Too much protein?!

torpina Posts: 24 Member

I have been tracking for 3 days and find I am eating WAYYYY too much protein. Almost 3X what I should be. Does anyone else have this problem or solutions?



  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    If you're getting 3x the default recommendation of 15% then you're getting quite a bit 45%, are you following a particular diet that has you that high for protein?
    I changed my % protein from the default to 35% so I would have 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight (lean body mass) as a target.
    Barring underlying health issues going over the default value that "everyone" gets when they sign up for MFP isn't that big of a deal. If you have the health issues you'd generally know it from your past medical history... things like kidney stones etc.
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    There is really no such thing as too much protein, unless you have a pre-existing kidney issue.

    The ideal should be a high protein intake; even if you have a high carb intake your protein intake should be as high or higher.

    I take in almost 300g of protein a day.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,064 Member
    Yes, you can have too much protein. It will be stored as fat just like any other food if you are over your calories. I think there is a myth that protein is not stored as fat. Plus if ithe protein source is from animals, especially red meat then you are taking in artery clogging saturated fats.

    An interesting article from Vanderbuilt University about protein requiremens for athletes:
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    Yes, you can have too much protein. It will be stored as fat just like any other food if you are over your calories. I think there is a myth that protein is not stored as fat. Plus if ithe protein source is from animals, especially red meat then you are taking in artery clogging saturated fats.

    An interesting article from Vanderbuilt University about protein requiremens for athletes:

    Anything broken down into raw glucose (energy) can be stored as fat if it is over the calories you expend. That however is too many kcals, not just any given macronutrient. However, protein ideally should be your highest macronutrient ratio especially if trying to lose fat mass and retain lean mass.
  • torpina
    torpina Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks everyone. I appreciate your responses. For me they recommend like 177 g of carbs and 48 g of protein. Instead I'm eating 50 g of carbs and I guess 150 g of protein. My naturopath and trainer seem okay with this (although they want protein no more than 140 g.) But I guess that's a goal too!

    Thanks .
  • torpina
    torpina Posts: 24 Member

    I'm trying to follow paleo. But instead of eating my recommended amount of calories too.

    So no sugar, minimal dairy and no breads, rice, pasta, etc.
  • lowgie
    lowgie Posts: 1 Member
    Here are two good sources to try and figure out the protein thing. I found them helpful. Depending on your current weight/activity level you may not be too far off if you are taking in 150g..