Heat and Calories



  • MrsFolk
    MrsFolk Posts: 205
    If you're able to eat fruits, you should juice them! You'll be getting a good amount of daily vitamins and nutrients plus you can throw a few ice cubes in and it makes a cold treat :)
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I am trying to eat more in the morning when it is cooler. It is hard in the extreme heat. When it lasts a few days, I just go with what is comfortable and drink as many fluids as possible. You could get your calories up with juices, etc.
  • meeka472
    meeka472 Posts: 283 Member
    My trainer tells me that appetite loss is also a sign of overtraining. You definitely want to eat and also give your body a chance to rest and rejuvenate as well.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I couldn't eat until yesterday evening. When I knew I was on the verge of getting lightheaded, I grabbed a nice cold chunk of cheese out of the fridge.
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    Oh, yes..............the heat is very hard on me. Being from Northern MN, we don't get very many really hot days - and we never have time to climatize to them, so when the temps go up, I wilt and feel sick.

    My remedy is to get OUT of the heat, drink some ice water, then go for cold foods - I like to freeze some yogurt and chop fresh fruit into it, eat ice-cream treats that are low in cals but make me feel cool, drink iced coffee and other iced drinks. If I do not cool down fast enough, I KNOW that I will be very sick.

    I also don't exercise much in the heat.....I know my body can't tolerate it. So I might walk in the cooler morning hours, or power-walk at the Mall.

    Stay COOL, MFP-ers!!!
  • dan323
    dan323 Posts: 271 Member
    I would go with protein shake or protein bars. Both are light but pack good calories and everything else your body needs. 1 protein bar can give you 400 calories. Try Met-rx, Cliff Bars, Detour bars. They're out there just look around.
  • dmtabone
    dmtabone Posts: 1
    How about a yogurt smoothie with protein powder..more like a shake?
  • spiregrain
    spiregrain Posts: 254 Member
    Try gazpacho? With a few croutons and a dash of olive oil whisked in, it'll have some calories. Throw on some avocados tossed in lemon juice for extra.

    I like "smooze" which is a fruit based popsicle thing I get at Whole Foods, especially the coconut and pink guava flavor.

    Throwing some nut butter in a smoothie can be really yummy. A little coconut milk and some cashew butter... mmm. With strawberries, guava, or mango? The nut butter and coconut can add a lot of calories without making the flavor too too heavy.

    In hot weather when I need calories, blue corn ships with mild-to-medium salsa are my go-to.

    Salads with homemade dressings that have a healthy oil base, like olive oil or hemp oil?

    I love people who can't think of anything good to eat. All I can think of is stuff that would be delicious to eat :)
  • dotbell123
    dotbell123 Posts: 11
    I do a small breakfast, a lunch around 2, and dinner later at night, after sunset. I have a Weight Watchers ice cream cone when I get home. Gives me fiber to keep me full and cools me down for 100 calories. :bigsmile: It's 95 degrees here today and I have a teen son, I have to make 'real food', but I refuse to have heat stroke while doing it (no central air in my house).
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    Fruit smoothies!!! Yum!!!!!!!!!
  • It is coolest early in the morning. Eat a good, solid breakfast before the day gets too hot. I also think things like yogurt and granola sit well with me on such days.
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    I have the same issue. I eat "solid " food and I get sick. So I drink my foods in the heat of the day. Mostly Bolthouse smoothies and their breakfast smoothies. Green goodness is really good and the strawberry breakfast smoothie is supper yummy. Has yogurt, granola and fruit in it.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    EEHH... so I have a dilema. I know you are not suppose to eat to FEW calories, but it is ungodly hot here and it makes me lose my appetite, like i feel sick after eating.
    I have been doing intense work outs so I know I need nutrition.
    I can eat fruit and feel okay. but in order to get up to a good amount of calories I have to eat a TON of fruit and like I said I am NOOOOT at all hungry.

    What should I do?

    If you're not hungry from the heat, and it makes you feel ill, then don't eat. You really should moderate your workouts when the heat is intense as well. You need to go easy and keep cool in this weather.