People who judge!! What would you have done??



  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    Ignore the drunk. Drunks have the attention span of a gnat.
  • Rex1612
    Rex1612 Posts: 13
    I admire your strength. You really are a strong woman to handle that the way you did and I am impressed by you.

    Do you love comedy? Look up Lynne Koplitz and watch her comedy central routine (the one in the pink dress.) First, you will laugh your *kitten* off... second, she makes fun of herself and how other people treat her and it's just so funny.

    I'm not adverstising for her, I'm only saying laughter is the best medicine and it makes me feel better.

    Don't let some stupid, drunk idiot have any power over how you feel about yourself. She's obviously a "special kind of stupid."
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    What would I have done? Ignored the drunk.
    Ignoring only makes them think it's okay to hurl abuse at people.

    What she really needed was a good beatdown and then maybe she'd think twice about being drunk and abusive towards strangers.

    A good beat down? Seriously? Is this Jerry Springer?

    You can't reason with drunk people. Ignoring is best. I would not lower myself to the level of an angry drunk by participating. I would ignore and then explain to my kids, privately, why her behavior is inappropriate and why we should not take it to heart.

    Additionally, I would NEVER encourage my children to talk back to a drunk adult. Not their fight, not their responsibility. Children should not be pulled into adult issues.

    well said!
  • Natelywills
    WOW! Way to make a total stranger feel terrible about herself when the beach is a particularly tough place to be if you're conscious of your weight anyway!

    You were a real lady. Good for you for standing your ground but not taking her bait.

    You're minding your own business, having fun at the beach and eating a snack that you've earned (you swam!!) and I am sure was within your numbers. And even if you WEREN'T, it's none of her business. if your kids looked emaciated and you had brought nothing for them while chowing down on a convenience store shelf of Funyuns, she might have a right to be concerned but STILL not say anything.

    I am so sorry this happened to you. What a great role model you are, though for your kids and everyone else on the beach. You kept your cool and didn't say or do anything that would have been completely justifiable but not a great show for the kids.

    People don't understand, when you're on an eating plan, you DO have these small indulgences and they're what keep your day going. Mine is a piece of chocolate and a cup if hot tea in the evenings. If I have stuck to my numbers all day, I make sure I have enough for one or two Ghiardelli Caramel Squares. I get in to bed with a cup of hot tea, open my book and really make those little chocolates last. But I look forward to them all day and I earn them. I can just imagine doing that at a park and someone telling me to put the chocolate down because I'm overweight or my kids might want one!

    Stay proud. You're making a real, positive change AND still making your kids' holidays fun and memorable for all the right reasons. Eat your Funyuns and to hell with people who want to spoil something lovely, like a family day out. Shame on her!
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    Wow!!! I would have told her she needs to mind her own business. Then reported her drunken *kitten*.
  • Always824
    Always824 Posts: 111 Member
    "Those little rugrats can get a job and buy their own Funyuns if they want some" because I would have found that funny.

    LOL THIS!!!
  • DaniellePF
    DaniellePF Posts: 308 Member
    I think you handled it very well, especially remembering that you are setting the example for your kids.

    As for it bothering you still, I try to remind myself that I would rather be the one living life and enjoying it, then some sad drunk sitting around on the sidelines making comments about it.

    Do what you feel is right ALWAYS....because no matter what you do, someone can and will come up with a criticism for it. So f*&k 'em and enjoy your funyuns.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    "Yes, I'm totally starving them by letting them eat an apple and Fig Newtons instead of a Funyun."

    Now I want Funyuns. Damn Canadian stores not having what I want. Stupid ferry and shipping expenses to an island.
  • Always824
    Always824 Posts: 111 Member
    Now that I think about it some more I probably would have walked over and stolen his or her beer and just given them the go to hell look the whole time, people like that tend to talk and thats about it.

    LMAO... If only I liked beer I would do this... Although I think I can come up with a few of my Navy buddies & maybe even a couple Army Uncles that would do that... Just take the beer like they own it LMAO
  • melann1974
    melann1974 Posts: 84
    You handled it very well. I am not sure what I would have said in that situation.
  • Cyndi1
    Cyndi1 Posts: 484 Member
    Honestly you did amazing.. you are allow treats for yourself... maybe that is our problem feeling like we have to jusfied a treat....Never let anyone talk down to you... however sometimes its nice to walk away or turn and eat your treat right in front of them...or ask her to share her bottle just to let her know,,, your not judging but you didnt notice until she started mouthing didnt care because it wasn't your business unless she was drinking and driving..because you have precious cargo with you. People who judge have no rights.... so dont allow them to make you think twice about bring a treat along.. she didnt pay for it.

    grr people mind your own business and just maybe we will be better off..... Keep on enjoying life!!!!!
  • fatfrost
    fatfrost Posts: 365 Member
    Probably ignored her until she used profanity in front of my children. At that point, I would have gotten ign'ant as we used to say in the hood.
  • Bruinsmama
    Bruinsmama Posts: 53 Member
    The Nuns at school always siad, "If you can't say something nice, say nothing."

    I think you did well by taking the high road. And DON"T let the haters get you down!
  • akoivisto
    akoivisto Posts: 141 Member
    Having two kids, 4 and 2, I'd have probably ignored her. My mom always told me to not waste my time on certain people; you don't accomplish much. If she had continued, I'd have explained to her politely to hold her tongue, as young ears are present...


    If she continued...

    Well... diplomancy only goes so far in the real world... sometimes you just need to pack up the kids and leave your cooler for last. It is amazing how sober a person becomes when you empty a cooler's half melted ice onto someone during a hot summer day. :) Since your kids are in the van, they won't see you being 'undiplomatic' and the running spring back to the car and peeling out is easily explained by 'hot' pavement... and not the looney running after you. xD
  • mikeyboy
    mikeyboy Posts: 1,057 Member
    You did the right thing. As for me.... I would have burried her, *kitten* up, in the sand.
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    I would have told her to fu** off. I would likely have noticed the beer cans and insulted her with that in some manner, not that there is anything wrong with beer or drinking a lot of it just where my mind would have went.
  • Kaylarhodes
    Kaylarhodes Posts: 12 Member
    I hate that people have started acting like they have a right to involve them selves in everything. What happened to "if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything?" What happened to respect and taking care of your self before looking at other people. There is so much hate, and judgement today. Do we all feel so insecure that we must tear apart everyone else to feel better?
  • akwagner25
    akwagner25 Posts: 62

  • akwagner25
    akwagner25 Posts: 62

    kick her in the boob? :huh:

  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Doesn't she know that if you feed them they just grow??? Then they need clothes and shoes...forget it, starvation is the only smart way to raise children!!!

    On a more serious note, I'm glad you handled it well...I'm not sure what I would have done, but I'm sure it would have involved a somewhat less positive role model for my children...I like to think I would be classy, but I have a bit of a temper...I'm glad there is still at least one real adult in the world!!!