
caprice333 Posts: 2 Member
Has anyone else had problems entering in personal foods, and entering in foods you've eaten for the day???? Mine sometimes goes through, but then it stops working, and im kinda ticked cuz its my first day using it and things are already going wrong.


  • caprice333
    caprice333 Posts: 2 Member
    See the thing is I do all of that, but once i type in all the nutrition information of a personal food, it just doesnt save it. Im really confused because it let me add a few personal foods, then it stopped working. Im really bummed because I wanna keep using this site, but it does me no good if I can't enter personal foods.
  • sosmakeup
    sosmakeup Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Wendy. You should be able to access your personal foods via the food diary screen. For example, under breakfast, click on the "add food to breakfast'' and in the "search our food database by name'' field, type in the personal food you want. I typed in "Dannon" and it pulled up the yogurt I entered as one of my personal foods in addition to their other entries. I clicked on "Dannon" and to the right a gray box comes up giving me the option to add it to breakfast, lunch, dinner or snack.
    I've never had to enter information twice. Hope this helps.
  • apojones
    apojones Posts: 56 Member
    I have a less technical question and more of a fitness question. Does anyone have an opinion (expert or otherwise) regarding "Banking" calories. I find that I have a harder time staying within my calorie limit on the weekend, because we eat out on Sunday. Even though I choose wisely, I still seem to go way over because I can't get in organized exercise on Saturdays and Sundays. I'm sure I'm not overeating as much as it appears, because I do remain active, just not in a way that I can measure. BUT...I am eating too many calories. Can you workout harder during the week before and leave 100-200 extra calories each day (500-1000 per week) to cover the weekend--without sending your body into some mode that feels like it is being underfed Monday thru Friday? Thanks in advance for any input.
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