Trying to lose the baby weight!

Hi! I have a beautiful 4 month old baby, but am depressed with my body. I have lost 31lbs , but still need to lose 10 more of baby weight, plus 26 more that I had gained in the 3 years before getting pregnant. My husband is very fit and I am embarrassed around him. I am excited to be using this tool! I have already been training for a 5k for the past few weeks and hope to run my first one on August 5. Yet, I have not lost any weight in the past 4 weeks. This is a huge challenge for me.


  • KathleenD1026
    KathleenD1026 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! That's great that you've lost 31 already! I have a 4 month old also...I've lost 20, but STILL HAVE 50 to go. I ate anything that wasn't nailed down while I was pregnant! Literally! My exercise routine is in place...but diet is my problem. I work out about 5 days a week, but I'm undoing all my hard work with overeating. I haven't lost a pound in over a month. Eating is my comfort.
  • Twiztedbeing
    Twiztedbeing Posts: 389
    Only thing I can suggest without knowing anything else about you is to make sure to eat as healthy as possible it accounts to 70-80% of weight loss. Also, running is great, if you can add weight training into the mix it could possibly help speed up the process as well.
  • Graciecny
    Graciecny Posts: 302 Member
    Congrats to you gals who lost baby weight after only 4 months! My oldest is 9 and I'm STILL trying to lose that baby weight. :laugh:
  • Ahelmicki
    Ahelmicki Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I have a 2 1/2 year old and a 10 week old and I am really trying hard to get back to my before baby weight. I would love to be the same weight I was when my husband and I met. I actually lost over 20lbs with my last pregnancy somehow, probably because I was so overweight when I got pregnant, then I started eating healthier for the baby. Either way the weight I have to lose is weight I gained between pregnancies and it doesn't seem to want to go anywhere :( I trained last summer for a 5k and then found out I was pregnant right before and actually ended up not running it (bummer) so I am trying again this summer, and I WILL run it this time around. I have no problem eating healthy I just find it hard with 2 small children to find the time to get out and exercise. I don't mind pushing the stroller and going for walks but my 2 yr old gets bored after a while. Any ideas on how to exercise with the babies? Anyway feel free to add me I am new to this and don't have many friends on here !
  • chikkenlikken
    chikkenlikken Posts: 24 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you are! Just keep at it. I know it's hard to find time. I work out to exercise videos while my daughter is napping. However, just like Twiztedbeing said, your diet is critical to success. Eat healthy and work out whenever you can. It WILL pay off eventually. I keep telling myself that! Whenever you're feeling down, just log on to MFP and we'll give you support! You can do it! We can do it together!