Is Too Much Protein a Hinderance?



  • RayRay1500
    RayRay1500 Posts: 158 Member
    Protein is valuable, it fills you up!!!!!
  • xoxosarinaxoxo
    xoxosarinaxoxo Posts: 22 Member
    Protein is GREAT never enough protein!!!
  • debbiestine
    debbiestine Posts: 265 Member
    If you are working out, I've read that you multiply 1.1xyour lean body mass.
    for example: So if you have 30%fat and weigh 150 your lean body mass would be 150-45=105lbs of lean body mass You should eat 105 grams of protein daily.
    I upped mine to around 100 and I am small . I noticed body builder looking women eat like more than they weigh in protein. Don't be afraid of protein! Be afraid of eating too much carbs (over 100) and too much sugar (over 30)- they will make you fat.
  • Koorogi
    Koorogi Posts: 21 Member
    Hello there...

    Just a note, for those that don't like seeing the RED at the end of your daily totals, you can go in and change your goals.

    Click MY HOME>GOALS>(scroll down)CHANGE GOALS>select CUSTOM>click CONTINUE

    From there you can change your macros AND up things like your fiber intake as MFP lists it way too low as well (a healthy diet should have 25-30g a day).

    When you're all done, just scroll down and click the CHANGE GOALS button and you're all set! Best of luck on your journey. *smiles*
  • kmuree
    kmuree Posts: 283 Member
    Lexy seems to be a protein hater from previous posts!

    MFP is low on protein. don`t worry if you go will find lost of protein lovers on here!

    I am a high protein eater, you are very welcome to add me if you want

    Far from it, protein is invaluable. However, this question is asked several times a day and a click on page 2 shows another thread asking the same question as did page 4 or 5.

    Your opinion is invaluable because it has no structure. :huh:

    Protein is amazing! It keeps me full and helps my muscles recover from rough workouts! :bigsmile:
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    !!!!!!!!!!!I didnt read every post but let me tell you that TOO MUCH PROTINE CAN ABSOLUTLY HINDER RESULTS!!!!! I just read an article on it on like last week. it said that too much in one meal will store the excess as fat! that the average female body can only metabolise ( sorry im an awful speller) like 19 or so grams per meal give or take based on your muscle tone, fat percentage, and hight and weight... I think you should do some real research to make your decision...

    You'd have to eat a TON of protein for that. My nutrionist and Dr. have me on a minimum of 80, but many many peeps here do around 100.
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    It's fine to go over on protein ...unless you have kidney problems (current or family history of renal failure is the biggest)
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    !!!!!!!!!!!I didnt read every post but let me tell you that TOO MUCH PROTINE CAN ABSOLUTLY HINDER RESULTS!!!!! I just read an article on it on like last week. it said that too much in one meal will store the excess as fat! that the average female body can only metabolise ( sorry im an awful speller) like 19 or so grams per meal give or take based on your muscle tone, fat percentage, and hight and weight... I think you should do some real research to make your decision...

    Wrong and ignores the basic principles of weight gain/loss and total energy balance.

    Excess protein (or any macro) does not make you fat, excess total calories make you fat.
  • feast4thebeast
    feast4thebeast Posts: 210 Member
    !!!!!!!!!!!I didnt read every post but let me tell you that TOO MUCH PROTINE CAN ABSOLUTLY HINDER RESULTS!!!!! I just read an article on it on like last week. it said that too much in one meal will store the excess as fat! that the average female body can only metabolise ( sorry im an awful speller) like 19 or so grams per meal give or take based on your muscle tone, fat percentage, and hight and weight... I think you should do some real research to make your decision...

    Wrong and ignores the basic principles of weight gain/loss and total energy balance.

    Excess protein (or any macro) does not make you fat, excess total calories make you fat.

    I was just about to write the same thing - people buy into too many myths and trust everything they read
  • NKF92879
    NKF92879 Posts: 601 Member
    If they can't take time to look through threads or spend 10 seconds clicking on search but have the time to log on and type the question. Slight contradiction, don't you think?

    If the repeat questions bother you, why do you even read them let alone respond?
  • mandy014384
    mandy014384 Posts: 9 Member
    I went to see a dietitian who put me on a 2000 calorie/day and suggested 20% protein diet (MFP was close at 15%). 20% protein on a 2K/day is around 100 grams. She noted to me previously I wasn't eating enough protein and to make sure I focus on that to help build and maintain muscle mass during weight loss. She did warn me to space my protein out through the day and not eat it all at one meal because the body would only use so much at a time and would turn the unused portion to fat. She did recommend to use 25 grams for Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner and the remaining 25 grams in my snacks.
  • gauravb1986
    no such thing as too much protein. might make you fart though. :embarassed:

    Haha.. and the truth shall set you free (literally)!
  • Blaqheart
    Blaqheart Posts: 235
    more protein = more muscles

    It also fills you up so you're not hungry.

    All hail the great titan Proteinus Fillupis!:bigsmile:
  • ArtemisMoon
    ArtemisMoon Posts: 144
    !!!!!!!!!!!I didnt read every post but let me tell you that TOO MUCH PROTINE CAN ABSOLUTLY HINDER RESULTS!!!!! I just read an article on it on like last week. it said that too much in one meal will store the excess as fat! that the average female body can only metabolise ( sorry im an awful speller) like 19 or so grams per meal give or take based on your muscle tone, fat percentage, and hight and weight... I think you should do some real research to make your decision...

    Wrong and ignores the basic principles of weight gain/loss and total energy balance.

    Excess protein (or any macro) does not make you fat, excess total calories make you fat.

    I was just about to write the same thing - people buy into too many myths and trust everything they read

    I went and looked at that particular article out of curiosity to see what they used to back up such a just said the body uses as much as 30g a meal, and the rest is usually burned as energy OR stored as fat. Big difference there. If you over eat, your not going to burn it as energy and it will store as fat, but that is true of carbs or anything else you eat. There was nothing to back up the per meal part except for a quote from someone. No research.
  • ladykate7
    ladykate7 Posts: 206 Member
    !!!!!!!!!!!I didnt read every post but let me tell you that TOO MUCH PROTINE CAN ABSOLUTLY HINDER RESULTS!!!!! I just read an article on it on like last week. it said that too much in one meal will store the excess as fat! that the average female body can only metabolise ( sorry im an awful speller) like 19 or so grams per meal give or take based on your muscle tone, fat percentage, and hight and weight... I think you should do some real research to make your decision...

    too many calories of any kind store as fat. Your body doesn't go "oh that's too much protein... I'm put in a fat cell"
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    If they can't take time to look through threads or spend 10 seconds clicking on search but have the time to log on and type the question. Slight contradiction, don't you think?

    I think some people want to be talked to directly instead of searching through tons of posts or threads.
  • TauTheBull
    TauTheBull Posts: 96
    I have been drinking Visalus protein powder with milk daily and it is great! The only think I wonder is at the end of the day my diary says that I have had too much protein. I am also mid-30 day shred and eating 1380 cals a day with it. Is having ''too much'' protein according to my diary going to hinder me or can I just continue on?

    This has been discussed many times on her please use the search feature!

    ****STAFF NOTE***** We highly encourage our users to ask repeat questions as they help to promote and foster new relationships and introduce people to our forums. Please respect their right to do so.
  • danika1162
    I agree, high protein, lots of fruits and veggies. Get back to the basics and stay away from all the commercialized stuff (canned goods, processed foods etc).
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    Those Visulus shakes hardly have any protein in them.
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    !!!!!!!!!!!I didnt read every post but let me tell you that TOO MUCH PROTINE CAN ABSOLUTLY HINDER RESULTS!!!!! I just read an article on it on like last week. it said that too much in one meal will store the excess as fat! that the average female body can only metabolise ( sorry im an awful speller) like 19 or so grams per meal give or take based on your muscle tone, fat percentage, and hight and weight... I think you should do some real research to make your decision...

    You believe everything you read in a magazine? Really?