Can I afford a cheat day this week?



  • RazorTazor
    RazorTazor Posts: 32
    Cheat days are fine, but for health reasons, watch your sodium, it looks like you're getting way too much some days. I hope you've been drinking lots of water to flush it out.

    Drinking 8+ glasses of Green Tea a day. It increases potassium and releases water and sodium. :) Trust me it works. It also boosts your metabolism BIG TIME in addition to working out.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,140 Member
    If your weekly numbers say a cheat meal/day will fit in, then do it. I have no clue why you need to be justified by other people for what you keep saying is how you lost 80#.
  • barbielovesgym
    No cheat days!!!

  • JanSmelly
    JanSmelly Posts: 143 Member
    How will you feel if you take a cheat day?
  • RazorTazor
    RazorTazor Posts: 32
    It's okay....and then get back ON the band wagon the next day. I had dessert yesterday for the 1st time in 45 days and I won't have dessert again until the end of the month. Once in a while is okay and healthy for your psyche.

    Why are you not having desert? You are torturing yourself right there. I eat one every single night. Of course not a BIG slice of cake or a HUGE ice cream cone but a portion of one of those things will NOT hurt you if it is within your calorie goals. A calorie is a calorie no matter where it comes from. Ever read about the guy who lost a ton of weight eating his calorie needs in twinkees? :D
  • JanSmelly
    JanSmelly Posts: 143 Member
    Once you cheat, it becomes easier and easier to cheat again and soon the program is out the window!!


    You forgot the for me part, "Once you cheat, it becomes easier and easier to cheat again and soon the program is out the window for me!!"
  • AReasor
    AReasor Posts: 355 Member
    I know myself, and I can have cheat days, or cheat meals and not get off track. Not everyone can.

    If you can do this, and are working out then go ahead.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    You already understand the benefit of "cheat days". If you want pizza, have some. Once you reach your goal weight there will be weeks where you have more than one "cheat day". There's nothing wrong with a week like that while you're losing as long as it's not every week.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    You don't need outside verification. This is your body, your lifestyle, your mind, why would you need reassurance from strangers on the net regarding what you do with your life?
    If you want a treat, then have a treat. You already know you have room for one, you didn't need to ask really.
    I sure wouldn't not have a treat just because someone on the net told me I shouldn't or mustn't.
  • kirstenmaria
    kirstenmaria Posts: 112 Member
    Once you cheat, it becomes easier and easier to cheat again and soon the program is out the window!!


    I'VE TAKEN CHEAT DAYS SINCE I STARTED MY NEW LIFESTYLE AND IVE LOST ALMOST 80LBS lmao Cheat days work. Ask any personal trainer. and once again I am not asking if cheat days work or not im asking if I can afford one from people who DO use cheat days.

    I think it's really great you can manage that, and that you have lost so much. My cheat days don't end so well, and I have to ask the question "Do I want to maintain my weight through cheat days, or continue to lose?" Enjoy your cheat day, you deserve it. I on the other hand will continue to approach my weight loss like I approached smoking cessation. I quit cold turkey in December, and have decided I can do the same thing with my weight. We'll see if it works, and perhaps it won't...but if I have one Oreo today, I'll crave another one on another day, so I'm better off just not having one to begin with. Best of luck as you continue your journey.
  • RazorTazor
    RazorTazor Posts: 32
    Once you cheat, it becomes easier and easier to cheat again and soon the program is out the window!!


    I'VE TAKEN CHEAT DAYS SINCE I STARTED MY NEW LIFESTYLE AND IVE LOST ALMOST 80LBS lmao Cheat days work. Ask any personal trainer. and once again I am not asking if cheat days work or not im asking if I can afford one from people who DO use cheat days.

    I think it's really great you can manage that, and that you have lost so much. My cheat days don't end so well, and I have to ask the question "Do I want to maintain my weight through cheat days, or continue to lose?" Enjoy your cheat day, you deserve it. I on the other hand will continue to approach my weight loss like I approached smoking cessation. I quit cold turkey in December, and have decided I can do the same thing with my weight. We'll see if it works, and perhaps it won't...but if I have one Oreo today, I'll crave another one on another day, so I'm better off just not having one to begin with. Best of luck as you continue your journey.

    But see eating bad one day will actually most likely HELP you boost your metabolism. Trust me I found that out by accident. I was restricting myself a lot back when I first started then I treated myself for my birthday but eating a ton and the next day I weighed A LOT less.
  • fabafter5
    fabafter5 Posts: 200 Member
    You don't need outside verification. This is your body, your lifestyle, your mind, why would you need reassurance from strangers on the net regarding what you do with your life?
    If you want a treat, then have a treat. You already know you have room for one, you didn't need to ask really.
    I sure wouldn't not have a treat just because someone on the net told me I shouldn't or mustn't.


    It doesn't make sense that you only accept answers that say exactly what you want them to say. I would say that your thinking and some of the things you post are crossing dangerously into disordered eating. You have done great so far, have confidence in the choices that you make if they are working for you!

    Do you log all of your food? Are you really consuming less that 1000cals a day most days and "working out and lifting more than ever"?
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    I plan on still taking mine Saturday, and I also had my son's bday food Monday lol. I've just been eating light the rest of the week. It all evens out.
  • KayeeDaisyBee
    Don't think of them as cheat days, they are treat days. i had pizza hut yesterday, and one day is NOT going to harm 6 days of hard work. We are human and it's natural to want sweets or some kinda snack. I am at 22 ponds lost and I have treated myself once a week from the beginning. Hope this helps alittle. Good luck.

    Sure helps ME, thanks for this encouragement. <3
  • KayeeDaisyBee
    Cheat days are fine, but for health reasons, watch your sodium, it looks like you're getting way too much some days. I hope you've been drinking lots of water to flush it out.

    Drinking 8+ glasses of Green Tea a day. It increases potassium and releases water and sodium. :) Trust me it works. It also boosts your metabolism BIG TIME in addition to working out.

    Holy THANK YOU for the validation with that, i've been saying green tea aids that sodium intake a whole lot and no one's been believing me but i drink that stuff religiously.
  • dogberry3
    dogberry3 Posts: 21
    It's okay....and then get back ON the band wagon the next day. I had dessert yesterday for the 1st time in 45 days and I won't have dessert again until the end of the month. Once in a while is okay and healthy for your psyche.

    Why are you not having desert? You are torturing yourself right there. I eat one every single night. Of course not a BIG slice of cake or a HUGE ice cream cone but a portion of one of those things will NOT hurt you if it is within your calorie goals. A calorie is a calorie no matter where it comes from. Ever read about the guy who lost a ton of weight eating his calorie needs in twinkees? :D

    I'm thrilled that you can do this but I have to be like the dessert a month person. I have a smoothie every night that is banana and strawberries with ice and milk but no added sweetener or sugar and if I have a piece of cake or pie or a "real" dessert then I would fall off the wagon. for some of us no dessert is what we have to do. I started this new lifestyle 3 days before my birthday and decided that if I was going to change my life then I was going to do it and I had a 70 calorie bourbon ball for my birthday cake lol... for me I haven't gotten to the place where I can exercise at first I'm just wanting to stick to the whole food part then after my first 6 weeks I will be adding exercise in moderation. I have never enjoyed exercise and even when I was young and fit I couldn't run so for me it will be walking on my treadmill or doing home improvements (heavy lifting of sheetrock is workout enough for me lol)
  • dreamonkdr
    My weight loss specialist told me in the beginning that if you don't eat something you love occasionally that you will fail. I think it is one of the smartest things that I have ever heard. She also said that you must reset your body every so often. Take a cheat day. If you are not comfortable with the whole idea. Eat a piece of pizza. The calories are not that high. I eat pizza fairly often with my kids. I just limit the amount. You can also watch what you eat all day and then make room for a piece of pizza and a candy bar. I make room for a latte fairly often in my calorie count.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Razor...I agree cheat days or meals are good for maintaining a long term eating plan...we are not saints and that's why I've been able to keep my 70lbs off for the better part of 20 yrs. That being said, if you already took your cheats on the holiday and Denny's this morning, I would already count those as my "cheats" for the week if you expect to maintain those great abs you have in your picture. I, too, have to forfeit my Friday night cheat b/c I had pizza the other night and even though I stayed under my calorie goal, you and I both know that's not all there is to getting and keeping those abs....
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    There are no cheat days - there is no "bad" food - only foods that should be sometimes foods. Have your pizza - you obviously have the room for it calorie wise from what you say AND the important part is how much of something you eat - not what it is anyway.
  • Cal28
    Cal28 Posts: 514 Member
    The question is "Can I afford a cheat day tomorrow and eat some pizza" My calorie goal is like 2600 a day and I've been averaging about 1500 (not taking in account all the calories I burned just counting what I took in) a day all week. I think that answers my question with a "YES EAT SOME PIZZA AND HAVE FUN!" I would just like someone else to tell me that it is ok.