Friends or no Friends?

Ok... So I recently told a co-worker about MFP and all the support I get from the site. She is over our departments focus to stay healthy. She then gathered some information and emailed the entire department this information. Which don't get me wrong would be wonderful, however, the problem now is everyone is walking around asking for each others user information as if this was just another form of communication. I have read past forums of people who tried to lose weight with friends and they say its a horrible thing to do because its so easy for them to mess up or not take it serious, then try to pull you down with them. I am refusing to give anyone my information. Is that wrong of me?


  • Twiztedbeing
    Twiztedbeing Posts: 389
    Honestly it depends. There are some that work great together and some that just play around. If you do not think you could work seriously with anyone there, then stick with what is working for you. Do not let them pressure you into giving your info, however if you post a lot on forums, they may find you eventually. Either way, it just depends on a persons motivation to work out. If they do not have the motivation, then its just another social network to them.
  • curryinahurry
    curryinahurry Posts: 83 Member
    Nope. I have no friends on here yet. I just log my daily stuff and try to stay focused. For me, I am not against friends but I want to do this myself. So do not feel bad for doing what you have to do. Also, I am always reading community posts, that helps me see I am not alone with various topics. Good luck.
  • stfuriada
    stfuriada Posts: 445 Member
    I don't accept requests either.

    This whole process is dependent on me anyway. If I fall off the wagon cheerleaders or pep talks wouldn't do anything unless *I* scrounge up my willpower and start again.

    @! <3hearts/flowers/smileyface" ? That's actually more embarrassing than anything.
  • No friends. Being mean and aloof is much easier.

    Lol! So true...

    And thanks all of you... At this point its just something new for some of them. After a week or two I honestly don't think half of them will be on here. I'm just trying to take this serious. I want to change my life style not just be on a diet.
  • Francesca3162
    Francesca3162 Posts: 520 Member
    I have made new MFP friends on here, but DO NOT want co-workers or family on MFP as friends... It is just what works for me! I am doing this for myself and by myself with support from the friends I have gained here that can relate to my struggle....
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    I only know one person on my MFP friends list. Everyone else are people I have met on MFP for support and to support them.
  • TadaGanIarracht
    TadaGanIarracht Posts: 2,615 Member
    People suck. That is all.
  • Everything depends on what you think. If you think that you can work seriously with them, then sure. Personally I don't like to have irl-friends here but I gladly accept request from random people because I handle my eating better with friends than without friends. And that is because they see my food diary. (Also stalking their diaries can give new ideas when I'm planning what to eat.)
  • this1bigdog
    this1bigdog Posts: 350 Member
    I don't do any of my friends or coworkers...
    they are my geniue pigs...
    if they notice it's a NSV for me..

    if they knew I was on MFP and trying to lose..then they might throw me a bone...
    and I don't/need pity/charity!

    I am here to kick a** for myself
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    You opened a can of worms - :laugh:
    Now you know better...
  • soehlerking
    soehlerking Posts: 589 Member
    I read somewhere "There are two things to never tell anyone about if you wish to be successful: When you're writing a book and when you're losing weight." I have friends on here, but they're almost all strangers to me (the exceptions being my husband and aunt). I don't care to have people "watching" me here AND in my everyday life; that would just get a little overwhelming. But that's just me. :)
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    Ok... So I recently told a co-worker about MFP and all the support I get from the site. She is over our departments focus to stay healthy. She then gathered some information and emailed the entire department this information. Which don't get me wrong would be wonderful, however, the problem now is everyone is walking around asking for each others user information as if this was just another form of communication. I have read past forums of people who tried to lose weight with friends and they say its a horrible thing to do because its so easy for them to mess up or not take it serious, then try to pull you down with them. I am refusing to give anyone my information. Is that wrong of me?

    not at all- i think it was rude of the person to email the entire department without asking you since it's "your thing."
  • You opened a can of worms - :laugh:
    Now you know better...

    I know I felt like slapping myself. Now I have to wait it out :'( life lessons lol
  • nsalerno90
    nsalerno90 Posts: 68
    I am keeping my friend group very small, and only those who are very serious. I have not told anyone in my "life" what specifically I am doing and I agree -- if they notice, it is a good thing but not what I am living for. You do what feels comfortable to you -- I am a life coach and I work with a lot of people who are trying to live lives that feel good to them. You obviously already have those instincts so stick to your guns. . .
  • chlorisaann
    chlorisaann Posts: 366 Member
    I have made new MFP friends on here, but DO NOT want co-workers or family on MFP as friends... It is just what works for me! I am doing this for myself and by myself with support from the friends I have gained here that can relate to my struggle....

    ^^^ THIS!!
  • yourenotmine
    yourenotmine Posts: 645 Member
    I honestly would rather not have people I actually *know* in life following me here. I have one friend that does, but she's cool. I, for instance, would not like to hear my mom's take on it if I decide to have a few drinks (which I do, frequently).
  • waskier
    waskier Posts: 254 Member
    Not at all. Just like Facebook, I do not "friend" people from work. What I do on private has no place in the work environment. I politely decline requests that I receive periodically and simply explain why when I see them at the office. None have taken offense yet.
  • ntw25
    ntw25 Posts: 149 Member
    I have made new MFP friends on here, but DO NOT want co-workers or family on MFP as friends... It is just what works for me! I am doing this for myself and by myself with support from the friends I have gained here that can relate to my struggle....

    This is me too. I have a lot of friends on here that I do not really know, but they provide me with support, inspiration and motivation. I have similar outside of cyberspace, but they are just different.
  • mburger84
    mburger84 Posts: 19 Member
    ive been encouraging people i know to get on here too as Ive found it super helpful but started to realize im not sure i want a ton of people i know to be my friends. I feel like i wouldnt feel as comfortable and it is more about me vs socializing. granted i love having friends, but id almost prefer friends i dont actually know LOL and people that take it seriously vs just doing it for fun
  • DebbsBee
    DebbsBee Posts: 13
    There is no need to feel bad about refusing to give out your info, this is not a social networking site if they want to talk to you online they can use Facebook or whatever you use for social networking. This is a fitness site with a social side to it IF you want to use it, it's up to you. Just explain that you are flattered they want to connect with you but that you feel that your weight loss journey is a private matter, I'm sure they'll understand.