4th of July Binge!!!

I really ate a lot of unhealthy food. I went over my calorie goal of 1300 by more than 2,500 calories! I knew I was going to binge in the afternoon so I made sure of eating a small break fast and exercised, ate a snack and excercised again so I could save extra calories for later in the day. I started off great, and only drank water BUT then I lost it and ate soo much ( junk food=chocolate cake, hot Cheetos, Oreos, brownies, macaroni salad, and delicious BBQ ribs >.< ) I feel so bloated and full.

So main question is it healthy/beneficial to FAST for ONE day after a gigantic BINGE? I heard that fasting for one day will actually boost your metabolism, feel more energized, and help you lose weight faster. Then again, I didnt really eat the healthiest meal to hold me out for a whole day... Would fasting for one whole day really hurt me?

Or should I built a larger calorie deficit everyday of this remaining week? maybe like 700 calories less than I'm supposed to have everyday? OR will that be worst, reducing the amount of Minimum calories I'm supposed to eat to remain fully operational (1300)? I worried I'll be really tired and dizzy .

Please help! >.< should I fast after Binging Orr just spread out the calories ? I sure I can hold put for a day fasting but I feel like I'll be really tired after the week is over if I reduce my calorie intake. Does that make sense o_0 And I assure everyone it won't become a habit, I know binging-fasting over a long time will really hurt me!


  • Dahllywood
    Dahllywood Posts: 642 Member
    You don't need to fast. Just get back on your normal routine. Don't let one holiday get you off your groove. It's only one day :)
  • jeannelawrie
    jeannelawrie Posts: 53 Member
    I don't have an answer for you, but can totally sympathize since I didn't do real great today either. I was healthy all day and worked out, but my son wanted frozen custard tonight and I totally caved and had some (2 scoops!) I'm hoping to just get back to doing what I'm supposed to be doing tomorrow and working out every day and hoping that gets me back on track...
  • misty0413
    misty0413 Posts: 212
    don't torture yourself. Just start your reg healthy routine tomorrow.
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    See how you feel tomorrow. Don't punish yourself. It's only counterproductive.

    I find that when I've had a "bad" day, I actually wake up hungrier the next day than after a good day. If the same is true for you, choose healthy options. If you still feel bloated and full tomorrow, don't force yourself to eat.
  • Rosa1213
    Rosa1213 Posts: 456 Member
    I'm in the same situation. I ate lots of unhealthy food and went over my calories for the day quite a bit!

    I'm just going to start afresh tomorrow and be healthy as usual. I may or may not jog a couple of extra minutes just to make myself feel better, not because I actually think it'll help. I'll also weigh myself, even though it's not my weigh-in day, just to remind myself that all my progress wasn't reversed because I ate a few hot dogs.

    It isn't the end of the world. Tomorrow will be a good day, as usual. Don't think too much about it, and remember that it was only one day :)
  • Hey. you and me both. I totally binge ate today, cuz i went to the fair and its the fourth of july. don't beat yourself up over it. one day isn't going to screw up your progress. I don't recommend fasting. i think its better for your body to just eat healthy. just go back to your normal diet tomorrow like usual. it will be fine.
  • AngieSchaible
    AngieSchaible Posts: 84 Member
    Don't beat yourself up for this .

    No one could avoid barbeques are any junk food on the 4th of July !

    I'm sure just as you and myself many here today went a little too far (My weakness today was the grilled ribs lol)
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    I think fasting is good for you so long as you can handle it mentally. Some people do "healthy fasts" and fall into some sort of disordered eating pattern. A lot of people fast and they're fine though so if you want to do it, I don't see why not.

    If you're going to crave foods and binge then I'd avoid it all together. I'll probably just have one small meal tomorrow since its a rest day anyway and I most likely won't be hungry in the morning.
  • ctooch99
    ctooch99 Posts: 459 Member
    This is why I HATE holidays! They are so challenging, even if you are totally committed to your regimen. Not only is there like tons of crap food everywhere, all of your friends and family are practically shoving it down your throat...

    Going on a fishing trip/clam bake on the beach tomorrow - determined not to blow my regimen...

    In answer to the OP - don't fast! Chalk it off as one day and get right back on your routine - in 2 days all those extra calories will be gone anyway - don't beat yourself up about it.
  • Thank you for your encouraging words! I think after reading all your advice I'll just try to eat healthy . Since I'll probably sleep in tommorow and maybe feel bloated, I'll eat breakfast late and then dinner: fresh veggies and some fruit, and to not let leftovers go to waste, one rib :) and of couse exercise, then go back to my regular schedule! Thank you for reading what I had to say.
  • this post makes me feel great because i barely ate anything at all today, and i had cookies, cakes, pies all around me.
  • Great will power! Hahha I was practically forced to eat, since everyone around has the mind set that "dieting" is always dangerous! I felt awkward. " Come on eat! Awww on a diet?" " NO diets aren't good for young people" " Oh come on its a holiday, pigout!" ....umm okay... >.< I won't overdo it again
  • Rockmyskinnyjeans
    Rockmyskinnyjeans Posts: 431 Member
    I think we're all allowed a "cheat" day every now and again. The 4th of July is a holiday and tomorrow is a new day. You can resume your healthy eating then and move past the binge of the 4th.
  • atxdee
    atxdee Posts: 613 Member
    I was only gonna eat one brisket chop beef sandwich today with only one helping of rice, but nope, I ate 3 chop beef sandwiches and 3 helpings of rice, in addition to my big breakfast and drinks, mostly tequila, and some snacks throughout the day. Yikes!
  • avt85
    avt85 Posts: 64
    dont feel bad....if it makes you feel any better, I'm about to consume 5,000 calories for dinner. :laugh:
  • MelanieKaye1s
    MelanieKaye1s Posts: 8 Member
    One splurge day is not going to hurt you! Just get back on track tomorrow! I know I am going to be stuffing myself on Thanksgiving and Christmas for sure! :happy:
  • jomulb
    jomulb Posts: 1
    New day, new diet! Forget about yesterday, and start afresh today.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Just give it about 12-16 hours until you eat again. With the kind of binge you went on, it is unlikely you'll be hungry before then, anyway. If you can stand it, you can undo some of the damage by by taking cold baths/showers. The water needs to be cold enough to induce shivering. When your body has to shiver to generate heat, it burns a lot of calories. I've used the shiver method to undo some serious binges in the past. It is no fun, but neither is getting on the scale and seeing all your hard work of the past weeks being undone as well.
  • ctooch99
    ctooch99 Posts: 459 Member
    I was only gonna eat one brisket chop beef sandwich today with only one helping of rice, but nope, I ate 3 chop beef sandwiches and 3 helpings of rice, in addition to my big breakfast and drinks, mostly tequila, and some snacks throughout the day. Yikes!

    LOL - exactly what I am talking about! it's impossible!
  • Jkmumma
    Jkmumma Posts: 254
    Fourth of July feasting countered by a long bike ride.