What is your heaviest weight?



  • jfrog123
    jfrog123 Posts: 432 Member
    My highest weight was 388 in 2002. I had gastric bypass and got down to 212. Fell back into bad habits and got back up to 280. That was last summer, before I joined mfp. This morning I weighed 212 - matching my lowest adult weight ever. Can't wait to get under 200!
  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    Heaviest was 240 in 1990
    Present weight 184
    Goal weight 165
  • martin1306
    martin1306 Posts: 21 Member
    260 lbs in Jan 10
    190 just now.
  • mondesa
    mondesa Posts: 61 Member
    HIghest Ever weight was 300 back in 2001. January this year i was @275 or 280. I am currently 205 so i have lost 70 pounds. My next goal is to get the scale under 200lbs i dont think my weight has started with a 1 since 8th grade. I think my goal weight is 175. but when i get there I may change my mind. My husband if ready for me to stop now
  • 283. Weighed myself this morning and I was 193. Can't wait to reach my 100lb mark!
  • ASGG7818
    ASGG7818 Posts: 19 Member
    At my heaviest was 253. I started counting calories at the end of May and hoping I can reach my goal of 165 by next May.
  • ccburn5
    ccburn5 Posts: 473 Member
    260.8 was the heaviest I ever recorded mid January 2012, not sure if it was my heaviest or not but probably close. Down to right around 225 now and feel great! Would like to lose another 15 or so and see how things look.