New to MFP :)

Hi everyone!

My name is Alyssa and I'm from Southern California. I decided to join after finding this as an app on my IPhone. I've actually been a member for months now and finally decided to get my butt in gear. I'm just wanting to live more of a healthy lifestyle. The number on the scale isn't my biggest concern. Losing a few pounds (maybe more than a few) before my wedding day would be awesome too.

Just looking for some friends to help keep each other on track, share recipes, etc!


  • sylviastaten
    Congrats on your upcoming wedding. And for deciding to use MFP.
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Hi Alyssa! I'm Nicole and fairly new here as well. Feel free to add me for support. :)
  • sylviastaten
    I actually joined MFP about 5 months ago. After a family member almost died because of weight and respiratory problems, I started to make small changes in my diet. Without trying, I have lost 9 lbs. So now I am getting serious and hoping this will help me. Right now my major concern is the fact I can't get in all my calories. I hope that through this site, I will get the help I need.
  • alyssa_nicole
    @Sylviastaten- Aww, I'm sorry to hear about your family member. I hope they are doing better. I'll add you and maybe we can help each other out :)

    @Nicole- Great name ;) it's my middle name! I'll definitely add you!
  • barbaracoffing
    barbaracoffing Posts: 117 Member
    Congrats on your upcoming wedding, what a great goal!!! I'm in Southern Cal too (Redlands area). My hubby and I want to go on a cruise next summer for our 18th anniversary and I want to look like the woman he married! I'd love to be a cheerleader for you. Go ahead and add me. You will LOVE the app. You'll learn so much, meet so many people. And most of all, be surprised at how those calories add up!
  • crystalmgonzales
    welcome :) I too just started MFP today it looks really neat! im so young have two little girls and have gained so much weight its pathetic i need to get on the ball! goodluck :)
  • sylviastaten
    Thank you, ahd glad to meet you. :) I am excited and scared about starting this journey. So having people to talk to who are going through the same thing is great.
  • alyssa_nicole
    @barbaracoffing- Thank you! I have plenty of time to do what I want to do before the big day, little over two years! I'm pretty excited I joined. So far everyone seems very warm and welcoming! A cruise? That sounds fun! I'm sure he finds you beautiful no matter what :)

    @crystalmgonzales- Welcome to you too beautiful! Hope you get where you want to be. Are those your daughters in your other photo? They are adorable!
  • Cjoseph03
    Cjoseph03 Posts: 107 Member
    I've been using MFP for about 3 weeks now and have mainly focused on my nutrition. I've started the C25K but I've only completed 2days and that was only partially completed. The app that I downloaded has me out for 30 minutes with alternating 90sec of walking and 60 sec of running x8. I haven't been able to run all 8 periods of running (day 2 I did 4/8) yet. Will just keep repeating Week 1 until I can. I have >100lbs to lose and I find it hard to not be impatient.
    I have a lot of time challenges in my way and I'm always looking for ideas to help me solve these. I currently work 4-6 12 hour nights a week, have three kids and going to school online.
    I have a membership to my local Y, but I never go. I have never used a gym and I just cannot figure out and am usually too embarrassed to ask for help. I loved when I was using my Wii Fit - I could really feel the soreness in my inner thighs and abdomen (my biggest problem areas along with my arms...and the rest of my body). We have a X-Box Kinex now and I'm trying out the Zumba dance party, but I can't keep up with the dance moves so it's more frustrating than motivating. About half way through, I just start dancing around the living room making up my own dance moves. Biggest problem with this (and I may be doing it wrong) is I don't get the "burn" feeling. My heart rate is definately way up, but I'm not sore like I was with the Wii Fit. Thinking I may just buy another Wii and do that again (lost 40lbs in 2 months when I was using Wii Fit).
    Another "problem" is we recently moved to a new area and with me working and sleeping so much, I haven't met any new people in the area so I can't do the "buddy system". Thought about finding someone on here and just texting encouragements, but it would have to be another nightwalker like me.
    Starting the 2nd week in August, I'm going to be cutting back my hours at work (I've been signing up a lot of extra hours since we are very short staffed at the moment). Hopefully then, I'll be able to focus more on me and my family but I don't want to wait until then to start getting healthy.
    I know this post is very helter-skelter, but I'm currently pulling my 5th 12hour shift in a row and I think my brain is a little bit like Alphabet Soup. Lol!
    Good luck to everyone with their fitness goals!!!!
  • bevocoz
    bevocoz Posts: 1
    Hi, I joined this week and determined to get fit and healthy. Im getting married in May next year and honeymooning in L.A! Feel free to add me for support.
  • CHN_
    CHN_ Posts: 94 Member
    I just joined myself six days ago. Been trying to loose weight for so long, and since I had some time off right now, I figured why not. My name is Cicilie, and I'm from Norway :) Feel free to add me for support :)