Gaining the weight back

Hello, I started this program about 4 weeks ago and at first i lost 4 pounds and now I am slowly gaining everything back. I try to stay around the limit of my calorie intake and I run 5 days a week for 30 mins ( lose up to 300 calories). I noticed that on weekdays I don't eat more calories than i should, however weekends are tough I often overeat by 200 calories. I am getting really frustrated with myself, is anyone else experiencing something like this?


  • skinnierin
    skinnierin Posts: 3 Member
    you may be gaining muscle from all that running. Muscle weighs more than fat, you know. Have you seen any difference in your clothes. Try tracking your measurements instead of what's on the scale.
  • MorganLeighRN
    MorganLeighRN Posts: 411 Member
    It really sounds like you are gaining muscle and losing fat. Make sure that you stay in you calorie limits during the weekend. I say it is OK to have a "cheat" day once a week but not twice. Right now, don't go by what the scale is saying. Are your clothes fitting better? When I first started out I actually gained even MORE weight (muscle) and then the scale numbers began to go down. Keep at it and you will start to see results.
  • mama2beau
    mama2beau Posts: 21
    I am in the same boat. I dropped 8 lbs in 3 weeks and in 1.5 weeks gained it back. The really funny thing is right after i gained it back i got an ear infection so i had to eat more food than usual so i wouldn't get an upset stomach from the pain medication. i was worried i would gain more but by some miracle i lost a pound that week. it has been 3 weeks since my ear infection and i have dropped 7 of the eight pounds i had re-gained. i have tried to remember to drink lots of water and to walk, this has been the best thing for me so far. i have slacked on my walking but will get back to it. i know it is frustrating to see the numbers yo-yo back and forth but you will do it. YOU WILL PREVAIL! i am proud that you have decided to change your lifestyle. way to go. ;-)
  • LarStar
    LarStar Posts: 102 Member
    I work from home, so most days are like the weekend for me, where I don't have to stick to a certain time structure.

    Try planning your weekend in blocks of time that will keep you busy and out of the kitchen. If you want to hang out at home and relax for the day, start each morning by preparing your meals and snacks for the day, so you don't have to think about your food.

    My biggest problem is waiting too long to eat and then I get too hungry and want to eat everything, so if you're going out and staying busy and skipping meals, be sure to take some snacks along :)

    When I do feel like I could eat the entire kitchen, I combat those urges by only having foods in the house that need to be prepared. Anything else that I might snack on is fresh veggies or air popped popcorn. Usually by the time I get it cooked, I have come down from the need to eat and can do it slowly and with consideration of calories.

    Not sure if this relates to your experiences, but if it does, I hope it helps :)
  • LarStar
    LarStar Posts: 102 Member
    It does sound like your gaining muscle, so if you have an extra 60 or so dollars, you could get one of those scales that measures water and fat; that way you could know how much you're losing and if the weight you are gaining is fat or muscle :)
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    Muscle does not weigh more than fat.

    5lbs of fat weighs the same as 5lbs of muscle.

    Muscle takes up less space then fat.

    Check your measurements.
  • curtnrod
    curtnrod Posts: 223 Member
    you may be gaining muscle from all that running. Muscle weighs more than fat, you know. Have you seen any difference in your clothes. Try tracking your measurements instead of what's on the scale.

    ^ No...muscle does not weigh more than fat...

    I know this can be frustrating, but it's not good enough to be "around my calories" and weekends are tough for everyone. Follow your MFP program daily and the weight will come off. Weighing yourself frequently will drive you nuts as your weight fluctuates from hour to hour and day to day. Weigh yourself at the same time of the day/week when you do get on the scale so you have some comparitive value. There are lots of excellent posts in the forums about this subject, do a search and read how others are approaching this problem.
  • zaychona
    zaychona Posts: 2
    Thank you for the response, unfortuantelly i don't see it on my clothes either. I understand it hasn't been that long but just makes me feel that my fat is extremely stubborn.