Your wtf i need to get in shape moment.



  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member
    My moment is that sometime in the next year, my husband and I will probably start trying to have a baby, and I guess it seems sorta of backwards, but I want to be very fit and healthy before-hand, so that I can keep it up during and after pregnancy.... a healthy start for the baby and lots easier to get back into the shape I want to be in than to wait and be trying to lose baby weight, plus the extra 5 or so that i'd like to be rid of now.

    Not backwards... smart.
  • jfan175
    jfan175 Posts: 812 Member
    Two things......

    1.) I went to the zoo and the elephants threw me peanuts.

    2.) I got on an electric scale and it said, "one at a time please".
  • A dear friend put their arms around me and held me and I realized that I did not want extra weight coming between me and getting physically close to people. I began my weight loss journey the very next day.
  • HellsKells
    HellsKells Posts: 671 Member
    I was 17 and I went up to this girl I had really liked for sometime to ask her out and she pretty much said straight out " you're too fat for me" from that point on I knew I had to get in shape.

    You're probably way out of her league now, so well done.

    Mine was when I went to my doctor's and she wanted me to start taking medicine to lower triglycerides, and I decided that I am tired of relying on medicines to fix things I can fix myself. That and the fact that I was NOT going to buy clothes any larger.
  • Gioooo
    Gioooo Posts: 301 Member
    Two things......

    1.) I went to the zoo and the elephants threw me peanuts.

    2.) I got on an electric scale and it said, "one at a time please".

    bahahha. hate when that happens
  • Everything kind of hit all at once.

    About a year and a half ago I met up with a friend of the family who I had not seen in 2 years (she is a couple of years younger than I am) and she said "So, what cha been doing since I saw you last... well, except for getting chunky". Obviously the look on my face indicated my shock as she immediately started back pedaling.

    Flash forward about a year and all at once my larger pants were getting tight, my blood pressure skyrocketed, and my blood sugar was way too high. Then at the same time I met up with family and when my folks took a picture of me with my aunt and i reviewed it on their phone, I said out loud "omg, i'm fat". It struck me.

    I am a guy but looked pregnant since my body type makes me have skinny arms and legs but a big ol' santa belly.

    That was my moment.
  • Oh yeah, and I couldn't do ANYTHING without breathing heavily and sweating... seriously, small things. It scared me.
  • Mhaney
    Mhaney Posts: 467 Member
    with my 3rd baby, and the scale didn't move after I had him. With the first 2 the weight just fell off, but with this one it stayed around. Like bad grass, couldn't get rid of it.

  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    A picture of me uploaded on facebook. Then I broke down in Friendly's a couple weeks later when I realized that I wouldn't be able to change if I kept eating how I was. It was kinda embarrassing but necessary. >.<
  • I was 21 and the doctor weighed me in at about 278 pounds
    Said the next time I see you will be to put on my meds for diabetes, high blood pressure and likely you will have a heartache

  • feltlikesound
    feltlikesound Posts: 326 Member
    i realized that an abusive relationship and subsequent break up, combined with graduate school, had completely erased any respect I had for my self. My self esteem was gutted, and I wasn't wearing any of my real pants (only things with immense stretch) because they either didn't fit or were terribly uncomfortable. It was a slow realization process, and is going to be a slow work of reclamation, but I'm glad i'm on the road now :).
  • sdoldsMD2013
    sdoldsMD2013 Posts: 128
    I decided to get into shape when my clothing started to get tight. I looked in the mirror and was absolutely disgusted. Now, I don't hate myself or have low self-esteem, but what I saw I did not like. And I know that as we age and take on more responsibilites, the weight can just pile on and I was not going to let that happen to me. Then I went to the doctor and had gained since my previous appointment. I decided at that moment, no matter how many times I might fail at this thing called weight loss and a healthy lifestyle, I would get back up and keep trying to get it right, because I want to live. I want to be proud of me and love what I see in the mirror. I want to be a good example for my future patients. I want to be a good example for my children. That despite all that life throws you, you have to be your number one priority. If you don't take care of yourself, the one body that God gave you then who will? A lot of disease pathologies can be reversed (i.e., high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, stress, etc.) if we just stop the toxic sedentary lifestyle, and get up and move!! :-)
  • winninga
    winninga Posts: 77 Member
    I've been struggling with my weight for what seems to be my entire life....But the moment when I finally got fed up was when my family and I went to Florida in March, and I needed to ask the flight attendant for a seatbelt extender. I felt humiliated.
  • AReasor
    AReasor Posts: 355 Member
    I had a year long near deadly illness. I was fighting to survive, on horrific medicine, and I was too sick to move. All I could do was watch the weight pile on. It made me feel so helpless.

    But I pulled through and healed. My fingernails got harder and my hair started to grow back.

    That was when I knew I could finally take control of my life.:flowerforyou:
  • kmoore02
    kmoore02 Posts: 167 Member
    When I looked in the mirror and realized my "shape" was out of shape! I was telling a friend of mine that I wasn't always fat; wasn't a fat kid or adult and that I just gained my weight in the past 10 years (I'm 42). She said so, your fat now and full of excuses. I was offended but it was the truth. I also could not fit my clothes anymore and was wearing things in a short rotation because I refused to buy bigger clothes, again!
  • only1tcb
    only1tcb Posts: 23
    I'm not sure that I had a single experience that made me realize that I needed to lose weight. I just know that I was much happier with myself when I was smaller.

    I'd like to be able to get back into <<< that dress.
  • meowmily
    meowmily Posts: 85
    When I didn't fit into the Behemoth ride at Canada's wonderland. The guy told me I was too fat and that the seat wouldn't clamp properly. Going to go ride it for the first time this year though!
  • kmoore02
    kmoore02 Posts: 167 Member
    When I wanted to buy a Groupon for horseback riding and they had a weight limit.
    I was going to buy another one for a zip line adventure and it had a weight limit.
    The limits were pretty generous and I exceeded them with no problem.
  • babycook
    babycook Posts: 172 Member
    A friend of mine on facebook lost over 100 lbs. She use to be a couch potato. She always posted her work outs on facebook and I supported her throughout the year long journey. She is now a fitness freak and is a personal trainer and looks fabulous. I thought if she can lost 100 lbs I can lose 40. Only problem is I have no one IRL to support me. Not even her :(
  • MsTonyaRenee
    MsTonyaRenee Posts: 116 Member
    After two years of unemployment and major weight gain, I was touring the facility that I had just been hired on at. They took us up to the fourth floor bypassing the elevator and using the stairs. I was struggling after the second flight.... (Found out later they do that to all the new hires as a joke :P )
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    When I got rejected in my almost job because of my pre-employment medical exam results that said that I was hypertensive. I never knew that I had it until I learned of that result, not to mention that I was already type 2 diabetic prior to that. So after that incident, I told myself that I can't go on like this if I want to have a job & so that was the start of everything.
  • davidsgirl145
    davidsgirl145 Posts: 162 Member
    i was shopping in china town and walked in a dress shop and the lil asian gal that worked there said,
    ''we doh have you size!'' ....:sad:
  • Darrell916
    Darrell916 Posts: 110 Member
    My WTF moment is my girls, pants started not fitting and then developed sleep apnea
  • fruitloop2
    fruitloop2 Posts: 437 Member
    My parents have always been grossly obese with a ton of health issues. I always said that I would shoot myself if I ever got to looking like my mother. I went home this past spring to visit them and when I got home I saw some pictures of myself that where taken during that visit and I stepped on the scale and it read 192lbs. My worst fear was coming true...I was turning into my mother and I did NOT want to look like that and I did NOT want all the health issues they have. I had to do a complete 360 with my life style if I wanted to be able to run around and play with my grand kids in 15 - 20 years. My mom can play with my kids but she can not run around and play with them or do anything to strenuous. I was sick of not finding clothes I liked because everything I liked was in smaller sizes. It was a huge wake up call and 1 I desperately needed. I'm down 18lbs and have lost 10 inches off of my body and can already fit into clothes I had outgrown the last year or 2. I feel better, I'm looking better and I'm never looking back...only forward to a better life and a good example for my kids.
  • I have spent a majority of my life searching for a woman I was in love with since first laying eyes upon her. She was my best friend's sister when we were growing up. I never had the nerve to say anything to her, let alone ask her out. Last time I saw her was almost 20 years ago, after she had given birth to her first child. After that, I left our home state, and never looked back.

    A few years passed, and I was now living my own life. But my thoughts always returned to her. After awhile, I decided that I wanted to find her and just tell her everything I held back as a kid. This was before the Internet was really mainstream. So I relied on family members and old friends to try and track her down for me. This had little success, but I never gave up.

    2001 I had gotten my first PC, and the search was on. I searched and searched for years, with barely any info coming up. I found spotty records on her brother, my old best friend, but nothing concrete. Still, I kept vigilant in my search. A few months ago I signed up for Facebook. It never really dawned on me to look there. Then about a month ago it hit me, look for her on there dummy!

    Success! I was leaning back in my chair just browsing profiles when I saw her face! I literally dropped the chair backwards upon myself and hit my head! 20 years is a long, long time to be looking for someone you've loved since you were kids. We got to talking, and it was great to hear from her!

    Now, we're talking about building a life together! Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would ever find her, let alone be on the verge of starting what is sure to be a life long love and partnership! Which is why I am on this website. I want to get back into shape and lose a lot of weight, so that I can keep up with her, and her awesome kids! So far, with the help of this website, I am doing pretty well.
  • rhonniema
    rhonniema Posts: 522 Member
    Starting this job a year ago, being around skinny chicks that had kids (me never been pregnant looking like I had multiple kids), the older ladies that let themselves go (kind of like a glimpse into the future so to speak), & not being able to get uniforms that would fit me right.
  • stepharega
    stepharega Posts: 211 Member
    When one of my old t shirts from high school didn't fit anymore. FACK.
  • jenbridges
    jenbridges Posts: 213 Member
    We were going out to dinner with some friends and I went shopping. nothing fit well, it all looked terrible until I accidentally tried on something from the plus size dept. it fit, looked great, and I cried. I bought it, but I told myself it would be the ONLY plus size item I ever buy.
  • 13inchestogo
    13inchestogo Posts: 296 Member
    Getting to the point where I either have to waddle around in my 'skinny' jeans OR not be able to fit them up over my hips lol.... actually even getting to the point where I have 'skinny' jeans scares the crap outta me.

  • Jodibear58
    Jodibear58 Posts: 280 Member
    My best friend died....

    And my kids thought I might too.
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