People who judge!! What would you have done??



  • SaundraU
    SaundraU Posts: 77
    also would have ignored her and possibly moved to a different part of the beach. To me hurling insults back at her or using choice words in front of your children is only slightly better then going and punching her. Look at the state of affairs now adays where parents yell at coaches at schools, etc. This is not teaching our children to handle things correctly and you gave her the satisfaction of getting a rise out of you.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    I'd ask her why she decided getting drunk and disorderly around a bunch of kids was such a grand idea, and why she thought that qualified her to pass her oh-so-very wise judgement upon others. Then I'd tell her that the alcohol was obviously impairing her judgement, since it was very plain to see that all my kids were picking up food left and right from the cooler I brought with me. And if she continued to talk **** after that, I'd have invited her to take it up with my fist.
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    "Are people so unhappy with their own lives that they have to try to belittle others to make themselves feel better?"

    YES! You did the best you could at the is truly HER problem not yours. Several years ago after quitting smoking, my daughter was chewing on a soda straw. Her husband told her it was worse for her to chew on straws, than to smoke!!! I was totally ready to fight when I heard that, but I asked her, so what did you do/say? And she said, "Nothing mom, one does not argue with stupidity" WOW blew me away and I try really really hard to remember that. (although for sure I do not always succeed :blushing: )
  • emmymae22
    emmymae22 Posts: 206
    OMG. that is INSANE! People blow my mind! Of COURSE you should've said something back! Good for you! You don't owe her anything, and you don't owe your kids a Funyun either!! I'm so sorry that happened to you!
  • Honestly, it would depend my mood at the time. The reponses could have varied from my laughing and crunching Funyuns louding in her direction, to something highly sarcastic and mean, but more likely I would have said something like "Those little rugrats can get a job and buy their own Funyuns if they want some" because I would have found that funny.

    i so would do this too or said "no its not there day to eat i feed them yesterday" and laughed, i prolly would have gathered my childern pointed to her and said see children this is an example of someone who is mean and rude and puts others down because she is afraid others will see her flaws, and countied on my wonderful day with my wonderful children...while she ponered on what just happend
  • patchesgizmo
    patchesgizmo Posts: 244 Member
    You did really well. It would have destroyed my entire day. Is alcohol allowed on a public beach where you live? If not I would have been really nasty and reported her to officials and got her skanky butt off that beach. But I am vindictive and nasty.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    ugh I was so depressed the day I read the nutritional information/serving size on a package of fig newtons. Never ate one ever again. :(
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    My head would tell me to do something similar, but my heart would have kicked sand in her face. Unfortunately, I tend to follow my heart!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    So I guess my bigger concern is that you were in a PUBLIC place, and she was drunk. the last time I checked the government funded parks and beaches are alcohol free. While I generally mind my own business, I may have gone out of my way in this case to call the police and report her.

    I don't think I've ever to been to a beach that didn't allow alcohol. Some have bars on the beach.
  • overfences
    overfences Posts: 96 Member
    What would I have done? Ignored the drunk.
    Ignoring only makes them think it's okay to hurl abuse at people.

    What she really needed was a good beatdown and then maybe she'd think twice about being drunk and abusive towards strangers.

    A good beat down? Seriously? Is this Jerry Springer?

    You can't reason with drunk people. Ignoring is best. I would not lower myself to the level of an angry drunk by participating. I would ignore and then explain to my kids, privately, why her behavior is inappropriate and why we should not take it to heart.

    Additionally, I would NEVER encourage my children to talk back to a drunk adult. Not their fight, not their responsibility. Children should not be pulled into adult issues.
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    What an *kitten*. You did well.
  • angjindra
    angjindra Posts: 77 Member
    I would have most likely snapped back with some really nasty words! I would have loved to also slam her across the face with her full beer can in my hand! But not very classy and don't need an assult charge! :) Great job handling yourself and being a good role model for the kids!
  • SheTrucker
    SheTrucker Posts: 35 Member
    I think you did great. It takes a ton of self control to have grace in a situation like that, and you did a great job for your kids too. I'm afraid I wouldn't have had the self control to handle it without it escalating past words. I've run into several people like her, who look for confrontation just for the sake of confrontation. It seems like these type of people are so hell bent on giving others their opinion and being right and all you have to do is admit they're right and let it go. Then its over for them and you stew about it for days. Some people are just unhappy and pathetic and will never understand why they make it so hard for others to like or even regard them.
  • k011185
    k011185 Posts: 320 Member
    Since I'm a total pansy when it comes to confrontation, I probably would have ignored her, but said something loudly to the kids about not being rude to strangers, moved somewhere my kids couldn't hear her abuse and reported her for being drunk in public. lol.
    I'm a wuss :) I think you did well!

    (As far as drunk on the beach, it is certainly illegal here, not sure about other areas obviously).
  • jyuubi
    jyuubi Posts: 109
    I would have opened my mouth in a very bad way, and pointed out those many beer cans, lol. I know how it feels, when you're eating in public, and all people can think is that you're so fat. I don't know why people think that overweight people shouldn't eat. Everyone needs to eat. And you see thin people stuffing their face full of fast food and no one gives a damn because they're thin. Everyone has this dumb idea that ALL overweight people sit and do nothing but eat, eat, eat! And for a lot of us, that's the exact opposite, we just don't make the right choices and find it more difficult to lose weight compared to others.

    Why are people that way? Because they're ignorant, and were either raised to be ignorant or have simply learned to be so by the people around them. Most of the reason why I don't like being around people at all.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    also would have ignored her and possibly moved to a different part of the beach. To me hurling insults back at her or using choice words in front of your children is only slightly better then going and punching her. Look at the state of affairs now adays where parents yell at coaches at schools, etc. This is not teaching our children to handle things correctly and you gave her the satisfaction of getting a rise out of you.
    What? Where does OP say she insulted the woman? She only said she spoke to her.
  • ncahill77
    ncahill77 Posts: 501 Member
    I'm a bit of a smart@ss so I don't mind picking a fight, I probably would have said yeah but it makes them tougher, I don't want my kids growing up to be a pansy like your drunk @ss.
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    Oh the things I would have called her......words MFP gives me a hard time for using on the message boards. And then I would have called the cops and said some woman was being drunk and disorderly on the beach and had her arrested.
  • ncahill77
    ncahill77 Posts: 501 Member
    Now that I think about it some more I probably would have walked over and stolen his or her beer and just given them the go to hell look the whole time, people like that tend to talk and thats about it.
  • Krys_140
    Krys_140 Posts: 648 Member
    What would I have done? Ignored the drunk.

    ^^^ This.

    OP did well, better than I might have done, but the better answer is not to teach your kids that responding to verbal asshattery at all is the wrong way to approach the problem. Ignore it, or at worst a quick "please mind your own business" followed by completely ignoring them is the most effective.

    ^^^^^^"Please mind your own business." Best response, though definitely not the most satisfying. Also, getting up and moving to another part of the beach, and reporting her for public drunkenness (aaaaaaand there we have the satisfying part of the story).