Motivation that only lasts a day..



  • SingeSange
    SingeSange Posts: 98 Member
    This always happens, my motivation seriously only lasts a day - two days max.

    Then I say I can't do it.

    Then I spend a week depressed about what I look like and how I feel.

    Does anyone else have this problem ?

    My motivation can last a little longer than a couple days, but I totally get what you're saying.
    I blog and journal about the way that I'm feeling, and on those days when I totally don't want to "be good" anymore I can read what I said before to hopefully remind me that when I eat well, I do feel better. Because of health issues I can't exercise often, but when I used to be able to, I felt so awesome after working-out, that on the days I didn't want to do, if I reminded myself that I would feel better once I finished it usually helped.
    And there's always those days (or 2 or 3) when nothing helps and it's easier to go back to the old ways of eating, etc.
    Even then, try to remind yourself that this is a journey, and a difficult one!! If it were easy, no one in the world would be overweight.
    Don't give up on yourself!!
    Take it one day at a time, and hopefully before you know it, you'll be able to go a whole week being motivated. : )
    Good luck!!
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    You could start with easier goals and easier exercise/diet "targets". I mean, if you were eating 3000 cals a day, just knocking off 500 calories would make some difference. And if you were doing zero exercise, walking 30 minutes a day (eg getting off the bus 3 stops early for each journey), then that'd make a difference.

    When you plateau, then adjust things again as you'll be used to the calorie deficit and exercise demands by then.

    Also, try joining a class of some sort whether it's at the gym or something more fun like a sport eg tennis or activity such as dancing.

    Losing weight/getting fit doesn't have to be a struggle.
  • thebaconbeast
    thebaconbeast Posts: 560 Member
    Envision the future and the benefits you will receive from your persistence of trying to improve your persona and lifestyle, you need to ask yourself do I really want this and the hardships that will come with it? You'll probably answer yes and feel a genuine want to do it, but deep inside something within you will not be prepared to take that extra step towards the unknown and difficult. You need to understand that nothing worthwhile is ever going to happen instantly it will require input.

    Personally each day I set myself challenges to do things I've never done before , the challenges are often not that major and may only stretch my abilities a little but it keeps me in the mind-set of trying to improve myself daily.

    Mentality is one of the hardest parts: you can ruin a whole days’ worth of calorie counting with a time frame of less than 10 minutes.

    Do you want your hard work to be thrown away just like that or are going take control? Fortunately the choice is yours.
  • geechegal
    geechegal Posts: 29 Member
    :flowerforyou: Here are good tips that I follow. Remember, life is more involved than just losing weight, you have to look at the big picture. You have to be ready to organize your WHOLE LIFE. When I view your posts you have spent a lot of time on the negative side. Vocalizing negativity only confirms its existence.

    Your first step is to design a healthy program for yourself. GO OUT AND BUY A BEAUTIFUL JOURNAL WITH A BEAUTIFUL PATTERN AND SAY "THIS IS MY HEALTH JOURNAL". Write absolutely everything in it, keep it with you at all times like you do your cell phone.

    1. Big muscled women are not walking the streets in droves. Looking good in a dress with a little toning looks so much better than a flabby skinny person. Lifting weights increases bone mass and calcium production, which we women need throughout all of our lives, and keeps our joints flexible. Dont think of it as weight lifting, think of it as strength training. It takes a very long time to get "bulky" and this wont happen to you unless you are a compettitve bodybuilder.

    2. Doing high impact cardio for an obese person can be next to impossible if you are in a lot of pain. Think about beginners pilates or yoga or something similar. Learn these positions and do them while you are watching a movie to pass the time. Then pick up the pace. This helps to increase your flexibility until you are ready to do high impact.

    3. As far as money is concerned don't buy another exercise video. Use what you already have!! All of them are good because each one of them has the goal of getting your body in motion. And don't be ashamed to cut those coupons girl. Planning your shopping trips will help you to meal plan and not over eat. After you grocery shop, prepare a menu for breakfast lunch and dinner for the week and stick it on your refrigerator.

    4. Finally, I know that you have friends. Pick one or two people who dont mind your texting them everyday or two about your weightloss. Whenever you drop a pound send that proud text and let them be your local support. Maybe they will get motivated and drop a few pounds themselves.
    Good Luck and Stay positive:smile:
  • stickwithme
    stickwithme Posts: 46 Member
    This always happens, my motivation seriously only lasts a day - two days max.

    You only need to be motivated for one day: today!

    Actually, I have "cycles of motivation", too. I'm just starting back after losing track for a couple of weeks. One thing I've learned to do is to stop being hard on myself, or depressed about it when it does happen, because that only makes things worse and I end up eating even more because I feel bad about it !! I think it's really important to remember that we're not perfect and accept that things don't go absolutely perfectly absolutely every time!

    I've also noticed that, even when I'm not logging and keeping track, because I'm not beating myself up about it, I'm actually not doing as badly as I think. I guess that keeping track online trains your brain to do it automatically and so you learn to readjust.

    Anyway, keep at it, you'll get there. Stick to it just for today!
  • RiannonC
    RiannonC Posts: 145 Member
    This might sound weird but I have to make sure I cut myself slack in some other areas so that I stay strong with my motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle. For example, if I have eaten really healthily that day, am starting to get mentally worn out, and know I should clean my kitchen but don't want to, then I ignore the kitchen and go read a book. When I try to push myself hard in all areas of my life, it never works. I have to save my best efforts for my highest priorities.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    You can do it! We'll be your cheerleaders.
  • bridge8985
    I'm the same way... mine lasts about a week or two though. I recently just made it through my first dip in motivation though. If you have skinny pictures or fat pictures, find some that will motivate you and maybe write out a letter to yourself about how you're feeling. Being reflective really helps me. I'm still kind of a newbie, but here are some tips:

    1. Make MFP your home page- someone posted this on here before and it helps me tremendously.
    2. Get a routine with your food so that even if you're not motivated to work out, you can still eat the same thing and stay within your calories (this helps me, but some people hate eating the same thing every day).
    3. Find someone to check in with you.
    4. Motivational quotes or songs?

    Not much, but hope it helps :)
  • imcatbear
    imcatbear Posts: 38
    This might sound weird but I have to make sure I cut myself slack in some other areas so that I stay strong with my motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle. For example, if I have eaten really healthily that day, am starting to get mentally worn out, and know I should clean my kitchen but don't want to, then I ignore the kitchen and go read a book. When I try to push myself hard in all areas of my life, it never works. I have to save my best efforts for my highest priorities.

    Excellent advice :) I'll be sure to use it.
  • emily_fox
    emily_fox Posts: 62 Member
    Take that little voice in your head that tells you that you can't do it, and drop kick it out the window. Then take that voice that pushes you to strive for your best and inflate it. Amplify it. Make it so enormous that there is no room for the negativity to return. You are worth this and worth every single bit of effort that you put into it! Keep telling yourself that.

    It isn't that you can't, it's that you tell yourself that you can't. Keep pushing. You can be your own worst enemy, or your own source of strength.

    You CAN and WILL do this!

    OH MY GOSH. This. This is exactly how I approach it. After many attempts and fails with consistent working out, there comes a point where you have no choice but to say, "do it, there is NO reason not to". On the days where I'm real tired, I try to do as much as I can, it's always better than nothing. Also, it helps when if you do fall of the horse, don't dwell on it, just get right back on, because the more you skip days the easier it becomes.