I just love my co-workers *eye roll*

damorzacon Posts: 124 Member
All of my co-workers know my lifestyle...I try to eat "cleaner" foods, I workout several times a week, etc.

Well, apparently a couple of the other guys in the office are on a mission to make me eat what they think I shouldn't. One even says that he's going to get me to eat lunch with him one day and take a picture. :grumble:

I made the mistake of eating pizza at our team lunch last month because that gets brought up ALL the time. They just don't seem to get that I knew my dinner was going to be light and in reality I eat anything I want, just in smaller portions and I compensate the calorie content in my other meals.

Why do people find it fun to try to make me fail?!


I'm done...thanks for listening. :)


  • dlwyatt82
    dlwyatt82 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Make a video yourself... eat a slice of pizza right before you turn around and squat 300 pounds or so. Then invite them to try it. :tongue:
  • ChanniVincent
    Because people who make other people fail think they are Bigger or more successful I guess. Happens to me too :frown:
  • damorzacon
    damorzacon Posts: 124 Member
    Make a video yourself... eat a slice of pizza right before you turn around and squat 300 pounds or so. Then invite them to try it. :tongue:

    I like that idea!
    Because people who make other people fail think they are Bigger or more successful I guess. Happens to me too

    Exactly. The guy that brings up the pizza actually told me a couple weeks ago that he needs to change (after consuming a 1500 calorie fast food meal and feeling terrible) and asked me how. I explained everything that I do, showed him MFP and he hasn't logged in for over a week now.
  • mrsjennifermaffei
    Tell em off. What chumps.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    Your co-workers are made of total fail.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    It makes them feel better about their lousy choices. They KNOW that what they're eating is wrong, and that they should watch their food intake. My best friend does that to me...but if I want a beer, everyone is quick to tell me how bad beer is for carbs and what not...as if I don't know
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    In the end, only you are responsible for your choices and for what you do with your body... so the rest of it doesn't really matter, right?
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    They are obviously jealous and trying to sabotage you.
  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
    i think they are just jealous and it doesn't actually have anything to do with you. if someone is miserable, they wouldn't want to see someone who is succeeding. i would try to just not worry about it and let them continue with their high calorie lifesytles. it will catch up with them if it hasn't already. also they might look healthy but not really be very fit.
  • Tat2dDom624
    Tat2dDom624 Posts: 1,226 Member
    Your co-workers sound jealous to me, because they're the opposite of what you are, both physically and mentally. Pay them no mind!
  • domgirl85
    domgirl85 Posts: 295 Member
    Wow, I'm sorry you have to deal with people like that. Mine have been pretty supportive. Sometimes people try to sabotage your efforts because they always fail by sabotaging their own. They (consciously or subconsciously) believe, "If I can't succeed, no one can."
  • noellyenciso
    Don't let that bother you after all they are just wishing they could have self control like you do.
  • damorzacon
    damorzacon Posts: 124 Member
    Tell em off. What chumps.

    Alas, office politics prevent this. I would love to tho. :-/
    Your co-workers are made of total fail.
    True story!
    It makes them feel better about their lousy choices. They KNOW that what they're eating is wrong, and that they should watch their food intake. My best friend does that to me...but if I want a beer, everyone is quick to tell me how bad beer is for carbs and what not...as if I don't know
    I hate it when people try to point out what's bad about what you're eating! I'm allowed to enjoy something every now and then!
    In the end, only you are responsible for your choices and for what you do with your body... so the rest of it doesn't really matter, right?

    Agreed. I don't even talk to them about what I'm doing anymore, just go about my business.
    They are obviously jealous and trying to sabotage you.
    Another true, but sad, story.
  • Milette812
    Milette812 Posts: 32
    Ever wonder why people get mad when something wonderful happens for you and you allow yourself to be happy? How about when you are crazy in love and there is always that person that has to make some horrible comment about how it won't last, they will cheat, blah, blah, blah?

    These people are usually the ones that blame everyone and everything else. They aren't fat because they couldn't stop eating, it's their husband/wife's fault. They bought the ice cream so OF COURSE they had to eat it! They arrived late to work and you took their spot, so OF COURSE it's your fault!!

    God forbid you demonstrate and prove that only 5 percent of the bad things that happen in life are not really caused by us. People hate having the mirror shoved in front of them and having a reminder that their unhappiness is a direct cause of their choices and actions. Just in the fact alone that you are dedicated and committed, they are trying to prove to themselves that you are flawed and therefor just like them. They will do it by any means necessary, including trying to sabotage you and use every little thing you do as that one example.

    Don't play the game, don't even entertain. The more you do anything other than nothing, the more they will try. The only cure for this is to let them do what they are going to do and not let it be important enough to bother you. I'm not saying that will make it stop, but it will make you feel better about it.
  • soymilkcoffee
    Because they want your willpower. So if they see your willpower waver, they can feel better about themselves.
    It's funny how eating good, clean foods is considered bizarre these days.
  • recoiljpr
    recoiljpr Posts: 292
    In the end, only you are responsible for your choices and for what you do with your body... so the rest of it doesn't really matter, right?

    Eggxactly!!! There will always be bad food around and there will always be that want to eat it vs what we know is right. We can't hide from food, we have to learn to overcome that want.
  • dhiammarath
    dhiammarath Posts: 834 Member
    In the beginning, I had friends who would try to "help" me cheat. When I'd eat out, they'd be like, "have a chip! Just one!" But (especially in the beginning) my willpower was very strong. It really took educating my friends that this lifestyle change was/is very important to me.

    Now, I avoid the weekly donuts at my office and the "brought in" food (usually pizza, though a healthy variety of pizza using low-fat, organic ingredients is usually too much per slice for my meager allotted calories), and everyone praises me on being strong.

    I've since really learned what I can and can't do on this change, too, so I am not as strict with myself for fear of not having enough calories for dinner. (I used to hoard my calories until the end of the day, then try to eat them all up, which I slowly grew out of). So I might have one chip, or one nibble of something, now. But rarely do I splurge and rare is it that my friends will try to push me into failing.

    So keep up the good work! And maybe try to educate your co-workers!
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    Because they are jealous of you.
  • damorzacon
    damorzacon Posts: 124 Member
    Ever wonder why people get mad when something wonderful happens for you and you allow yourself to be happy? How about when you are crazy in love and there is always that person that has to make some horrible comment about how it won't last, they will cheat, blah, blah, blah?

    These people are usually the ones that blame everyone and everything else. They aren't fat because they couldn't stop eating, it's their husband/wife's fault. They bought the ice cream so OF COURSE they had to eat it! They arrived late to work and you took their spot, so OF COURSE it's your fault!!

    God forbid you demonstrate and prove that only 5 percent of the bad things that happen in life are not really caused by us. People hate having the mirror shoved in front of them and having a reminder that their unhappiness is a direct cause of their choices and actions. Just in the fact alone that you are dedicated and committed, they are trying to prove to themselves that you are flawed and therefor just like them. They will do it by any means necessary, including trying to sabotage you and use every little thing you do as that one example.

    Don't play the game, don't even entertain. The more you do anything other than nothing, the more they will try. The only cure for this is to let them do what they are going to do and not let it be important enough to bother you. I'm not saying that will make it stop, but it will make you feel better about it.

    Because they want your willpower. So if they see your willpower waver, they can feel better about themselves.
    It's funny how eating good, clean foods is considered bizarre these days.

    Exactly. I was reading an article a couple weeks ago from a trainer and former body builder and he mentioned how today it's abnormal to be fit and muscled men/women are looked at as weird a lot of times. We are a completely backwards society.
  • PixEm
    PixEm Posts: 190 Member
    Because they wish they could be like you and since they can't they are trying to make you like them. Lazy and eating crap!