"dieting" with kids?

I've got 2 young kids and traditionally we all ate the same food at the same time. I want the evening meal to stay that way, for the most part... But possibly with small changes.
How do you balance it? We all eat healthy food but they have different needs and definitely shouldn't be losing weight...


  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    I think that if everyone has healthy food options and the kids have portion control (they can eat all they want) there's no reason you can't share meals without them being restricted or you overdoing it. I don't do well with bread while dieting so if I was making a family meal that really called for a starch I might just cook a few frozen biscuits for others and not partake. Or some mashed potatoes and I'd just have a small serving. It's really just in the portions. If your family must have your lasagna, have a big salad and a small square yourself while they have big squares and bread sticks (and hopefully a little salad). Or get them to try your new veggie lasagna. Like that.

    I never eat frozen diet meals.
  • Eating for health (which everyone should do) and eating for weight loss (which some people should do) are, for all intents and purposes, the EXACT same thing. Junk food has no place in anyone's diet. Eat healthy food as a family and a healthy family will result. :)
  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    I usually make two side dishes, a veggie and a carb. I just don't eat the carb, or have a very small serving.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I like to consider this a lifestyle change, and for me, I think my kids have benefited. We aren't going to eat fast food 3x a week anymore, etc. I still allow them to have what they like -- I make them chicken nuggets and fries. I have the chicken nuggets cut up into a salad, etc. They may have waffles for breakfast and I have a wrap. But really in the end this has benefited both of us.
  • fhsjewfro
    fhsjewfro Posts: 101 Member
    make healthier choices yourself, then when your kids ask why you arent eating what they are eating, take that as a chance to educate them on nutrition a little. obviously you wouldnt want to beat it in there heads, but just be straight up with them, tell em mommy is trying to lose a little bit of weight to make herself feel better in the long run

    who knows, maybe they will want to eat a bit healthier as well, win-win situation
  • Dethea
    Dethea Posts: 247 Member
    As long as you are providing healthy choices, they should be fine. Don't give them crap to eat, and dinner will be just fine!
  • stephross88
    stephross88 Posts: 846 Member
    Just cook healthier as a whole. It won't hurt the kiddos to eat healthful foods as long as they are getting the nutrition they need. You will be surprised the things your kids will love that you never thought! For example, I made a vegetable pilaf the other night with Quinoa and my 4 year old(picky picky eater) ate it with no complaints! It makes you feel good that they are eating foods that are good for them.
  • I ran into this problem when cooking for my gentleman. He's a meat and potatoes kind of guy and played water polo for a few years so his metabolism can support that. I started eating a healthy snack right before dinner, be it veggies with hummus, a fruit, or a small salad. That way I'm not as hungry for dinner. Also, I started making small changes to cut a few calories out of the meal. I would add more veggies or use low fat options. It's a small change but it helps me be successful and he still likes my cooking.
  • QuirkyPanda
    QuirkyPanda Posts: 44 Member
    Try browsing through the recipes at Skinnytaste.com -- amazing, healthy, and delicious meals for the whole family! :)
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    It's a great question and one I have struggled with for a long time. I want my kids to understand that we eat healthy, not that 'mommy counts calories'. In our house, DH is 'bulking', I'm trying to lose and we have two growing boys (3 & 5). I have found that even though it requires me to cook more food at one time (but leaves left overs for lunches), I'll make generally one 'protein' option say chicken and then a combination of options. DH needs his carbs so we'll have some type of carby starch and a couple options of other sides (ie. veggies/fruits).

    It takes longer sometimes 'during' the process but it has allowed my kids to try 'new to them foods' (like quinoa or asparagus) that normally they may not have attempted. And this way they can just 'try' a little of each without me feeling like because it's the only veggie option that they have to eat a good portion. A couple stems of asparagus, a handful of broccoli and their meals are rounded out. In the end, it makes it easier because I have left overs for myself and DH for lunch thus saving me time the next morning.

    Good luck!
  • jemachharo
    jemachharo Posts: 144 Member
    My hubby and kids each the same food I do. We are all healthier for it. You will never regret teaching your kids a healthy way of eating.
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    Dieting is such a yuck word, I like to consider my transformation a life change.

    I grew up with my mom constantly yo-yo dieting and I don't think that had healthy consequences for me. BUT when she was on a healthy uptick, we all ate healthy food - not diet food. The junk food generally went away and was replaced by fruits and vegetables.

    If you make a healthy change in your life, your family will probably benefit now and in the long run. Your kids would be less likely to have issues with food as they grow up and they learn to eat healthy.
  • Kebby83
    Kebby83 Posts: 232 Member
    My child eats what I eat but she gets to have some treats that I don't. It's funny because I have sugar free jello in the fridge and she doesn't eat it because it's "mommy's after I go to bed" treat!!

    But we eat chicken, pork, a lot of salad and fruit and veggies. She loves dairy products and fruit. As long as it fits in my cals and I portion control - tonight I'm making Beef and beans with biscuits. It's not the most healthy thing but one portion is 338 cals and it's my dinner. She loves it and so does my husband.

    I have never given her soda - she gets it occasionally if my husband has half a can of pepsi she can finish it as a treat or if we are eating out she can have a sprite or a diet root beer or something. She does eat too much candy, I am working on removing it from her diet a little bit. I feel bad for her as I wasn't allowed any dairy products, sugary food, preservatives, E numbers when I was a kid (I was on a special diet for a skin condition) until I was 12 or 13 and when I could eat them I made up for those 13 years without treats.... But I watch other parents just stuff their kids with sugar and treats and soda - I don't do that, so I don't feel too bad about her having some candy and being a kid.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    you just have to try and make little changes...I often make veggies with a meal, knowing that I might be the only one eating them--leftovers go in the fridge for another day. Last weekend I made Sirloin Skewers for me and hubby...I had 4 skewers and a veg, he had 2 skewers and a baked potato...maybe a few veg for him. Last night I made burgers...I had a burger with no bun ( I am low carbing), a slice of cheese, 1C of green beans, and a lime popsicle for dessert. Everyone else had the burger on a bun.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    First, none of my kids are fat but very fit - head and shoulders above 90% of their peers.
    We have 5 kids.
    I make them train and eat what I prepare, and we allow no junk food, soda or TV.
    They indeed carp, and my response is always the same.
    Eat what I make, or eat NOTHING.
    End of story.
    I refuse to raise what I see too much of in American society: fat, underachieving kids who will grow up to be fat, unhappy adults.
    They can hate me now to love me later or whatever. It's not a popularity contest.
    As a parent, I have a job to do.
  • Brizoeller
    Brizoeller Posts: 182 Member
    I buy my son the morningstar farms chik patties and chik nuggets. They are meatless. And healthier in my opinion. I started that at a young age. I also make healthy muffins and he eats those too. He eats what i eat the majority of the time, which as a mom makes me feel good. I make healthy choices so in turn i know that he is starting at an early age with a healthy and balanced diet, which a lot of kids miss out on. Our eating habits are formed when we are young, so i think it's best to start showing them early what it's like to be healthy. Maybe then he won't go through the weight struggles i did as an adolescent. Hope that helps :)
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    Cook healthy meals and everyone has a portion size that is appropriate for them. IE grilled chicken breast and veggies, or a healthy soup.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If you are already serving healthy foods, then I'm not sure I understand the question. Just eat the healthy foods as your calories allow. Assuming your children are not overweight, then let them eat as much of the healthy food as they normally do. Make sure everyone in the family gets plenty of exercise. Easy peasy.

    If the children also need to lose weight, consult their pediatrician. But the general advice is to feed them normal servings of healthy foods and let the weight even itself out, rather than putting them on a "diet".
  • lkplibra
    lkplibra Posts: 147 Member
    I agree with the general consensus. Making healthy dinners for the family will benefit you and the kids. Your portions should be smaller (if they kids are very young, the kids serving and yours may be the same size.)

    One of my favorite family meals is grilled cheese. My kids (5 & 3) and I each have a half sandwich with a side of fresh seasonal fruit. The kids have a glass of milk and I have a perrier.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    My son is 2 and has the same needs I do: wholesome food. I make food, I put food on the plates, we eat. I don't understand how his meals should differ from mine. I'm teaching him a lifetime of fruits, veggies, and baked meats. He eats whatever we put in front of him, because that's always been what's available.