7kph and burn 850/1000 cals..Now for the same time and same pace i only burn 550/650.
  • kaytyl2
    kaytyl2 Posts: 142 Member
    Hi Toyah, they reckon a 30 day shred workout can burn up to 1000 cals...I`ve seen a few diaries of people who are doing slimming world...And in my honest opinion i don`t think they eat enough for the demands of 30 day shred..These are obviously just my thoughts..

    I`m not saying everybody doing both is undereating, but the majority of what i`ve seen do.

    I dont know where these numbers come from, I do 30 Ds regularly, with my heart rate monitor I burn an average of 200 kcals per workout.
    Also hoping to start slimming world next week , theres no groups near me so Im going to join while Im at my mums next week :)

    1000 calories is way off. I burn between 180- 210 and that's me working hard as possible on level 2.
  • tryinghard71
    tryinghard71 Posts: 593
    30 Day shred with my HRM only burned around 200 calories.