Gaining Weight on Insanity

Hello All,

I'm new to the myfitnesspal website however, am excited to hear feedback from all!

I will start by mentioning a little bit about me and my exercise/nutrition routines! I have been a current member of Weight Watchers since November 2011 (let's face it, we all want to look like Jennifer Hudson these days). Since being on the program, I've lost 30 pounds. I am the weight that I was at the end of senior year in high school/entering freshman year of college. I am very proud of the weight I've lost thus far. It's been quite the challenging year, moving, new career, adapting to my surroundings, etc.

I have put my potential goal to be in the 150's range but, I'm willing to negotiate as I want to see how far I can really push myself and then maintain. I really wanted to jump start again my weight loss and what better way then to start the INSANITY work outs?

I am currently in the middle of week 4 and have actually gained 2 lbs. since being on the program. This is EXTREMELY FRUSTRATING because the work outs just about kill me every day. Now, I know with the high intensity workouts that these are, is going to require you to eat more. However, I am NOT following the INSANITY meal plan, I am still continuing to do my Weight Watchers because I have been so successful. However, something is not clicking right?

How am I almost completed the first month of INSANITY with a WEIGHT GAIN!?!? I have measured myself in the mean time and it's only been about a 1/2 inch loss here and there. I am seeing very LITTLE results with this program and on my way to giving up.

I guess what I'm really looking for is some words of encouragement from my fellow INSANITY followers. Were you successful? Did you find the program worth the pain? What's a typical day of food intake for you?

Any and all help is wanted and greatly appreciated!! :):)


  • reyna99
    reyna99 Posts: 489 Member
    How much are you eating in a day? Caloric intake is a biggie while doing Insanity, you are burning TONS of calories while you don't work out!
    I usually gain when I start a new workout, your body has to are your clothes fitting, measurements, etc?!?

    If you aren't eating enough, your body could be holding on to anything and everything you are feeding it.
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    If you're not used to working out this hard, that 2 pounds could very easily be water retention in your muscles as they heal from each workout. I'm not following the food plan, but my first round I lost 12 pounds and 19 inches. My diary is open if you'd like to take a look.
  • laurenvsnead
    Yes, I'm def. going to have to take a look because I'm about to quit insanity all together and go back to what had worked for me in the past couple of months. :( But, I don't want to quit because I'm almost half way through the program. :(

    Thank you so much for your input! Greatly appreciated :)
  • laurenvsnead
    I'm not sure how many calories I'm taking in a day because on weight watchers, you base your food intake on the point system. I am trying to calculate today though the caloric intake now, that I'm set up on this program.

    Alot of my clothes are HUGE but, that's been from the WW program (before I started insanity).

    I checked my measurements the other day and I had only lost like a 1/2 an inch here and there (waist and arms).

    I'm just feeling really defeated right now :( Not sure if I should give up on the INSANITY or stick it out for the next month. I just don't want to keep killing myself with Insanity and continue to gain weight. :(

    Thanks for all of your help! I greatly appreciate it! :heart:
  • Jtorres326
    Jtorres326 Posts: 157 Member
    Don't quit! I gained 2.5 lbs in the first month, I lost 1.5 inches in my waist, 1 inch in my hips and 1 inch from each thigh. That is a total of 2.5 inches in the first month. The second month, just three days in and I already lost another .5 inch in my waist and those 2 lbs have come off. The workouts get so much more intense in the second month and that is usually when the biggest changes happen. Unless you are eating like a beast you probably are gaining muscle. Stick with it hun!
  • Jtorres326
    Jtorres326 Posts: 157 Member
  • laurenvsnead
    Don't quit! I gained 2.5 lbs in the first month, I lost 1.5 inches in my waist, 1 inch in my hips and 1 inch from each thigh. That is a total of 2.5 inches in the first month. The second month, just three days in and I already lost another .5 inch in my waist and those 2 lbs have come off. The workouts get so much more intense in the second month and that is usually when the biggest changes happen. Unless you are eating like a beast you probably are gaining muscle. Stick with it hun!

    You are the absolute sweetest! I am glad I am not alone in this but, it was certainly discouraging yesterday going into my Weight Watchers meeting with that much of a gain.

    Thank you for your words of encouragement. I'm so grateful!
  • laurenvsnead

    WOW!! Thank you for this :) I will keep this saved for me as well when I'm not feeling all that great about things and new workouts.
  • VitaBailey
    VitaBailey Posts: 271 Member
    I saw the commercials for Insanity and I am def not tough enough! Good for you though! You could be gaining muscle or not eating enough for the program. I am only going by what trainers have told me in the past when I've changed up my program.
  • BaileyBoo13524
    BaileyBoo13524 Posts: 593 Member
    I'm halfway through month 2 and have gained 2lbs as well, but have lost a ton of inches. Also it is recommended that women eat no less than 1700 calories a day while doing Insanity to give you an idea I eat anywhere from 2000-2200 calories per day. Plus, your muscles are probably retaining water from adjusting to this new, intense program. Do not give up the results are worth it! Though I haven't lost weight I've lost inches and gained new muscle. My whole body composition is changing!
  • Jtorres326
    Jtorres326 Posts: 157 Member
    You are very welcome :flowerforyou:

    I used to be a slave to the scale and I often put on muscle quickly so I gain more before I lose. I would start and stop programs because I felt discouraged by, usually temporary gain. It especially is discouraging when you are working so HARD and are so sore from a program like insanity. Weight watchers is fantastic, but weigh-ins are so stressful. Health and fitness are diet, exercise and MINDSET. You can do it!
  • laurenvsnead
    I saw the commercials for Insanity and I am def not tough enough! Good for you though! You could be gaining muscle or not eating enough for the program. I am only going by what trainers have told me in the past when I've changed up my program.

    YOU CAN ABSOLUTELY DO IT... The mind set is the biggest factor. The commercials make it look itimidating but, it's true to it's word when it comes to it's challenges. But, after a couple of days, you'll become addicted however, I'm addicted but discouraged.

    Let me know if you start it and I will be more than willing to keep up with you and your success! :) GOOD LUCK!
  • VitaBailey
    VitaBailey Posts: 271 Member
    I saw the commercials for Insanity and I am def not tough enough! Good for you though! You could be gaining muscle or not eating enough for the program. I am only going by what trainers have told me in the past when I've changed up my program.

    YOU CAN ABSOLUTELY DO IT... The mind set is the biggest factor. The commercials make it look itimidating but, it's true to it's word when it comes to it's challenges. But, after a couple of days, you'll become addicted however, I'm addicted but discouraged.

    Let me know if you start it and I will be more than willing to keep up with you and your success! :) GOOD LUCK!

    Thank you for the vote of confidence! The commercials are scary!! LOL Maybe if they had an insanity for beginners program or insanity for older people I would consider it. Just kidding! I'm getting back into exercise slowly as I had an injury... It is obviously working for your and that's terriffic! Keep on kicking insanity butt!
  • vurtual
    vurtual Posts: 3
    Does anyone (uk) fancy selling their Insanity DVDs?
  • vklebanova
    vklebanova Posts: 152 Member
    What I heard is that you absolutely have to follow the meal plan because it's designed to give you the proper nutrition to get through the workouts.. you need the right calories to get lose weight
  • buzzcogs
    buzzcogs Posts: 296 Member
    Sounds like water weight gain. You know you will lose weight on Weight Watchers so stick to your current program of eating and finish the Insanity program. Water weight gain is the bain of my existence but you will lose it. Don't worry you are not gaining fat while doing insanity! You are building muscle. Also since you are at and/or close to your goal you will lose fat a lot more slowly. That combined with water weight gain may put a few lbs on you.
  • KStoess
    KStoess Posts: 5 Member
    You're gaining muscle (and a little water) most likely. Up your protein intake a little, make sure you're taking in at least 1200 cal's a day if not a little more since it's an intense workout, and focus more on measurements than the number on the scale. I did Insanity last fall. I didn't lost a ton of weight, but I lost a lot of inches. I then, however, got lazy... so now I'm starting all over again. Don't quit. It's totally worth it! If you haven't taken a before pic and measurements... do it today. You won't be sorry when you take your after's!
  • Andre_dre
    Andre_dre Posts: 13
    Don't quit! I gained 2.5 lbs in the first month, I lost 1.5 inches in my waist, 1 inch in my hips and 1 inch from each thigh. That is a total of 2.5 inches in the first month. The second month, just three days in and I already lost another .5 inch in my waist and those 2 lbs have come off. The workouts get so much more intense in the second month and that is usually when the biggest changes happen. Unless you are eating like a beast you probably are gaining muscle. Stick with it hun!

    You are the absolute sweetest! I am glad I am not alone in this but, it was certainly discouraging yesterday going into my Weight Watchers meeting with that much of a gain.

    Thank you for your words of encouragement. I'm so grateful!

    Samething happen to me. Now I am losing weight
  • sciencenerd2011
    I am also finishing month 1 of insanity. I tried it before without much success. This time around, I decided to use their dietary recommendations, though I'm not strict with it. I am 5'0, 122 lbs and have been eating ~1700 calories/day. I have been making a solid effort to eat 5-6 small meals while maintaining a 40/40/20 carbs/protein/fat ratio. I lost 4 lbs this month eating this way. I was really nervous about upping my calories from 1300, but this seems to be working. I think you shouldn't give up and eat more! Good luck!
  • aldavis1967
    Oh my goodness! I am so glad I read everyone's post. I am in the first week of month two of Insanity. I got on the scale this morning and oh my more weight gain. I am afraid to eat now. I try to stay under 1400 calories daily but I have to admit I've been ravenous since doing Insanity. So I am taking in about 1700 on some days. I am not follwing their meal plan. I was so blue this morning that I almost did not do the workout but I did any how. Perhaps this is water today I'm trying to eat several small meals a day. Thanks for the encouragement. When I started I was 149 and now today I weighed in at 156!! Help! Any advice and encouragement is welcome. Stay Blessed and at peace.